[Grace Toll Hall, Scripps College, Claremont]

T. S.Eliot
B-11 Eliot House
6 December 1932
My dear Dove,

In my last letter I gave you a Selection of facts – and now I cannot remember just which fact I omitted. I think that I told you what I knew about the meeting at 27 Marlborough Street – sinceDrinkwater, JohnBird in Hand;a1 then I have sent you a copy of my paper there delivered. IHalls, the;a1Hall, Richard ('Dick') WalworthHalls, theHall, Amy GozzaldiHalls, the cannotHall, Amy Gozzaldiaccompanies TSE to Bird in Hand;a3 remember whether I told you that after returning to Cambridge I went to the Halls’ (11 Hawthorn St.) for supper, then repaired to the Cambridge Dramatic with them – DickHall, Richard ('Dick') Walworth;a2 put on overalls and cursing a good deal behaved as stage director; Amy and I took seats near the front behind a row of white haired ladies knitting as usual: theMagruder, Calverton stage;a1 play a light comedy of Drinkwater’s, the ‘Bird in Hand’:1 one Stanley, English by birth, in principal role as the public house keeper; Katherine Day as his wife; a law professor named Magruder2 as the principal comedian, Carl Putnam as a Barrister – and very good (Mr. Godolphin K.C.) except that barristers don’t usually wear morning coats when motoring alone in lonely country districts, a very young lady named Jane Shear as the soubrette (it’s said that she wants to go on the Stage, but no great talent visible). On the whole, quite well done, and the old ladies were pleased. Ginger ale afterwards, and I slipped back to bed. FridayOldham, Joseph;a4 lunched with J. H. Oldham, over from London for a few weeks on Missionary business – pleasant to talk to an old London friend – onHuxley, Julianpops in on TSE;a2 Thursday JulianMerriman, Roger Bigelow;a5 Huxley came in to see me with Merriman, just before I left for King’s Chapel – you see how confused everything is – as I have said before, Julian is not nearly the person that Aldous is; onCharles Eliot Norton Lectures (afterwards The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism)'The Classical Tradition: Dryden on Johnson' (afterwards 'The Age of Dryden');b8TSE on the lecture itself;a1 Friday gave lecture no. 3 – on Dryden to Johnson in the evening – hall quite full – was told that it was just as good as previous, but managed to slip out quickly. ShallCharles Eliot Norton Lectures (afterwards The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism)'The Theories of Coleridge and Wordsworth' (afterwards 'Wordsworth and Coleridge');b9TSE wonders at audience for;a2 be interested to see if the hall is as full to hear me on Wordsworth & Coleridge on Friday next. On Saturday interviewed a student in the morning; calledLovejoy, Arthur O.;a4 on A. O. Lovejoy in the afternoon; suppedEliot, Marion Cushing (TSE's sister)hosts birthday party for Margaret;b6 atEliot, Margaret Dawes (TSE's sister)celebrates 61st birthday at Marion's;b5 Marion’s for a party for Margaret’s birthday (61) in the evening.

On Sunday, afterSociety of Saint John the Evangelist, Cambridge, Mass.TSE attends early Mass at;a2 Mass at the Cowley House, did not go in to church to Boston, but worked on my lecture. WentMrs Hardingwhom she charms and baffles;a3 to lunch with Mrs. Harding at 1:30. I find her very attractive – handsome, ladylike, and full of admiration for you – could not understand what an intellectual person like you could find interesting in her – nevertheless, had intelligent observations. I did not have much intimate conversation with her, as she had two tall (and one particularly, well bred) sons present. I don’t know quite where she fits in, but I do feel that she is a good friend to you, and one to be trusted. I don’t think she is quite clear as to why you are a superior person whom she admires – I do not suppose her mental processes are altogether conscious: but she is quite certain that you are; are [sc. and] I felt that she is quite to be trusted. I should like to see her again, and talk more privately.

LateHinkleys, the;c8 afternoon, looked in at the Hinkleys, as a matter of duty, so as to let them talk about the Play – asSheffields, theNorton Lectures practised on;a6 I observed to Ada later (where I went to supper) if one had anything to conceal, the Hinkleys would be the least difficult people in the world to conceal it from, as they do not suffer from inquisitiveness, being so preoccupied with their own affairs. QuiteHinkley, Eleanor Holmes (TSE's first cousin)Dear Jane;g5well reviewed in certain quarters;a5 in high feather, owing partly to Stark Young’s favourable review in the New Republic3 – Ada observes that the fact that the best reviews of the play have come from the more radical papers might even affect the Hinkley attitude towards politics. Then to Ada’s and read them the nearly completed Lecture 4 (now complete, and shall read to them tomorrow night).

TodayCharles Eliot Norton Lectures (afterwards The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism)'The Theories of Coleridge and Wordsworth' (afterwards 'Wordsworth and Coleridge');b9finished;a3 finished lecture, and then wrote 13 letters (manyBoston Evening Transcriptprofiles TSE;a2 moreBoston Heraldinterviews TSE;a1 to write tomorrow; interviewed the Herald and the Transcript together,4 thenPerkinses, thetheir dinner-guests dismissed by TSE;b9 dressed hurriedly to go to our aunt’s dinner. ItPerrys, the;a3Perry, Rachel BerensonPerrys, thePerry, Ralph BartonPerrys, the was a grand dinner: the Perrys, the Bp, of E. Massachusetts & Mrs. Sherrill and Pres. Lowell. The last I had met the previous night at the Phi Beta Kappa dinner, which I attended because I understood that all Norton lecturers had done. I had to make a brief speech, partly humorous; but I cannot tell you how good it was, because until I hear from someone else I do not know. LowellLowell, Abbott Lawrenceon further inspection;a4 is a queer little Yankee (with a perfect accent just like Waddy Longfellow’s); but I don’t really take to him; he is too genial, and a very impersonal geniality at that; he only seems at ease when telling a funny story – I have a little Lowell blood myself, so I blush for him.* BishopSherrill, Henry Knoxinscrutable;a1 Sherrill5 I could not make out at all: he is not anything like what I know as a bishop. BlissPerry, Blissantithetical to TSE;a1 Perry is not so bad, though I am sure he stands for a good deal of what I abominate: but I think your aunt and uncle more and more lovable. Besides, there are moments when your aunt looks extraordinarily [**] like you; and I am sure that she has a sense of humour. IWare, Mary Leedisparaged by TSE;a7 must confess that Miss Mary Ware strikes me as one of those totally useless people who make me feel Red: of course you will feel that it is wicked of me.

I seem to have so much Diary (as I call it) that I have no time to write of anything else. But I hope to write less diariarily [sic] between Friday night and Saturday morning.


* I notice he never meets one[']s eye.

[**] No not extraordinarily but rather, very

1.John Drinkwater, Bird in Hand (1927).

2.CalvertMagruder, Calvert Magruder (1893–1968); Professor of Law, Harvard, 1925–39; later a federal judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals.

3.Stark Young reviewed Eleanor Holmes Hinkley’s play Dear Jane – produced at the Civic Repertory Theatre, New York, with Josephine Hutchinson as Jane Austen; Eva Le Gallienne as Cassandra – in New Republic, 30 Nov. 1932, 72.

4.KarlBoston Evening Transcriptprofiles TSE;a2 Schriftgiesser, ‘Mr. T. S. Eliot Wants to Know What Is This Americanism He Has Repudiated’, Boston Evening Transcript, Weds., 7 Dec. 1932, 8: ‘Mr. T. S. Eliot, poet and critic, whose tri-partite creed of royalism, Catholicism, and classicism has made him a target for such a critic as Rebecca West and has won him the warm-hearted defence of Paul Elmer More of Princeton, sat yesterday in his room in Eliot House, Harvard, and gave his first newspaper interview since his return to his native land after several years of exile in England.

‘He was wearing a checked shirt and plaid tie, the latter loosely looped. His tan low shoes, his thin, black-rimmed glasses, the brown checked suit he was wearing carelessly, were all reminiscent of St John’s Wood in London where he makes his home. HesmokingChesterfields;a6 looked the part of the literary man, his long, white fingers toying with a Chesterfield cigarette as he sat in a comfortable chair in [a] room where an almost painful orderliness was the rule. His English accent his carefully chosen words, his hesitant phrases all added to the feeling that Mr Eliot lives a life as carefully arranged as the form of his own precisely right essays on Dryden or Donne.

‘A small book case at one and [sc. end] of the room was filled with new books. The couch at one side was covered with neat piles of letters. On a desk was a portable typewriter and a telephone. On another table, where he had been working just before the interview, were proof sheets of a new assay [sic] bearing his by line [sic] and a book he had been reading, “Our Concern with the Theology of Crisis,” by Walter Lowrie.

‘Asked, naturally, if he was enjoying his return to Harvard, of which he is a graduate, the visiting Norton lecturer of poetry said “Very much, indeed. But,” with a smile, “It is not a life of leisure and seclusion.” Leisure was “lessure,” as he said it.

‘Almost immediately after the interview started he began a defense of himself, and his alleged attitude of negation towards modern life.

‘“I am aware,” he said, choosing his words as carefully as a diplomat in the presence of a foreign inquisitor. “I am aware of being accused of adopting an attitude of retreat from, or evasion of, modern problems. But I do not see that there is any deliberate repudiation of my Americanism involved, although I have been accused of repudiating America, also. What is Americanism? I would that critics might be able to formulate a definition of Americanism universally agreed upon by Americans. Several things that have been said about my repudiation have nothing to do with Americanism one way or another. Youroyalism;a2n must remember that many of my essays were not addressed to New York but to an English public. MyEnglandwhich is not a repudiation of America;a6n affirmation of royalism is not directed against the form of Government here. What I have said about ecclesiastical affairs is only directly applicable to England. There is no more reason to say I have repudiated America by living in England and writing for Englishmen than there is in saying it about any writer who chooses to live abroad.”

‘“My essays, however, require a good deal of reinterpretation for American readers,” Mr Eliot modestly admitted.

‘When he was asked for some statement regarding the America he has found since his return after exile he said, “I knew America well enough before I went to England to know that I cannot make any rash generalizations from what I have seen in one locality – especially eastern Massachusetts!”

‘It was suggested that perhaps his visit might inspire him to write another “The Waste Land,” a poem generally accepted as an indictment of modern American life and written shortly after he was graduated from Harvard.

‘“You mustn’t take it for granted that anything will produce a poem,” was his answer to that.

‘Talking about modern poetry Mr Eliot, who has been credited by many critics, including Max Eastman and Edmund Wilson, with having had untold influence on modern versifiers, said: “I think that there is much more interesting verse being written in both countries, England and America, than there was twenty-five years ago. There is a wider and more intelligent interest in poetry. Up to the time I left Harvard very little poetry had been written that had any influence at all. If you take the most eminent poets you will find that they have done some fine work recently. But of course you never get a steady upgrade. Poetry is being kept alive, though, and that’s the main thing. There are poets now beginning to write who are doing different kind of work from that done by myself and my contemporaries.”

‘Asked to name some of these poets, he refused. “It might be unfair,” he said, “to those omitted and it might give a false valuation to those I named.”

‘A Precarious Age

‘Would be [sc. he] predict the immediate future of poetry? “No. This is an interesting and precarious age in which most predictions have proved wrong about everything.”

‘On his bookshelf were some new books, including “The Liberation of American Literature” by V. F. Calverton, a book of criticism and literary history approached, according to the critics, from the point of view of a thorough-going Marxist.

‘“A very interesting book,” said Mr Eliot, whose comments on his contemporaries are rare. “I am very much interested in books of that type. But I feel that Calverton has written about American literature before he has thoroughly digested it. He gives the impression of being interested in literature to prove a thesis rather than for literature’s own sake.”

‘Asked if he felt such a book had dangerous implications in its insistence that literature of the future must, to survive, spring from the working class, the royalist–classicist said, “I don’t care if it is dangerous or not if it is true. I don’t believe it is true.”

‘EdmundWilson, Edmund 'Bunny'as critic;a1n Wilson, he said, he felt was a better critic. Whether this author of “Axel’s Castle,” a book in which there is a long and acute estimate of Mr Eliot as poet and critic, is sound in his economic and sociological theories, he having recently become a noted leader of the leftward movement in American criticism, Mr Eliot did not know nor care.

‘“He had proved himself a highly intelligent critic in the past. His background is sound,” he said.

‘And then Miss Rebecca West was mentioned. When Mr Eliot sailed for America this eminent English anti-humanist critic, who is noted for her outspoken criticism of her contemporaries, issued a blast against him. She warned America that he was a dangerous man, that his negative qualities were insidious, and she feared for American letters if he were listened to too closely.

‘Unfortunately only echoes of her blast had been heard by Mr Eliot. “I have not seen it,” he said, “but I deprecate any insistence on self-consciousness in literature. If Americans have to try always to be as American as possible that will only end by spoiling the fruit.

‘I trust Miss West is not apprehensive of my attempts to overthrow the Constitution of the United States. In any case, whatever she said, she misunderstands my intentions and over-estimates my power.”’

5.HenrySherrill, Henry Knox Knox Sherrill (1890–1980), Episcopal clergyman; Bishop of Massachusetts, 1930–47. Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, 1947–58.

Boston Evening Transcript, profiles TSE, interviews TSE,
Boston Herald, interviews TSE,
Charles Eliot Norton Lectures (afterwards The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism), weekend spent meditating, a task for Lent, contemplated, stimulated by Mirsky, preoccupying TSE, hard-going, outlined, TSE yet to begin, unsatisfactory, 'The Relation of Criticism and Poetry' (afterwards 'Introduction'), TSE preparing, and the Charles Norton references, hard-going, a week's toil over, TSE on giving the lecture, EH promised copy, 'Poetry and Criticism in the Time of Elizabeth' (afterwards 'Apology for the Countess of Pembroke'), so far promising, finished, TSE on giving the lecture, 'The Classical Tradition: Dryden on Johnson' (afterwards 'The Age of Dryden'), TSE on the lecture itself, 'The Theories of Coleridge and Wordsworth' (afterwards 'Wordsworth and Coleridge'), TSE immersed in, TSE wonders at audience for, finished, TSE's jokes lost on audience, 'The practice of Shelley and Keats' (afterwards 'Shelley and Keats'), TSE on giving the lecture, 'Arnold and the Academic Mind' (afterwards 'Matthew Arnold'), unprepared with less than two weeks, completed the morning of lecture, 'The Modern Mind', as yet unfinished, TSE on giving the lecture, 'Conclusion', TSE on giving the lecture, TSE's immediate reflections on, being revised for publication, improved by Sheff's criticisms, in proof, copy inscribed to EH, Maritain on, seem intemperate on further reflection,
Drinkwater, John, Bird in Hand,
Eliot, Margaret Dawes (TSE's sister), not a suitable confidant, scandalised by Henry's detective story, threatens to visit England, compared to VHE, wishes to arrange TSE's birthday party, remote from TSE, TSE and Henry visit, TSE dreads visiting Uncle Rob with, drains TSE, takes TSE to hear spirituals, her history, amazes TSE by attending Norton lecture, celebrates 61st birthday at Marion's, remembered in St. Louis, unwanted presence on holiday, reason for avoiding Boston, supported Landon over FDR, in response to 1930s controversies, compared to Irene Hale, imposes on Henry, tends to monologue, her reclusive hotel existence, Henry describes moving house for, her condition, TSE leaves money with, Thanksgiving with, efforts to support financially, death, funeral, TSE's final visit to,

6.MargaretEliot, Margaret Dawes (TSE's sister) Dawes Eliot (1871–1956), TSE's second-oldest sister sister, resident in Cambridge, Mass. In an undated letter (1952) to his Harvard friend Leon M. Little, TSE wrote: ‘Margaret is 83, deaf, eccentric, recluse (I don’t think she has bought any new clothes since 1900).’

Eliot, Marion Cushing (TSE's sister), described, her reading habits, not a suitable confidant, TSE reflects on reunion with, Symphony concerts with TSE, to the cinema with TSE, delighted with first Norton lecture, recommends TSE hairdresser for baldness, attends second Norton lecture, hosts birthday party for Margaret, remembered in St. Louis, worried by Dodo's manner, TSE's pride in, vigilant on TSE's health, on Randolph family holiday, congratulates TSE on separation, 1934 summer in England with Dodo, July arrival anticipated, arrangements for, visit to Chipping Campden, off to Salisbury, walks to Kelmscott, returns from Winchester, forces Regent's Park on TSE, excessively humble, next to Ada in TSE's affections, protects TSE from overbearing Hinkleys, supported Landon over FDR, co-hosts Murder party, 1939 summer in England with Dodo, trip in doubt, Southwold week planned, due 19 June, taken to Dulwich, ballet and dinner with, Southwold holiday with, given to post-lunch naps, sends Christmas supplies to Shamley, as correspondent, easiest Eliot in Ada's absence, experiences crisis, importance as sister, Henry's fondness for, devoutly Unitarian, ignorant of Henry's true condition, undernourished, abortive 1948 summer in England, cancelled, which comes as relief, hosts family dinner-party, letter about Nobel Prize to, TSE leaves money with, 1949 visit to England with Dodo, June arrival anticipated, plans for, EH bids 'bon voyage', visit to Cambridge, return from Southwold, Borders tour, Basil Street Hotel stay, Thanksgiving with, reports on Dr Perkins's funeral, efforts to support financially, tethered to Margaret, joins TSE in St. Louis, 1954 trip to England with Dodo, visit to Ely and Cambridge, in light of Margaret's death, invoked against EH, TSE to Theresa on,

1.Marian/MarionEliot, Marion Cushing (TSE's sister) Cushing Eliot (1877–1964), fourth child of Henry Ware Eliot and Charlotte Eliot: see Biographical Register.

England, TSE as transatlantic cultural conduit for, discomforts of its larger houses, and Henry James, at times unreal, TSE's patriotic homesickness for, which is not a repudiation of America, TSE's want of relations in, encourages superiority in Americans familiar with, reposeful, natural ally of France, compared to Wales, much more intimate with Europe than America, TSE on his 'exile' in, undone by 'Dividend morality', in wartime, war binds TSE to, post-war, post-war privations, the English, initially strange to TSE, contortions of upward mobility, comparatively rooted as a people, TSE more comfortable distinguishing, the two kinds of duke, TSE's vision of wealthy provincials, its Tories, more blunt than Americans, as congregants, considered racially superior, a relief from the Scottish, don't talk in poetry, compared to the Irish, English countryside, around Hindhead, distinguished, the West Country, compared to New England's, fen country, in primrose season, the English weather, cursed by Joyce, suits mistiness, preferred to America's, distinguished for America's by repose, relaxes TSE, not rainy enough, English traditions, Derby Day, Order of Merit, shooting, Varsity Cricket Match, TSE's dislike of talking cricket, rugby match enthralls, the death of George V, knighthood, the English language, Adlestrop, Gloucestershire, visited by EH and TSE, Amberley, West Sussex, ruined castle at, Arundel, West Sussex, TSE's guide to, Bath, Somerset, TSE 'ravished' by, EH visits, Bemerton, Wiltshire, visited on Herbert pilgrimage, Blockley, Gloucestershire, tea at the Crown, Bosham, West Sussex, EH introduced to, Bridport, Dorset, Tandys settled near, Burford, Oxfordshire, EH staying in, too hallowed to revisit, Burnt Norton, Gloucestershire, TSE remembers visiting, and the Cotswolds, its imagined fate, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, less oppressive than Oxford, TSE's vision of life in, possible refuge during Blitz, Charlbury, Oxfordshire, visited by EH and TSE, Chester, Cheshire, TSE's plans in, TSE on, Chichester, West Sussex, the Perkinses encouraged to visit, EH celebrates birthday in, TSE's guide to, 'The Church and the Artist', TSE gives EH ring in, Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire, Perkinses take house at, shockingly remote, TSE's first weekend at, likened to Florence, TSE jealous of memories associated with, its Arts & Crafts associations, its attractions to Dr Perkins, forever associated with TSE and EH, sound of the Angelus, without EH, treasured in TSE's memory, excursions from, EH on 'our' garden at, Stamford House passes into new hands, EH's fleeting return to, Cornwall, TSE's visit to, compared to North Devon, Cotswolds, sacred in TSE's memory, Derbyshire, as seen from Swanwick, Devon ('Devonshire'), likened to American South, the Eliots pre-Somerset home, its scenery, Dorset, highly civilised, TSE feels at home in, TSE's Tandy weekend in, Durham, TSE's visit to, East Anglia, its churches, TSE now feels at home in, East Coker, Somerset, visited by Uncle Chris and Abby, TSE conceives desire to visit, reasons for visiting, described, visited again, and the Shamley Cokers, now within Father Underhill's diocese, photographs of, Finchampstead, Berkshire, visited by TSE and EH, specifically the Queen's Head, Framlingham, Suffolk, visited, Garsington, Oxfordshire, recalled, Glastonbury, Somerset, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, Gloucestershire, highly civilised, its beautiful edge, its countryside associated with EH, TSE at home in, its domestic architecture, Hadsleigh, Suffolk, visited, Hampshire, journey through, TSE's New Forest holiday, Hereford, highly civilised, Hull, Yorkshire, and 'Literature and the Modern World', Ilfracombe, Devon, and the Field Marshal, hideous, Knole Park, Kent, Lavenham, Suffolk, visited, Leeds, Yorkshire, TSE lectures in, touring Murder opens in, the Dobrées visited in, home to EVE's family, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, TSE's visit to, especially the Bishop's Palace, Lincolnshire, arouses TSE's curiosity, unknown to EH, Lingfield, Surrey, Little Gidding, Cambridgeshire, TSE's long-intended expedition to, London, in TSE's experience, TSE's isolation within, affords solitude and anonymity, contrasted to country life, its fogs, socially freer than Boston and Paris, eternally misty, its lionhunters, rain preferable in, more 'home' to TSE than America, socially more legible than Boston, its society compared to Boston's, TSE's desire to live among cockneys, South Kensington too respectable, Clerkenwell, Camberwell, Blackheath, Greenwich scouted for lodging, its comparatively vigorous religious life, Camberwell lodging sought, Clerkenwell lodging sought, and music-hall nostalgia, abandoned by society in August, the varieties of cockney, TSE's East End sojourn, South Kensington grows on TSE, prepares for Silver Jubilee, South Kensington street names, Dulwich hallowed in memory, so too Greenwich, during 1937 Coronation, preparing for war, Dulwich revisited with family, in wartime, TSE as air-raid warden in, Long Melford, Suffolk, Lowestoft, Suffolk, Lyme Regis, Dorset, with the Morleys, Marlborough, Wiltshire, scene of a happy drink, Needham Market, Suffolk, Newcastle, Northumberland, TSE's visit to, Norfolk, appeals to TSE, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, dreary, Nottinghamshire, described for EH, Oxford, Oxfordshire, as recollected by TSE, past and present, EH takes lodgings in, haunted for TSE, in July, compared to Cambridge, Peacehaven, Sussex, amazing sermon preached in, Penrith, TSE's visit to, Rochester, as Dickens described, Salisbury, Wiltshire, in the Richmonds' company, Shamley Green, Surrey, TSE's ARP work in, its post office, Pilgrim Players due at, Somerset, highly civilised, TSE at home in, Southwold, Suffolk, TSE visits with family, Stanton, Gloucestershire, on TSE and EH's walk, Stanway, Gloucestershire, on EH and TSE's walk, Suffolk, TSE visits with family, Surrey, Morley finds TSE lodging in, evening bitter at the Royal Oak, TSE misses, as it must have been, Sussex, commended to EH, TSE walking Stane Street and downs, EH remembers, Walberswick, Suffolk, Wells, Somerset, TSE on visiting, Whipsnade, Bedfordshire, EH and TSE visit, Whitchurch Canonicorum, Dorset, delightful name, Wiltshire, highly civilised, TSE at home in, Winchelsea, East Sussex, visited, Winchester, TSE on, Wisbech, Lincolnshire, TSE on visiting, Worcestershire, TSE feels at home in, Yeovil, Somerset, visited en route to East Coker, York, TSE's glimpse of, Yorkshire,
Hall, Amy Gozzaldi, shares theatrical reminiscences with TSE, playing opposite TSE in 1912–13, accompanies TSE to Bird in Hand, hosts TSE and old friends,
see also Halls, the

2.RichardHall, Richard ('Dick') Walworth Walworth Hall (1889–1966), who graduated from Harvard in 1910 and gained his LL.B from Boston University in 1913, was a lawyer. He shared TSE’s passion for small boat sailing. Hall and hisHall, Amy Gozzaldi wife Amy Gozzaldi Hall (d. 1981) lived at 11 Hawthorn Street, Cambridge, Mass. Both of them greatly enjoyed amateur dramatics: see Richard W. Hall, ‘Recollections of the Cambridge Social Dramatic Club’, The Proceedings of the Cambridge Historical Society 38 (1959–60), 51–66. InHall, Amy Gozzaldiplaying opposite TSE in 1912–13;a2n 1912–13Cummings, Edward Estlin ('E. E.')Second Footman to TSE's Lord Bantock;a1n, Amy had played the part of Fanny – new wife to TSE’s Lord Bantock (of Bantock Hall, Rutlandshire) – in the Cambridge Social Dramatic Club production of Jerome K. Jerome’s The New Lady Bantock or Fanny and the Servant Problem (1909): see letter to Eleanor Hinkley, 3 Jan. 1915. The Second Footman in that production had been played by E. E. Cummings (1894–1962), poet, novelist, playwright and artist.

Hall, Richard ('Dick') Walworth,
see also Halls, the

2.RichardHall, Richard ('Dick') Walworth Walworth Hall (1889–1966), who graduated from Harvard in 1910 and gained his LL.B from Boston University in 1913, was a lawyer. He shared TSE’s passion for small boat sailing. Hall and hisHall, Amy Gozzaldi wife Amy Gozzaldi Hall (d. 1981) lived at 11 Hawthorn Street, Cambridge, Mass. Both of them greatly enjoyed amateur dramatics: see Richard W. Hall, ‘Recollections of the Cambridge Social Dramatic Club’, The Proceedings of the Cambridge Historical Society 38 (1959–60), 51–66. InHall, Amy Gozzaldiplaying opposite TSE in 1912–13;a2n 1912–13Cummings, Edward Estlin ('E. E.')Second Footman to TSE's Lord Bantock;a1n, Amy had played the part of Fanny – new wife to TSE’s Lord Bantock (of Bantock Hall, Rutlandshire) – in the Cambridge Social Dramatic Club production of Jerome K. Jerome’s The New Lady Bantock or Fanny and the Servant Problem (1909): see letter to Eleanor Hinkley, 3 Jan. 1915. The Second Footman in that production had been played by E. E. Cummings (1894–1962), poet, novelist, playwright and artist.

Hinkley, Eleanor Holmes (TSE's first cousin), announces presence in London, TSE regrets speaking lightly of, un-deracinated, compared to TSE, TSE shares EH's frustrations with, less perceptive than her mother, gives party for Eva Le Gallienne, unworldly, theatrical success might improve, takes TSE to football match, dances with TSE, at second Norton lecture, as EH's friend, unflattering photograph of, and EH attend American Murder, suspected of writing by the book, to Aunt Susie as Hope Mirrlees to Mappie, pursues adult education, prejudices TSE against George Baker, cossetted, TSE feels remote from, explodes two Stearns family myths, reportedly writing novel, and life after Aunt Susie, turned carer, passes up EH's invitation, recollected as girl, TSE attempts to lure to England, her impersonality, invites TSE to stay in Boston, reports on Margaret's funeral, TSE's improved relations with, as 1956 hostess, reports on EH, informs EH of TSE's health, engineers correspondence between EVE and EH, adaptation of Emma, central to TSE falling for EH, Charlotte Brontë play, TSE presents to London Play Company, TSE's verdict on, compared to Dear Jane, Dear Jane, to be produced in New York, consumes her, TSE happy to dodge premiere, but hopes to catch over Christmas, well reviewed in certain quarters, White Violets,
see also Hinkleys, the

5.EleanorHinkley, Eleanor Holmes (TSE's first cousin) Holmes Hinkley (1891–1971), playwright; TSE’s first cousin; daughter of Susan Heywood Stearns – TSE’s maternal aunt – and Holmes Hinkley: see Biographical Register.

Hinkleys, the, during TSE's student days, in London, cheerful but somehow stunted, take to Evelyn Underhill and Harriet Weaver, taken on Bloomsbury tour, OM on, TSE reflects on their departure, have never asked after EH's mother, not in TSE's confidence as to EH, at odds with TSE's view of marriage, EH yet to confide in, more conventional than moral, bemuse TSE, their company makes TSE feel wary, outside Ada's confidence, TSE repents of criticising, more intolerant even than TSE, apprised of TSE's separation, ignorant of TSE's feelings for EH, EH explains relationship with TSE to, family drama of Dane babies, supported Landon over FDR, their insularity, their family sclerosis, TSE imagines EH's evening with,
Huxley, Julian, inferior to Aldous, pops in on TSE, at Aldous's for supper, objectionable, lunch in Chicago with,
Lovejoy, Arthur O., unfailingly intelligent,

1.ArthurLovejoy, Arthur O. O. Lovejoy (1873–1962), Berlin-born philosopher; Professor of Philosophy, Washington University, St Louis, 1901–8 – where he became acquainted with the Eliot family – and Professor of Philosophy at Johns Hopkins University, 1910–38; editor of the Journal of the History of Ideas. Author of The Great Chain of Being (1936).

Lowell, Abbott Lawrence, TSE's first impression of, TSE despairs of liking, EP on, on further inspection, TSE's dislike for redoubled, his pronunciation, smugly respectable,

1.AbbottLowell, Abbott Lawrence Lawrence Lowell (1856–1943), educator and legal scholar; President of Harvard University, 1909–33.

Magruder, Calvert, on stage,

2.CalvertMagruder, Calvert Magruder (1893–1968); Professor of Law, Harvard, 1925–39; later a federal judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals.

Merriman, Roger Bigelow, praised, cultivates Oxford manner, arranges underwhelming Republican dinner, Lenten dinner with, TSE comes round to, reunited with TSE in Oxford, supported Landon over FDR,

3.RogerMerriman, Roger Bigelow Bigelow Merriman (1876–1945), the first Master of Eliot House, Harvard, which was opened in 1931. Born in Boston and educated at Harvard (PhD, 1902), he studied also at Balliol College, Oxford, and in Berlin. He was appointed Professor of History at Harvard in 1918. His writings include Life and Letters of Thomas Cromwell (1902), Rise of the Spanish Empire (4 vols, 1918–34) and Suleiman the Magnificent (1944). He was a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a vice-president of the Massachusetts Historical Society; and he received honorary degrees from Oxford, Glasgow and Cambridge. Robert Speaight was to say of him, in The Property Basket: Recollections of a Divided Life (1970), 187: ‘A ripe character and erudite historian of the Spanish Empire, Merriman was Balliol to the backbone. At Oxford he was known as “Lumps” and at Harvard he was known as “Frisky”, and while his appearance suggested the first his ebullience did not contradict the second.’

Mrs Harding, one of EH's few confidants, introduces herself to TSE, whom she charms and baffles,
Oldham, Joseph, lunches with TSE, convenes discussion of contemporary Christianity, at the Unemployment Conference, éminence grise in Council for Life and Work, hearing improved, spearheading anti-Nazi Church movement, puts TSE up to BBC talk, sent TSE's Revelation contribution, which he prizes, organises Lambeth Council, initiates 'Moot', and the Moot, first Moot meeting, bewails mankind, anointed reader of Boutwood Lectures, founds new wartime committee, which meets, sent drafts for CNL, as editor of CNL, views diverge from those of TSE, pleased with TSE's education supplement, needs holiday, convenes education group meeting, propagates yet another religious body, his style, to meet Michael Roberts, Church, Community and State,
see also Oldhams, the

8.JosephOldham, Joseph (‘Joe’) Houldsworth Oldham (1874–1969), missionary, adviser, organiser: see Biographical Register.

Perkinses, the, likely to be interested in An Adventure, compared to Mary Ware, enjoyable dinner at the Ludlow with, take to TSE, TSE desires parental intimacy with, their dinner-guests dismissed by TSE, who repents of seeming ingratitude, TSE confides separation plans to, too polite, questioned as companions for EH, offered English introductions, entertained on arrival in London, seek residence in Chichester, given introduction to G. C. Coulton, take house at Chipping Camden, as Chipping Campden hosts, given introduction to Bishop Bell, TSE entertains at Oxford and Cambridge Club, TSE's private opinion on, TSE encourages EH's independence from, their repressive influence on EH, buy TSE gloves for Christmas, sent Lapsang Souchong on arrival in England, invite TSE to Campden, move apartment, anticipate 1938 English summer, descend on EH in Northampton, and EH's wartime return to America, temporarily homeless, enfeebled, EH forwards TSE teenage letter to, their health, which is a burden, approve EH's permanent Abbot position,
Perry, Bliss, antithetical to TSE, but TSE repents of dismissing, doomed to amuse,

7.BlissPerry, Bliss Perry (1860–1954), critic, author, editor, editor of the Atlantic Monthly, 1899–1909.

Perrys, the,
royalism, and TSE's hypothetical political party,
Sheffields, the, TSE feels able to confide in, save TSE from homesickness, discuss marriage to VHE with TSE, Radcliffe Club paper rehearsed with, Norton Lectures practised on, source of TSE's happiness in Cambridge, Mass., too polite, and the Eliot family Randolph holiday, compared to Marion as confidants, their marriage analysed, on second Randolph family holiday, and TSE's view of FDR, sound on American politics, to receive TSE's South India pamphlet,
Sherrill, Henry Knox, inscrutable, compared to English bishops,

5.HenrySherrill, Henry Knox Knox Sherrill (1890–1980), Episcopal clergyman; Bishop of Massachusetts, 1930–47. Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, 1947–58.

smoking, like a schoolboy, with Jim Clement, despite Mt Holyoke rules, and TSE's definition of 'civilised', a pipe again, Chesterfields, tobacconist to Dr Perkins, cigarettes versus gaspers, birthday cigarettes, JDH's Christmas cigars, bedside cigarettes, French cigarettes versus Ringer's Mild Shag, as practised by Virginia Woolf, pipes from the Tandys, and drinking, French cigarettes, TSE forced to halve intake, against doctor's orders, TSE gives up,
Society of Saint John the Evangelist, Cambridge, Mass., TSE attends early Mass at, St. Andrew's Day observed at,
Ware, Mary Lee, in TSE's recollection, confidant of EH, at West Rindge, travels to Italy, disparaged by TSE, for gilded unworldliness, but TSE repents of disparaging, possibly in Florence, TSE moderates his opinion of, antipathetic to TSE, visited at Rindge, TSE disclaims dislike for, TSE detained from visiting, suffers stroke, dies of second stroke, her will sent to TSE, EH sends memorial for, includes EH in will, and 'the vanished Rindge', her collection of glass flowers,

3.MaryWare, Mary Lee Lee Ware (1858–1937), independently wealthy Bostonian, friend and landlady of EH at 41 Brimmer Street: see Biographical Register.

Wilson, Edmund 'Bunny', as critic, TSE's New York stay with, TSE on, recommended for EH's 'criticism' course, TSE gives lunch for, American Jitters: A Year of the Slump,

3.EdmundWilson, Edmund 'Bunny' ‘Bunny’ Wilson (1895–1972), influential literary critic, cultural commentator and memoirist, worked in the 1920s as managing editor of Vanity Fair; later as associate editor of The New Republic and as a prolific book reviewer. Works include Axel’s Castle: A Study in the Imaginative Literature of 1870–1930 (1931) – which includes a chapter on TSE – The Wound and the Bow: Seven Studies in Literature (1941); and the posthumous Letters on Literature and Politics 1912–1972 (ed. Elena Wilson, 1977).