[c/o Mrs Mackenzie’s, Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire]
YourAmericaWoods Hole, Falmouth, Massachusetts;i2TSE and EH arrange holiday at;a1 note of the 9th arrived more quickly. I got it last night. Welltravels, trips and plansTSE's 1936 American trip;c4TSE's itinerary;b1 then, let it be Woods Hole – andHinkleys, the;e3 I am to expect you to be at the Hinkleys on Monday evening. I don’t know when we shall get in, but I will ring up. Shall I pick you up there in a taxi on Tuesday morning? So we can go to the South Station together? Only 3 days more before that. The weather has improved here, & I hope we shall have sun and warmth with sea breezes.
HenryEliots, the Henryjoin Randolph holiday;a6 & T. arrive tomorrow, just for the weekend.1
1.HenryEliot, Theresa Garrett (TSE's sister-in-law)draws TSE;a2n Eliot to Donald Gallup, 25 Feb. 1937: ‘I am … going to send you a photostat of a drawing that Mrs Eliot [Theresa] made from the photograph of T.S.E. at Randolph, which you have, for the reason that I think the drawing is rather more like him than the photograph. Mrs. Eliot has tried to make portraits of T.S.E. at various times, but has never had a really long enough sitting to get the best results.’