[22 Paradise Rd., Northampton, Mass.]

T. S.Eliot
The Criterion
17 February 1939
My Dear,

1. BusinessMacNeice, Louistouted to Smith College;a4. Would Smith like to have a lecture or a reading from Louis McNeice? [sic] He is quite a good poet, and what is more important, fashionable (what they say now is ‘Auden – Spender – McNeice’ omitting Day Lewis). Did I tell you that he was taking his Easter Vacation from Bedford College, Regents Park, where he teaches Greek to young ladies, by a visit to the States, and that, to help with expenses, IHarvard Universityengages MacNeice at TSE's instance;b4English 26 (Modern English Literature)Harvard University got him an engagement at Harvard and am applying elsewhere? He can leave London on March 18th, and has to be back on April 25th, so you can judge how much time he is likely to have in America, and I don’t know when your Easter vacation comes. I think I can get him an engagement at Wellesley; and he could stop at Northampton between New York and Boston. I am not urging it, but there it is if Smith is interested. HisMacNeice, LouisAutumn Journal;b1 new long poem, which we are publishing in April, is I think very good.1

2. Under separate cover. Don’t be alarmed by the photograph: it is only one of the rejects. IRay, Man'best portraits' now considered 'villainous';a5 got so tired of having the villainous Man Ray portrait shown about that I went to Elliott and Fry, the Faber photographers,2 and had some new ones taken. The only one that is not unpleasant is a simple profile, of which I shall order a copy to be sent to you. – AlsoCriterion, Theletters of condolence;b7 four more letters about the Criterion: one from a German, one from a Frenchman, one from an Englishman, and one from an American Jew.3

3. Enclosed'Liberal Manifesto: The Place of Reason in the Thought of the Church, A';a2. MatterChurch Timesleads on 'A Liberal Manifesto';a8 in the Church Times about the Manifesto of which I showed you earlier drafts.4 (I have a final version to send to you, but it has got buried on my sofa amongst other papers and I can’t find it at the moment). ItSpens, Willand 'A Liberal Manifesto';a9 didSelwyn, Revd Edward Gordon, Dean of Winchester;a5 not have a very good press; and it was a pity that Spens, the prime mover, had left for a rest in South Africa, and Selwyn, the Dean of Winchester, was away and didn’t write; soKnox, Wilfred;a1 that the burden of replying to the Church Times leader devolved upon Wilfred Knox,5 who I think is a pretty light weight, and upon myself, who have no weight at all. I was not altogether satisfied with the manifesto, as I thought it was framed in terms of ten or fifteen years ago, and not in a way to bring out its real significance: as my letter will perhaps insinuate.6

I was glad to hear that you had finally had several letters from me, as I now have yours of the 2th [sic], 7th and 9th February.

AsWestminster Theatre, The, Londonand The Family Reunion;a7 forFamily Reunion, TheMarch 1939 Westminster Theatre production;g3waits on terms;a1 the play, the text has finally been passed for press. NowBrowne, Elliott Martin1939 production of The Family Reunion;c1secures Westminster Theatre production;b7 Martin is in high excitement, as he thinks (he rang me up this evening, a little later Ashley also) that heRedgrave, Michaelagrees to play Harry;a2 has nailed down a production towards the end of March at the Westminster Theatre, with Michael Redgrave (whom we both wanted) as Harry – andAshcroft, Peggyin line to play Mary;a1 possibly Peggy Ashcroft as Mary, etc. AnywayMercury Theatre, London;c2, I am to go to see Ashley and Martin at the Mercury tomorrow at 5, toHall, Anmer;a1 discuss the terms of contract with Anmer Hall,7 who runs the Westminster. The scheme sounded very promising.

Nowtravels, trips and plansEH's 1939 England visit;d5TSE's efforts to coordinate with;a1 about the summer. ISmith, Theodora ('Dodo') Eliot (TSE's niece)and Marion's 1939 visit to England;c1;a1 expectEliot, Marion Cushing (TSE's sister)1939 summer in England with Dodo;d3;a2 Marian and Dodo to sail on the 10th; and you sail on the 14th. I suppose that they will want to stop in London for a bit, so that they will probably be here when you arrive. I shall expect to meet you, and my rooms will be at your disposal. But I ought to be in London for the first week or so after they come. It is all very puzzling, but I think the best thing will be for me to find some place for me to go with them for two weeks, in July or August; and another place for them to go by themselves for another fortnight. That must be fitted in, please, with a fortnight for me in Campden – I should like a fortnight on end – and another week there when it can be fitted, and odd visits of yourself to London. How difficult life is! The best thing for Marian is to be in quiet places in the country or at the seaside, as she gets tired easily in moving about; and maybe Dodo will buzz off elsewhere why [sc. while] I spend my fortnight with Marian. I shall be looking out for two places for them, one perhaps in Suffolk; and one or the other somewhere where I can hire a car to drive them about. Eventravels, trips and planspossible TSE 1939 visit to America;d4shifted to autumn;a3 if you didn’t come, – I mean even if you do – I might come over in the autumn; and have a little more time with you as before, if we can contrive it. I clearly understand the advantages, from your point of view, of a summer in America: I think it might even do your health more good than coming here. – It seems very odd, and exasperating, that I should have to plan three months like a jig-saw puzzle – just in the hope of getting as near as possible to four weeks of days in your company!

There are no Valentines to be bought any longer in England, worth the buying – the good custom lingers longer in America: but I did think of you in that connection – if I had known where to buy a valentine worth sending you, the old-fashioned kind!

Your devoted lover

1.MacNeice, Autumn Journal.

2.Elliott & Fry was a London photography studio, originally at 55 Baker Street, founded in 1863 by Joseph John Elliott (1835–1903) and Clarence Edmund Fry (1840–97).

3.TSEHawkins, A. Desmondmourns The Criterion;a2n postedCournos, Johnmourns The Criterion;a4 personal tributes on the demise of the Criterion from: E. R. CurtiusCurtius, Ernst Robert ('E. R.')mourns The Criterion;a1n (German), Henri FluchèreFluchère, Henrimourns The Criterion;a1 (Frenchman), A. Desmond Hawkins (Englishman), John Cournos (American Jew). He had earlier received, and sent on, letters from Philip Mairet, George Every, Charles Smyth, Janet Roberts, Roger Hinks, Henry G. Finlayson, Hugh Porteus, Kenneth Giddings.

4.‘A Liberal Manifesto: The Place of Reason in the Thought of the Church’, Church Times, 20 Jan., was signed by twenty ecclesiastical and lay figures, including S. C. Carpenter (Dean of Exeter), Leonard Hodgson (Canon of Christ Church and Regius Professor of Moral and Pastoral Theology, Oxford), E. G. Selwyn (Dean of Winchester) and TSE: ‘it is urgently necessary at the present time to give due expression to the Liberal Catholic tradition within the Church of England … [I]f Anglo-Catholicism is to play the part [in resolving divisions] which it might, certain present tendencies must be counteracted in regard alike to worship and to teaching.’ The leading article, ‘A Liberal Manifesto’, questioned whether the declarations, ‘far from being inspired by the spirit of God, are in fact inspired rather by the spirit of unreason and confusion. Faith in spiritual inspiration without any provision for the discernment of spirits is as rash as faith in moral progress without allowance for the devil.’

5.WilfredKnox, Wilfred Knox (1886–1950), Anglican priest, theologian, ecclesiastical historian; brother of E. V. Knox, editor of Punch, and of the priest and author Ronald Knox. Influenced at Rugby School by his friend William Temple, later Archbishop of Canterbury, he worked for the poor in the East End of London and for the Workers’ Educational Association. Ordained in 1925, he was Warden of the Oratory of the Good Shepherd, Cambridge, 1924–40; from 1941, Chaplain and Fellow of Pembroke College, Cambridge. Works include The Development of Modern Catholicism (with Alec Vidler, 1933); St Paul and the Church of the Gentiles (1939).

6.See TSE’s letter, ‘Liberal Manifesto’, Church Times 121 (27 Jan. 1939), 78: CProse 5, 666–7.

7.AnmerHall, Anmer Hall – pseud. of Alderson Burrell Horne (1863–1953) – solicitor, actor-manager (stage name, Waldo Wright) and stage director. He was licensee of the Westminster Theatre, 1931–47. For the Group Theatre in Oct. 1935, he directed Auden’s The Dance of Death.

Ashcroft, Peggy, in line to play Mary, at Merton Hall supper, in The Duchess of Malfi, and The Cocktail Party,

3.PeggyAshcroft, Peggy Ashcroft (1907–91), celebrated British stage actor, was at this time married to the barrister Jeremy Hutchinson (son of TSE’s old friends St John and Mary Hutchinson).

Browne, Elliott Martin, meets TSE at Chichester, production of The Rock, meets TSE over possible collaboration, talks over outline of play, meets TSE with Martin Shaw, delighted with Rock choruses, discusses unwritten pageant scenes with TSE, predicament as The Rock's director, well connected in amateur circles, revising into the night with TSE, argues with Shaw at dress-rehearsal, presented to Prince Arthur, honoured by Rock cast-supper, producing Gordon Bottomley's play, speaks at Londonderry House with TSE, 1935 Canterbury Murder in the Cathedral, approached by TSE to 'produce', consulted throughout composition, goes silent, lunches with TSE and Speaight, directs and acts despite illness, pursues London Murder revival, 1935–6 Mercury Theatre Murder revival, engaged as producer by Dukes, keen that EH attend rehearsals, simultaneously part of BBC production, agrees about Speaight's decline, preferred as producer for TSE's next play, and Charles Williams's Cranmer, in which he plays 'the Skeleton', and TSE attend Tenebrae, taken to Cambridge after-feast, producing York Nativity Play, which TSE thinks Giottoesque, at Savile Club Murder dinner, producing Shakespeare's Dream, and Ascent of F6, and Tewkesbury Festival Murder confusion, 1939 production of The Family Reunion, due to be sent script, weighing TSE's proposal that he produce, enthused by script, suggests TSE see Mourning Becomes Electra, against Family Reunion as title, pleased with draft, quizzed on fire-safety, typescript prepared for, new draft submitted to, rewrite waits on, receives new draft, criticisms thereof, reports John Gielgud interest, mediates between Gielgud and TSE, TSE throws over Gielgud for, secures Westminster Theatre production, steps into company breach, then into still-greater breach, and the play's weaknesses, direction of Family Reunion, receives TSE's Shakespeare lectures, 1938 American Murder tour, re-rehearsing actors for, suffers fit of pre-tour gloom, yet to report from Boston, and Tewkesbury pageant, accompanies TSE to La Mandragola, on Family Reunion's future prospects, and possible Orson Welles interest, war leaves at loose end, advises TSE over next play, war work with Pilgrim Players, unavailable for modern-dress Murder, compared to tempter/knight successor, requests Pilgrim Players' play from TSE, New Plays by Poets series, as director, and This Way to the Tomb, and Family Reunion revival, urges TSE to concentrate on theatre, 1946 Mercury Family Reunion revival, in rehearsal, possible revue for Mercury Theatre, and The Lady's Not for Burning, Chairman of the Drama League, 1949 Edinburgh Cocktail Party, to produce, TSE's intended first reader for, receives beginning, approves first act, receives TSE's revisions, communciates Alec Guinness's enthusiasm, arranges reading, surpasses himself with production, in Florence, EH suggests moving on from, and the Poets' Theatre Guild, 1950 Cocktail Party New York transfer, compares Rex Harrison and Alec Guinness, TSE debates whether to continue collaboration with, suggests three-play TSE repertory, 1953 Edinburgh Confidential Clerk, receives first two acts, designing sets, 1953 Lyric Theatre Confidential Clerk, attends with TSE, 1954 American Confidential Clerk, 1954 touring Confidential Clerk, TSE and Martin Browne catch in Golders Green, seeks Family Reunion MS from EH,

4.E. MartinBrowne, Elliott Martin Browne (1900–80), English director and producer, was to direct the first production of Murder in the Cathedral: see Biographical Register.

Church Times, TSE on Fascism in, carries Murder review, receives violent letter from TSE, to which it responds and is corrected, demurral from TSE, leads on 'A Liberal Manifesto', Iddings Bell contretemps in, reviews Christian Society, 'Twenty-Five Years at Gloucester Road',
Cournos, John, described for EH, puts TSE up, on TSE's lecture persona, mourns The Criterion,

1.JohnCournos, John Cournos (1881–1966) – Johann Gregorievich Korshune – naturalised American writer of Russian birth (his Jewish parents fled Russia when he was 10), worked as a journalist on the Philadelphia Record and was first noted in Britain as an Imagist poet; he became better known as novelist, essayist and translator. After living in England in the 1910s and 1920s, he emigrated to the USA. An unhappy love affair in 1922–3 with Dorothy L. Sayers was fictionalised by her in Strong Poison (1930), and by him in The Devil is an English Gentleman (1932). His other publications include London Under the Bolsheviks (1919), In Exile (1923), Miranda Masters (a roman à clef about the imbroglio between himself, the poet HD and Richard Aldington, 1926), and Autobiography (1935). See too Alfred Satterthwaite, ‘John Cournos and “H.D.”’, Twentieth Century Literature 22: 4 (Dec. 1976), 394–410.

Criterion, The, its monthly meetings fatigue TSE, introduced TSE to Whibley, arrangements in TSE's absence, first contributors' meeting since Monro's death, 1932 contributors' gathering, first contributors' gathering of 1934, Russell Square gathering for, particularly heavy gathering, its gatherings dreaded, to be wound up, reflections on ending, shut up against contributions, lamented even in Brno, letters of condolence, reading poetry submissions for, July 1931, 'Commentary', April 1932, laborious 'Commentary', July 1932, 'Commentary', October 1932, 'Commentary', October 1933, 'Commentary' on Irving Babbitt, prepared on holiday, July 1934, 'Commentary', January 1935, TSE ordering, October 1935, 'Commentary', 'Commentary', which TSE regrets as too personal, July 1936, possibilities for 'Commentary', October 1936, being made up, being finalised, to be ordered, January 1937, prepared in August 1936, April 1937, 'Commentary', July 1937, 'Commentary', January 1938, 'Commentary' on Nuffield endowments, which is sparsely well received, April 1938, 'Commentary', July 1938, 'Commentary', January 1939, to be final issue, 'Last Words',
Curtius, Ernst Robert ('E. R.'), mourns The Criterion, TSE intercedes on behalf of,
Eliot, Marion Cushing (TSE's sister), described, her reading habits, not a suitable confidant, TSE reflects on reunion with, Symphony concerts with TSE, to the cinema with TSE, delighted with first Norton lecture, recommends TSE hairdresser for baldness, attends second Norton lecture, hosts birthday party for Margaret, remembered in St. Louis, worried by Dodo's manner, TSE's pride in, vigilant on TSE's health, on Randolph family holiday, congratulates TSE on separation, 1934 summer in England with Dodo, July arrival anticipated, arrangements for, visit to Chipping Campden, off to Salisbury, walks to Kelmscott, returns from Winchester, forces Regent's Park on TSE, excessively humble, next to Ada in TSE's affections, protects TSE from overbearing Hinkleys, supported Landon over FDR, co-hosts Murder party, 1939 summer in England with Dodo, trip in doubt, Southwold week planned, due 19 June, taken to Dulwich, ballet and dinner with, Southwold holiday with, given to post-lunch naps, sends Christmas supplies to Shamley, as correspondent, easiest Eliot in Ada's absence, experiences crisis, importance as sister, Henry's fondness for, devoutly Unitarian, ignorant of Henry's true condition, undernourished, abortive 1948 summer in England, cancelled, which comes as relief, hosts family dinner-party, letter about Nobel Prize to, TSE leaves money with, 1949 visit to England with Dodo, June arrival anticipated, plans for, EH bids 'bon voyage', visit to Cambridge, return from Southwold, Borders tour, Basil Street Hotel stay, Thanksgiving with, reports on Dr Perkins's funeral, efforts to support financially, tethered to Margaret, joins TSE in St. Louis, 1954 trip to England with Dodo, visit to Ely and Cambridge, in light of Margaret's death, invoked against EH, TSE to Theresa on,

1.Marian/MarionEliot, Marion Cushing (TSE's sister) Cushing Eliot (1877–1964), fourth child of Henry Ware Eliot and Charlotte Eliot: see Biographical Register.

Family Reunion, The, and TSE as Orestes, plot sought for, progress stalled, referred to as 'Orestes play', written against countdown to war, should be artistically a stretch, plot still not settled on, begun, compared to Murder, TSE on writing, described (mid-composition), and Gunn's Carmina Gadelica, described to GCF, EH questions Harry's entrance, draft read to Martin Brownes, projected autumn 1938 production, depletes TSE, and Mourning Becomes Electra, its Greek inheritance, alternatively 'Follow the Furies', first draft promised to EH, as inspired by Tenebrae, being rewritten, work suspended till summer, fair copy being typed, waiting on Browne and Dukes, 'Follow the Furies' quashed by EH, aspires to be Chekhovian, Dukes keen to produce, criticised by Martin Browne, under revision, submitted to EH's theatrical wisdom, for which TSE credits her, possible John Gielgud production, Gielgud-level casting, Browne's final revisions, with the printers, Henry loaned draft, Donat and Saint-Denis interested, in proof, progress towards staging stalled, Saint-Denis interest tempered, possible Tyrone Guthrie production, possible limited Mercury run, its defects, publication scheduled, first draft sent to EH, Michael Redgrave interested in, March 1939 Westminster Theatre production, waits on terms, rehearsals for, which are photographed, opening night contemplated without EH, last-minute flutters, opening night, reception, coming off, TSE's final visit to, Dukes bullish on New York transfer, EH spurs TSE's reflections on, and Otway's Venice Preserv'd, American reception, and Orson Welles, F&F's sales, 1940 American production, Henry harps on the personal aspect, its cheerfulness, EH acknowledges part in, 1943 ADC production, in Dadie Rylands's hands, described, certain lines expressing TSE's frustrations, EH discusses with pupils, plays in Zurich, 1946 Birmingham production, 1946 Mercury revival, rehearsals for, opening night, TSE attends again in company, Spanish translation of, VHE's death calls to mind, its deficiencies, BBC Gielgud broadcast version, first aired, to be repeated, goes nominally with The Cocktail Party, Swedish National Theatre production, compared to Cocktail Party, EH's response to, more 'personal' than Cocktail Party, performed in Göttingen, 1950 Düsseldorf production, 1953 New York production vetoed, 1956 Phoenix Theatre revival, described, Peter Brook congratulated on, Martin Browne seeks MS of,
Fluchère, Henri, mourns The Criterion, his translation of Murder, TSE takes to, translating Aix lecture, lectures on Apollinaire, as TSE's companion in Aix, TSE's debt to, promised foreword by TSE, on Cocktail Party in Paris, hosts TSE in France, Shakespeare,
Hall, Anmer,

7.AnmerHall, Anmer Hall – pseud. of Alderson Burrell Horne (1863–1953) – solicitor, actor-manager (stage name, Waldo Wright) and stage director. He was licensee of the Westminster Theatre, 1931–47. For the Group Theatre in Oct. 1935, he directed Auden’s The Dance of Death.

Harvard University, rumours of TSE defecting to, TSE's student days at, makes TSE feel inadequate, Annenberg Hall disparaged, its society, English 26 (Modern English Literature), class described, on Shaw and Chesterton, on Hardy, positive feedback on, on Yeats, on modern poetry, on Joyce contra Lawrence, final lecture, compared architecturally to Yale, hockey match, compared to Princeton, produces Murder, TSE's student cooking at, engages MacNeice at TSE's instance, TSE's election to Phi Beta Kappa Society, where TSE's writers' cramp began, Harvard calendar given to TSE, TSE's student bodybuilding regime at, speaking engagement at, poetry reading at, confers honorary degree on TSE, stages Murder at Germanic Museum, Theodore Spencer Memorial Lecture, produces Murder again, Class Reunion at, which TSE gets out of, possible deposit for Hale letters,
Hawkins, A. Desmond, discusses novel with TSE, mourns The Criterion, interviews TSE for BBC, asks TSE to godfather child,

3.A. DesmondHawkins, A. Desmond Hawkins (1908–99), novelist, critic, broadcaster: see Biographical Register.

Knox, Wilfred,

5.WilfredKnox, Wilfred Knox (1886–1950), Anglican priest, theologian, ecclesiastical historian; brother of E. V. Knox, editor of Punch, and of the priest and author Ronald Knox. Influenced at Rugby School by his friend William Temple, later Archbishop of Canterbury, he worked for the poor in the East End of London and for the Workers’ Educational Association. Ordained in 1925, he was Warden of the Oratory of the Good Shepherd, Cambridge, 1924–40; from 1941, Chaplain and Fellow of Pembroke College, Cambridge. Works include The Development of Modern Catholicism (with Alec Vidler, 1933); St Paul and the Church of the Gentiles (1939).

'Liberal Manifesto: The Place of Reason in the Thought of the Church, A',
MacNeice, Louis, Group Theatre production of Agamemnon, uses EH's stool at tea, TSE rebuts his charge of 'defeatism', touted to Smith College, better than Archibald MacLeish, at Cornell, introduced as T. S. Eliot, and the Spender–Campbell spat, Agamemnon, Autumn Journal, The Last Ditch, Out of the Picture,

7.LouisMacNeice, Louis MacNeice (1907–63), poet, radio producer and playwright: see Biographical Register.

Mercury Theatre, London, Yeats proposes season at, from the outside, possible Murder premiere at, season in financial straits, stage too small for Doone, to stage Murder revival, rehearsal at, Murder coming off at, hard to imagine Murder beyond, Dukes proposes new Mercury Theatre, Martin Browne's York Nativity Play, presents The Ascent of F6, Murder in re-rehearsal at, possible venue for Family Reunion, Dukes's La Mandragola, new Murder revival at, attempts season of miniature operas, 'initimate opera' at, its French equivalent, hosts New Plays by Poets, and 1946 Family Reunion revival, Martin Browne's proposal to stage revue at, presents Saroyan play, graced with royal visit, staging Playboy of the Western World, possible destination for Cocktail Party,
Ray, Man, takes TSE's 'best portraits', which feature TSE in 'offending' hat, which are damned by EH, his aesthetic, 'best portraits' now considered 'villainous',

1.ManRay, Man Ray (1890–1976), pioneering photographer and artist; born Emmanuel Rodnitsky, the son of a Russian-Jewish tailor who had settled in Philadelphia. He grew up in New York, where even as a teenager he adopted his redolent pseudonym, and fell under the influence of Alfred Stieglitz’s Gallery 291 on Fifth Avenue. He became one of the leaders of Dadaism and Surrealism. For most of his adult life he lived in Paris, where he built his reputation as an experimental photographer; he also made notable contributions to film.

Redgrave, Michael, interested in Family Reunion, agrees to play Harry, preferred to Gielgud, as Harry, which does not increase his reputation, performance pruned by Martin Browne,

1.According to Browne (The Making of T. S. Eliot’s Plays,147), MichaelRedgrave, Michael Redgrave – aged 31 – ‘had already made a name for himself at the Old Vic, with John Gielgud in his season at the Queen’s, and with Michel Saint-Denis at the Phoenix’. TSE to James Forsyth, 16 July 1940 (tseliot.com), on Redgrave: ‘He is a most likeable person and very easy to work with. Unlike some actors he does not assume that he knows more about the play than the author does, and is always anxious to co-operate.’

Selwyn, Revd Edward Gordon, Dean of Winchester, fellow-guest at Chichester, on TSE's 1933 homecoming itinerary, TSE on, discusses geopolitics and theology, hosts TSE in Winchester, with TSE over South Indian Church,
see also Selwyns, the

9.RevdSelwyn, Revd Edward Gordon, Dean of Winchester Edward Gordon Selwyn (1885–1959), editor of Theology: A Monthly Journal of Historic Christianity, 1920–33. Educated at Eton and King’s College, Cambridge (Newcastle Scholar; Porson Scholar and Prizeman; Waddington Scholar; Browne’s Medallist; 2nd Chancellor’s Medallist), he was Rector of Redhill, Havant, 1919–30; Provost in Convocation, 1921–31; Dean of Winchester, 1931–58. Works include The Approach to Christianity (1925); Essays Catholic & Critical by Members of the Anglican Communion (ed., 1926). In 1910, he married Phyllis Eleanor Hoskyns, daughter of E. C. Hoskyns (then Bishop of Southwell).

Smith, Theodora ('Dodo') Eliot (TSE's niece), 1931 visit to England, described, to lunch with Lucia Joyce and Barbara Hutchinson, TSE's almost fatherly affection for, in contrast to her sister, at Eliot family Thanksgiving, attends second Norton lecture, TSE reports on from Boston, TSE cultivates, and Marion's 1934 visit to England, visit to Chipping Campden, visit to Salisbury, walk with TSE to Kelmscott, Regent's Park visit, TSE on, 1935 visit to England, taken to the ballet, at the Russian ballet's Aurore, to tea with cousins, her way of addressing relations, TSE tells Trevelyan about, 1936 visit to England, ballet outing, taken to Cheetham's pageant, taken to Kensington Gardens, returns to America with TSE, 1938 visit to England, with Chardy, and Marion's 1939 visit to England, in doubt, Southwold week, taken to Dulwich, taken to ballet and dinner, writes to TSE, visited in Baltimore, 1949 visit to England, taken to Cambridge, then to Southwold, tours the Borders with TSE, 1950 visit to England, taken to The Cocktail Party, due for the summer, recovering from operation, arrives from Scotland, 1953 visit to England, in Edinburgh for Confidential Clerk, 1954 visit to England, 1955 visit to England, reports on the American weather, 1956 visit to England,

2.TheodoraSmith, Theodora ('Dodo') Eliot (TSE's niece) Eliot Smith (1904–92) – ‘Dodo’ – daughter of George Lawrence and Charlotte E. Smith: see Biographical Register. Theodora’sSmith, Charlotte ('Chardy') Stearns (TSE's niece) sister was Charlotte Stearns Smith (b. 1911), known as ‘Chardy’.

Spens, Will, among TSE's Corpus 'friends', described for EH, hosts TSE for degree, and the Boutwood Lectures, and 'A Liberal Manifesto',

7.WillSpens, Will Spens (1882–1962), educator and scientist; Master of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge: see Biographical Register.

travels, trips and plans, EH's 1930 trip to England, EH's proposed 1931 England visit, called off, EH's 1932 summer holidays, the Eliots' Derby Day excursion, related, the Eliots' July 1932 Hindhead visit, the Eliots' August 1932 Eastbourne holiday, described, TSE's 1932–3 year in America, Norton Professorship offered to TSE, and the prospect of reunion with EH, which TSE refuses to see as decisive, which angers EH, who writes and destroys a response, TSE's financial imperatives, TSE's itinerary, and the question of discretion, opportunity for adventurous lecture-tours, TSE speculates on attendant feelings, TSE on the voyage over, TSE reflects on, TSE's return from, the Eliot family's Randolph holiday, TSE's 1933 westward tour to Scripps, proposed to EH, and TSE's need to lecture, possibly via St. Louis, TSE's itinerary, possible stopover in Seattle, a shameful source of happiness, still a happy thought, described by Havens and others, TSE reflects on, TSE's return from, TSE wonders at after-effect on EH, EH urged to reflect honestly on, Ada on, and a conversation about divorce, in EH's recollection, possible EH 1933 summer in England, TSE's 1933 Faber summer holiday, set for mid-August, postponed, rearranged, TSE buys summer outfits for, described, TSE's 1933 tour of Scotland, possible itinerary, Morley's preparations for, described for EH, TSE's 1933 trip to Paris, mooted, described, EH's 1934–5 year in Europe, TSE delighted at the prospect, attempts to coordinate with TSE's 1934 summer plans, the Perkinses due in Chipping Camden, EH's itinerary, TSE's initial weekend at Chipping Campden, TSE books rooms in Lechlade, TSE visits Campden again with family, and again alone, which visit TSE reflects on, TSE's plans to entertain EH en route to Europe, EH's continental itinerary, VHE and propriety inhibit pre-Paris arrangements, L'Escargot lunch, weekend in Sussex for EH's birthday, possible London tea-party, second lunch at L'Escargot, EH and TSE's November excursions, a month which TSE reflects happily on, EH's summer 1935 plans, EH departs England, EH in Florence, arrived in Rome, TSE coordinating with EH's return, TSE recommends Siena, EH returns to Florence, EH sails for Riviera, EH returns from France, L'Escargot lunch on EH's return, EH sails for Guernsey, May 1935, EH's June 1935 London sortie, TSE attends Dr Perkins's birthday, TSE's July 1935 Campden week, TSE offers to fund EH in London, where EH joins Jeanie McPherrin, TSE's Campden birthday weekend, prospect of EH spending month at Blomfield Terrace, Thorp theatre outing, TSE's 6–8 September Campden weekend, EH staying at 19 Rosary Gardens, EH to Campden for 15–17 November, EH sails for Boston, EH and TSE's final farewell, TSE and EH's final weeks in London, their excursion to Finchampstead, TSE reflects on, excursion to Greenwich, EH reflects on the final weeks of, TSE's 1934 Faber summer holiday, described, TSE's dream of Cairo, TSE's invitation to Finland, palmed off on Robert Nichols, TSE's 1935 tour of Scotland, proposed by Blake, attempts to coordinate with EH, TSE's itinerary, TSE's 1935 Faber summer holiday, TSE writes from, described, TSE's 1936 visit to Ireland, TSE's itinerary, recounted, TSE's spring/summer 1936 trip to Paris, first contemplated, date fixed, Morleys invited, TSE's itinerary, recounted, TSE's 1936 Faber summer holiday, TSE writes from, TSE's 1936 American trip, spring arrival dependent on New York Murder, if not spring, then autumn, possible excursions, autumn better for seeing EH, and possible Princeton offer, and possible Smith visit, efforts to coordinate with EH, passage on Alaunia booked, TSE's itinerary, Murder to pay for, coordinating with Eliot Randolph holiday, the moment of parting from EH, TSE's birthday during, TSE reflects on, TSE's 1937 tour of Scotland, itinerary, recounted, the Morley–Eliot 1937 trip to Salzburg, contemplated, itinerary, EH receives postcard from, described, as relayed to OM, EH's 1937 summer in England, and Mrs Seaverns, EH accompanies TSE to Edinburgh, itinerary coordinated with EH, dinner at L'Escargot, TSE's 10–11 July Campden visit, TSE's 17–22 July Campden visit, TSE's 21 August Campden visit, EH travels to Yorkshire, TSE reminisces about, TSE's 1937 Faber summer holiday, TSE reports from, leaves TSE sunburnt, TSE's 1938 trip to Lisbon, outlined to EH, TSE advised on, travel arrangements, the voyage out, described, EH's 1938 summer in England, and whether EH should spend it at Campden, EH's arrival confirmed, TSE's July Campden visit, EH's late-July London stay, TSE's 5–21 August Campden fortnight, TSE's 3–6 September Campden visit, EH's September London stay, TSE reflects on, TSE's 1938 Faber summer holiday, TSE's preparations for, TSE reports from, possible EH England Christmas 1938 visit, possible TSE 1939 visit to America, mooted for spring, complicated by Marion and Dodo's trip, shifted to autumn, threatened by war, made impossible, EH's 1939 England visit, TSE's efforts to coordinate with, threatened by war, complicated by Marion's arrival, EH's itinerary, EH's initial London stay, TSE's 7–20 July Campden visit, TSE's 22–30 August Campden visit, TSE's 2–4 September Campden visit, EH again London, EH and TSE's parting moments, in TSE's memory, memory vitiated by EH's subsequent letter, TSE's 1939 Faber summer holiday, TSE writes from, possible wartime transatlantic crossings, contingencies, in case of EH being ill, TSE's reasons for and against, and TSE's New York proposition, following invasion Denmark and Norway, impossible for TSE unless official, TSE's desire to remain in England, TSE's reasons for and against accepting lectureship, given Ada's impending death, TSE's abortive 1940 Italian mission, possible but confidential, lectures prepared for, and the prospect of seeing EP, might include Paris, itinerary, in jeopardy, final preparations for, cancelled, TSE's 1940 visit to Dublin, approved by Foreign Office, in national interest, itinerary, recounted, involves TSE's first plane-journey, TSE's 1940 Faber summer holiday, TSE reports from, TSE's 1941 Faber summer holiday, Kipling and fishing-rod packed for, TSE reports from, TSE's 1941 Northern tour, proposed by the Christendom group, arranged with Demant, itinerary, recounted, TSE's 1942 British Council mission to Sweden, TSE makes cryptic allusion to, as recounted to EH, as recounted to JDH, return leg in London, as war-work, TSE's 1942 New Forest holiday, described, TSE's 1942 week in Scotland, recounted, TSE's abortive 1942 Iceland mission, TSE's 1943 trip to Edinburgh, recounted, TSE's abortive 1943 Iceland mission, TSE's 1943 New Forest holiday, TSE's 1944 trip to Edinburgh, TSE's abortive 1944 North Africa mission, TSE's May 1945 trip to Paris, described, TSE's June 1945 trip to Paris, recounted, possible post-war American visit, and Henry's impending death, ideally ancillary to work, possibly as F&F's representative, waits on TSE's health and Carlyle Mansions, TSE's 1945 September fortnight in Lee, described, TSE's 1945 Christmas in Lee, described, TSE's 1946 summer in America, date for passage fixed, paperwork for, TSE's itinerary, its aftermath, recounted, TSE's 1947 summer in America, dependent on lecture engagements, TSE seeks to bring forward, Henry's condition brings further forward, set for April, itinerary, EH reflects on, TSE's scheduled December 1947 visit to Marseilles and Rome, itinerary, TSE's preparations for, dreaded, Roman leg described by Roger Hinks, EH's hypothetical March 1948 visit to England, TSE's postponed 1948 trip to Aix, itinerary, recounted, home via Paris, TSE's 1948 trip to America, itinerary, TSE's visit to EH in Andover, disrupted by Nobel Prize, TSE's 1948 Nobel Prize visit to Stockholm, itinerary, recounted, TSE's 1949 family motor-tour of Scotland, described, TSE's October–November 1949 trip to Germany, possible itinerary, preparations for, final itinerary, TSE's account of, the return via Belgium, TSE's January 1950 voyage to South Africa, all but fixed, itinerary, described by TSE, recounted by Faber, EH's 1950 summer in England, TSE books EH's hotel room for, TSE's efforts to coordinate with EH's movements, EH in Campden, TSE reports to Aunt Edith on, TSE's 1950 visit to America, and TSE's possible Chicago post, the Chicago leg, November itinerary, TSE's spring 1951 trip to Spain, itinerary, recounted, TSE's September 1951 Geneva stay, itinerary, recounted, TSE's 1951 British Council mission to Paris, recounted, TSE's second 1951 British Council mission to Paris, recounted, TSE's 1952 visit to Rennes and the Riviera, itinerary, recounted, TSE's 1952 visit to America, itinerary, efforts to coordinate with EH's summer, TSE on meeting with EH, TSE's 1952 rest cure in Switzerland, TSE's 1953 visit to St. Louis and America, set for June, to include fortnight in Cambridge, itinerary, EH's 1953 trip to England, EH's Alnwick plans, TSE books hotel for EH, and EH's ticket to Confidential Clerk, TSE's 1953 visit to Geneva, TSE's 1953–4 trip to South Africa, itinerary, described, arrival described to JDH, GCF on, TSE's 1954 Geneva rest cure, Geneva preferred to Paris, TSE's deferred 1955 visit to Hamburg, prospect inspires reluctance in TSE, proposed for spring 1955, dreaded, TSE now returned from, TSE's 1955 visit to America, and contingent speaking engagements, foreshortened, itinerary, Washington described, TSE's return from, TSE's 1955 Geneva rest cure, TSE's 1956 visit to America, passage fixed for April, itinerary, TSE in the midst of, TSE reflects on, TSE's 1956 Geneva rest cure, itinerary, recounted, illness during, EH's 1957 visit to England, TSE and EVE invited to Campden, TSE reciprocates with London invitation, but EH leaves England abruptly, which TSE consults Eleanor Hinkley over, who duly explains, TSE and EVE's 1958 trip to America, as rumoured to EH, EH's 1959 tour of Scandinavia, funded by bequest from cousin, TSE and EVE's 1959 trip to America, TSE and EVE's 1963 trip to America,
Westminster Theatre, The, London, The Moon in the Yellow River, presents Uncle Vanya, presents Volpone, their Volpone versus Phoenix Society's, presents Troilus and Cressida, and The Family Reunion, presents Distant Point: A Soviet Play,