[No surviving envelope]

T. S.Eliot
B-11 Eliot House
7 February 1933
My Lady,

NOW my dear I can sit down and write, becauseHarvard UniversityEnglish 26 (Modern English Literature);a7;a2 I have got over the first great ordeal which was the opening of my class (English 26) this morning. I had been so dreading it that I have been almost paralysed since my return, and couldn’t have written a letter of any kind until it was over. I set my alarum clock for 6:30 because I was so afraid of oversleeping (it is at 9 every Tuesday and Thursday). SpencerSpencer, Theodoreand English 26;b1 was there with me, which helped.1 ItHale, Emilyas teacher;w1EH's advice that TSE lecture less slowly;b1 went very slowly at first, but I remembered your monition to talk more quickly. The great thing seems to be to keep on talking at all costs, and get a large proportion of concrete detail and illustration. IBeyle, Marie-Henri (Stendhal)as realism;a2 hadHugo, Victorcompared to Stendhal and Thackeray;a1 a happy thought on the spur of the moment, inThackeray, William MakepeaceVanity Fair;a1 trying to explain the origins of ‘realism’ in the modern novel, telling them to compare the account of the Battle of Waterloo in Stendhal’s Chartreuse de Parme (the real thing) with the account in Les Miserables and in Vanity Fair. I don’t think that I shall give this kind of lecture (so different from the kind I have been giving) really well for some time yet, but I begin to feel that I am capable of learning, and I try to remember that it is what you and every other professor in the world have to do a number of times a week, and I just must learn how. I have no doubt that I shall feel periods of discouragement throughout the course; but it will have been a good discipline for me.2

Herewith some photographs: I thought that you might be interested to see those that I took on the rest of my journey. Wasn’t I quick to take photographs of my rooms after speaking to you on Sunday night, and have them ready by now? The view is out of my study window, looking towards the business school. IHale, Emilyphotographs of;w7eating sandwich;b2 amHale, EmilyTSE's names, nicknames and terms of endearment for;x3'riperaspberrymouth';b3 much pleased with the new ones of you: bothHale, Emilyphotographs of;w7in a car;b3 the one eating a sandwich so daintily and the riperaspberrymouth one in the car. But I like best the one you are to send me the film of. I only wish I had taken many more.

I wonder where I left off. IAmericaSt. Louis, Missouri;h4TSE on his return to;a8 told you something about St. Louis. The City was very kind to me; I only regretted that it gave me so little time; I wanted to go again to the cemetary quite by myself, and stay a longer while. CertainlyEliot, Henry Ware (TSE's father)haunts TSE in St. Louis;a6 the town was full of sadness for me; not so much on account of my mother as on account of my father; it was his city not hers; he was born there and worked for it and died there; and also I shall be haunted by my last sight of him until my last day. DidWashington University, St. Louishonours TSE with reception;a1 I tell you that they gave me a real oldfashioned Reception at the University? WeSmith, Holmes (TSE's uncle)at TSE's Washington University reception;a2 lined up in front of a grand piano – ChancellorThroop, George R.;a1 Throop,3 Holmes Smith and myself; the populace would announce their names to the Chancellor, who would announce them to Holmes, who announced them to me, and I then shook hands. SoSheffield, Ada Eliot (TSE's sister)remembered in St. Louis;c3 manyEliot, Margaret Dawes (TSE's sister)remembered in St. Louis;b6 saidSmith, Charlotte Eliot (TSE's sister, née Eliot)remembered in St. Louis;a5 theyEliot, Marion Cushing (TSE's sister)remembered in St. Louis;b7 remembered Ada, or Margaret, or Charlotte or Marian that I lost all grasp of names. Lor, I don’t know how many people I didn’t shake hands with in St. Louis. AndEliot, William Greenleaf (TSE's grandfather);a2 I was pleased to be introduced at the lecture as the grandson of Chancellor Eliot. I went to tea with the Jesuit fathers at St. Louis University, as a gesture of Reunion, and found them very intelligent – more so, I thought, than the Washington University people whom I met. OfChristianityUnitarianism;d9the Eliots' as against EH's;a1 the Unitarian Church I had no keen memories – myKing's Chapel, Bostondistinguished from unitarianism in St. Louis;b3 bestArlington St. Church, Bostonversus Unitarianism in St. Louis;a2 memories of Unitarianism are of Arlington Street4 & Kings Chapel – I went to the one poor little nearly empty Anglo-Catholic church there, which was of course new to me. But I was glad to leave St. Louis. EvenAmericaSt. Louis, Missouri;h4the Mississippi, compared to TSE's memory;a9 my Mississippi looked forlorn – the shipping has so fallen off since my time when the Creole Belle5 and the City of Memphis and the other steamboats blew the New Year in. ToAmericaSt. Paul, Minnesota;h5TSE on visiting;a2 St. Paul then, the train winding up the banks of the forlorn River till dusk – Hannibal, Keokuk; StEliot, Revd Frederick May (TSE's first cousin)as TSE's St. Paul host;a3. Paul in the morning early and Frederick waiting at the station in the dark. FrederickEliot, Elizabeth (TSE's cousin)hosts TSE in St. Paul;a2 & Elizabeth very kind to me; happy I think they are in St. Paul, and very fond of their adopted little boy. Two lectures there (one of them in Minneapolis). IUniversity of Minnesotalecture to;a2 spoke'Tendency of Some Modern Poetry, The'delivered from notes at University of Minnesota;a1 from notes only at Convocation at the University, after the organ had played the Star Spangled Banner, on Modern Poetry;6 and when I finished the organ played Hail! Minnesota,7 and they all stood up again. Also'Formation of Taste, The'lecture reprised in St. Paul;a1 at the Womens Club of St. Paul, on the Development of Taste.8 Met some more Furness cousins there, very nice ones, and Cousin Agnes Blake. StayedEliot, Revd Frederick May (TSE's first cousin)unChristian;a4 over Sunday to hear Frederick preach. He is a good preacher, I believe, and a good clergyman, and is one of the leading citizens there, and is good friends with the Roman priest there, Father Mahoney, who is a gentle, intelligent and cultivated old man. ButChristianityChristendom;b2TSE ponders the decline of;a1 there is something all wrong about it, all wrong, about Frederick’s mind; I suppose you will think I am carping again; but the world is going to pieces and this all so mild, and you know I am by way of being a fanatical narrow bigot. I prefer Christianity. But I felt that something was accomplished by getting into touch with Frederick again, and I have a great respect for all that branch of the family. ItMartin, Alice Eliot (TSE's cousin)reunited with TSE in St. Louis;a1 [sc. I] was happy too, to meet my cousin Alice Eliot (Mrs. Martin)9 again in St. Louis (to go back); to find that I like her very much, and to find that there was someone genuinely happy, with a good husband, a pretty daughter, two handsome wellmannered sons, and a comfortable home, and one of the real breed too. It has been a great joy to a person famished of kinship for so many years, to meet so many relatives that I like. From StPorter, Ruth Wadsworth Furness;a1. Paul I went on to Chicago, just to spend one night with the Porters (Ruth Furness).10 TheyEliot, Henry Ware, Jr. (TSE's brother);b4 are great friends of Henry’s, and were very kind to him while he lived in Chicago; which is why I went. But alas, I did not make very much of these Porters, and especially not of the husband, JamesPorter, James;a1 Porter, a good wealthy serious business man with no notion for curing the economic and other ills of the world except to sterilise compulsorily every man as soon as he has begotten three children (he has five himself). He seems to have read popular science, and is a pessimistic atheist in a small way. There came the Buchens (Henry’s former partner, an intelligent man, and educated)11 andEliot, Thomas Dawes (TSE's first cousin)described for EH;a1 the cousin known as Tom Dawes (in distinction to Tom Stearns) with his Swedish wife;12 but Tom is definitely trans-Sierra-Nevada in temperament (born in Portland Ore.) and professes sociology at the Northwestern University. Had a motor drive through Chicago to admire Michigan Boulevard, the Exposition, and the Planetarium. UpAmericaAnn Arbor, Michigan;c4TSE on visiting;a1 and early the next morning to catch a train for Ann Arbour [sic]; arrivedLear, Edwardsubject of TSE's Ann Arbor lecture;a2 40 minutes before my (afternoon) lecture; lecturedCampbell, Oscar;a1 (Edward Lear)13 was taken by Professor Oscar Campbell14 (a nice fellow) to tea with KatherineAndrewes, Katharine Day;a1 Little (Clarence Little 1st wife [sic]) who still lives there) who was quite charming.15 ILittle, Clarence C.;a1 wonder why they did not get on. IPeters, Harold have not seen ‘Pete’, and find his case as difficult to understand as Barbara’s. But in this case the children frequent partly one parent and partly the other, which I think is a bad thing. Then a faculty dinner – more names and faces instantly forgotten – and then the night train to Buffalo. ThereAmericaChicago, Illinois;d8TSE on;a3 IPerry, Henry Ten Eyck;a1 stayed with Professor Henry Ten Eyck Perry16 and his wife and stepdaughter (Betsy Bigelow by name)17 Connecticut people. AHarvard UniversityTSE's student days at;a2 pleasant city, and some intelligent people mixed with others who if not very intelligent hunt little foxes in the neighbourhood. ToPerkins, Palfrey;a1 tea with Palfrey Perkins,18 the local Unitarian minister, whom I had known during my senior year at Harvard; lecturedLear, Edwardagain in Buffalo;a3 to the university (Edward Lear, I am getting pretty tired of him). DinnersAmericaits horrors;c2food;a8 at each place, my digestion not improved: always chicken or turkey and terrible salads. The Perrys had a dish consisting of pancakes with melted butter, caviare, red caviare, smoked salmon and olives, with which we had Port to drink. Took night train to Boston, upon which I caught the cold referred to previously, and took to my bed here. Up again on Sunday afternoon, andAmericaBaltimore, Maryland;c6TSE on visiting;a4 took the night train for Philadelphia, where I changed for Baltimore, where I was met by Boas.19 BoasBoas, George;a1 I knew in the Graduate School – looks French, indeed, has a surprising resemblance to Bergson. Appropriately, his wife is French;20 French sister in law staying in the house, and little girls chattering French about the house; atmosphere very intelligent and civilised, and really good salads with French dressing and garlic (at my request) and NO chicken. IPercy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures, The (otherwise The Varieties of Metaphysical Poetry)TSE on delivering;a4 gaveJohns Hopkins UniversityTSE on Turnbull lectures at;a1 threeDante AlighieriTSE lectures on;a2 lecturesDonne, JohnTSE lectures on;a1 onLaforgue, JulesTSE's Turnbull lecture on;a1 Metaphysical Poetry (Dante, Donne, Laforgue), to the University;21 they were well attended, with people standing up each time; andPoetry Society of MarylandTSE lecture to;a1 one'Tendency of Some Modern Poetry, The'again for Poetry Society of Maryland;a3 informal lecture to the Poetry Society of Maryland on Modern Poetry, with readings (it was in the church hall of the 1st Presbyterian Church, and somebody was playing the organ all through my reading). HadTurnbull, Margaretgrand and unintelligible;a1 to spend one night as a punctilio with Mrs. Bayard Turnbull22 (the lectures are the Turnbull lectures, and they are People of Importance, with an 18th century family portrait). Mrs. T. is conscientious as a lionhunter, but has the local accent to such a degree that it is sometimes unintelligible (she told me about something they had on the place which I finally concluded to be a COW, but the pronunciation cannot be imitated in print). ScottFitzgerald, F. Scottdoses TSE with whisky;a1 Fitzgerald, the novelist (hisFitzgerald, F. ScottThe Great Gatsby;a4 novel ‘The Great Gatsby’ was a very good novel indeed) lives near by, and is one of the table lions; I found him refreshing; he filled for me a medicine bottle marked ‘one teaspoonful every three hours’ with whisky – it tasted like varnish, but I was grateful in the circumstances.23 HerTurnbull, Eleanor;a1 sister in law, Miss Eleanor Turnbull, is however very charming:24 she gave a dinner for me, atKinsolving, Sally Bruce (née Sally Archer Bruce);a1 which I sat next to, and was dwarfed by, the great Mrs. Kinsolving.25 But Mrs. K. has been very nice and has sent me as a present a Benedictine breviary nicely bound (she is the wife of Dr. Kinsolving, the great local Episcopalian clergyman, and considers herself a Catholic).26 I was nice to her because I want her to be nice to Dodo. DodoSmith, Theodora ('Dodo') Eliot (TSE's niece)TSE reports on from Boston;a8 (Theodora Eliot Smith, my niece) is a problem. There she is, self-dependent, living in a small flat alone, teaching in the best girls’ school, and I believe a good teacher; never making friends, knowing nobody her own age, and I don’t believe any man of any age. And with her I can’t help feeling that it is a weakness of her own temperament; she is, I find, terribly critical of people, and apt to say cutting things about people, andEliot, Marion Cushing (TSE's sister)worried by Dodo's manner;b8, Marian says, cutting things to people without knowing it, though she is so sensitive herself that you dare not say anything. I feel that if I saw enough of her by herself I might be of some use, for I believe that she is really fond of me; but I am not likely to see enough of her. She is pretty, though not very pretty, and very good and affectionate. AlsoEnglandencourages superiority in Americans familiar with;a8, she has been so much in England that I fear she looks down on most Americans. What could one do to make her more charitable and less pig-headed? ISmith, Charlotte ('Chardy') Stearns (TSE's niece)Dodo looks severely on;a7 am fond of her, you see, and also fond of her sister Chardy – about whom she is rather severe.

What a very sketchy account I have given. But my memories of my travels are – after leaving Claremont – very sketchy: I have a fog of faces and names and few clear images. As for general conclusions – have I any yet, I wonder? These will crystallise gradually, and start up, no doubt, in the middle of letters on other subjects. Returning to Cambridge, I am overwhelmed with work – I believe I have undertaken much more than any of my predecessors – I must see about secretarial assistance for business letters. SundayNoyeses, the;a5Noyes, James AtkinsNoyeses, theNoyes, Penelope BarkerNoyeses, the night dined with Penelope, as I told you. INoyes, James Atkinsailing;a3 feel that Pa Noyes is failing, and I foresee for Penelope some years of difficulty – and then what will she do when she is alone, having been so habituated to looking after him? Found the Mrs. Stillman (I had to meet her as she is a sister-in-law of the Chauncey Stillman who founded the Norton professorship)27 rather uninteresting. PenelopeNoyes, Penelope BarkerTSE on;b9 is what one would call a sterling character, very loyal; but I always feel I should not like to get on the wrong side of Penelope’s opinion; I feel that she is a person who would judge people hardly [?harshly] on insufficient evidence and on quite insufficient knowledge of the world. Am I right or wrong about her? LastJames, Alice Rutherford Runnels;a1 night dined with a party at Mrs. William James’s,28 before the Chamber Music Club. Mrs. James very vivacious hostess, makes dinners go well, is quite accomplished; knowsSands, Ethel'right' kind of American abroad;a2 all the right Americans abroad (Ethel Sands etc.); I sat next to Mrs. Hill, agreeable wife of Music Professor.29 LangdonWarner, Langdon;a1 Warner very New Englander, whom I had never met before, but liked.30 ChamberWomen's Republican Club, Bostonhosts Chamber Music Club;a4 Music Club, at the Womens Republican Club: suggestedAmericaBoston, Massachusetts;d1its society;b3 to me that there are delightful people in Boston, but one meets them, the same ones, over and over again; not very numerous. All the intelligential [sic] society goes to the Chamber Music (HindemithHindemith, Paulintrigues TSE;a1 – puzzling, should like to hear again; a Spanish composer whom I thought common; aBrahms, Johannes;a2 Brahms quartette [sic] delightful in parts). ThePickmans, theinevitably at Chamber Music Club;a4 Pickmans, theGreenes, the Copley;a3 Copley Greenes,31 SearsSears, the;a1,32 Sedgwicks(William) Ellery Sedgwicks, the;a1Sedgwick, (William) Ellery(William) Ellery Sedgwicks, theSedgwick, Mabel (née Cabot)(William) Ellery Sedgwicks, the33 etc. Over & Over. OnSargent, Daniel;a1 Saturday I am to have supper with another of the right people: the Daniel Sargents.34 TheEnglandLondon;h1its society compared to Boston's;b3 advantageFranceParis;b7its society larger than Boston's;a3 of London or Paris is that one may at any time meet delightful people, wellborn people, whom one has never heard of before; and there are many sets of them. TomorrowHinkley, Eleanor Holmes (TSE's first cousin);b6 Eleanor has a grand party (I shall arrive rather jaded, after my Wednesday afternoon reception). ThursdayLamb, Annie Lawrence (TSE's cousin);a1 I go to tea with Cousin Annie Lamb35 (I expect you know who are the Horace Lambs, as they are good Unitarians), afterappearance (TSE's)baldness;b6worsened by travel;a7 my scalp treatment (now much needed, I have been losing hair at a frightful rate on my travels) andEliot, Marion Cushing (TSE's sister)Symphony concerts with TSE;a8 in the evening with Marian (with whom I had tea to-day) to the Symphony. (WhenEliot, Marion Cushing (TSE's sister)TSE's pride in;b9 you return to Boston I hope you will [see] something of Marian as well as Ada – though I don’t confide in Marian, she isn’t strong enough to stand it) (but I am proud of Marian, she is one of those few whom it would be insulting to call a lady). Also on Thursday, another 9 a.m. lecture. OnBookshop for Boys and Girls, BostonTSE gives reading at;a1 Friday I lecture (or read) at the Bookshop for Boys & Girls, andWellesley CollegeTSE attends Paderewski concert at;a4 goPaderewski, Jan IgnaceTSE attends concert given by;a1 to a Paderewski36 concertManwaring, Elizabethlays on Paderewski concert;a2 (courtesy of Miss Manwaring) at Wellesley.37 AndFurness sisters, the;a1 on Sunday I lunch at the Furnesses in Lime Street.

This letter is extremely narrative – in a jerky piecemeal fashion. IHale, Emilyappearance and characteristics;v7EH encouraged to gain weight;a8 hope that you will (to please me) get a little fatter; that in motoring youHale, Emilyappearance and characteristics;v7EH encouraged to tan;a9 will get sunburnt and get a great deal of fresh air; that you will try not to be too conscientious in your duties; and that you may dine out and meet new people if there are any. ISmith, Isabel Fothergill;a1 don’t trust Dean Smith,38 andStephenson, Martha Tucker Mazyck;a1 I distrust (though in a lighter way) Mrs. Stephenson;39 I don’t know about Mr. Jaqua, but I incline to think he is allright;40 everyone else seems to me very good. I hope that now you have a Car you will be able to get to church on Sundays; though the Unitarian clergywoman (What was her name, Miss Blagoon?) did not seem to me inspirational & colourful. IChristianityasceticism, discipline, rigour;a9as salubrious;a5 don’t think I am sentimental about church going. Half the time I don’t feel devotional at all. But I am thankful to say that it has become a habit; so that when I miss making my regular communion twice a week (as I have had to lately in my peregrinations) I feel just as I should if I didn’t shave or clean my teeth in the morning. You know that I am deliberately not a proselytiser: I have used my self-control in that as in other respects. Natural (or environmental) goodness isn’t enough – I am not here preaching, or talking to you or to anybody, but simply reminiscing. My parents were naturally good, both of them, and goodness came easy to them; and I had to find out by painful and humiliating experience that I was not so good as I took for granted. ToChristianitysins, vices, faults;d5as a way to virtue;a5 passChristianityvirtues heavenly and capital;e1not an Eliot virtue;c1 through a period of dissipation was a necessary stage for me, and a bitter lesson in humility: Eliots are not naturally humble, and what Charles Eliot knew about life was not much. But I have not said this in the way I mean it. I am just talking about myself, really. I have never criticised you in any way; and you should know by now that I can be quite convinced of somebody’s superiority – in the way in which I most wish to be superior – to myself. And as nothing that is possible or conceivable41 could shake that conviction, I am convinced that I have no illusions. If I don’t stop this long rambling letter at this point I shall only drivel, I expect. So I will subscribe myself,

my Dove’s
obedient servant

See descriptions on backs of photographs. IMcSpadden, Marie;a1 am not surprised to hear that Marie42 is engaged to the Faun. I thought at the time that it was possible. He is beautiful but his brother seems to have more brains and gumption. I feel very sorry for them both. MyAinley, Richard;a3 youngGlendinning, Ethel;a1 Richard Ainley43 is now married to the charming Ethel Glendinning,44 who acted with him last year in the Old Vic troupe.

1.TheodoreHarvard UniversityEnglish 26 (Modern English Literature);a7class described;a3nEnglish 26 (Modern English Literature)Harvard University Spencer assisted TSE in all of his classes for ‘English Literature from 1890 to the Present Day’, which ran from 7 Feb. to 4 May 1933, with a final examination on 9 June. TSE’s students on the course included Cyrus L. Sulzberger (1912–93) – scion of the family that owned the New York Times; later a prominent journalist on the Times and author – who was to recall: ‘We were illumined by his brilliant mind … Timid and withdrawn as Eliot was in class, he had a talent for banging the piano and singing a huge number of limericks, some of which I suspect he had written himself. I liked him despite the fact that he gave me a poor mark on my term paper. Its subject was “The Undergraduate Poetry of T. S. Eliot”’ (A Long Row of Candles: Memoirs and Diaries 1914–1954 [New York, 1969], 9.

2.See too ‘T. S. Eliot to Lecture on Shelley and Keats’, Crimson Review, 17 Feb. 1933: ‘T. S. Eliot ’10, Charles Eliot Norton Professor of Poetry, will deliver the fifth lecture in the series on “The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism” tonight at 8 o’clock in the New Lecture Hall. The subject will be “The practice of Shelley and Keats.”

‘“AnWordsworth, Williamin amongst the Romantics;a1n age of revolution is not a good one for poetry,” stated Eliot to a CRIMSON reporter last night. “Perhaps that is why there are few poems of this period which satisfy me completely, and those rather short ones, and chiefly of Wordsworth.

‘“GoodChristianitybelief;b1and good poetry;a1n poetryDante Alighierihis didacticism compared to Shelley's;a3n, according to my view, should be written by good Catholics and good atheists: not by a man with a religion of his own. Shelley’sShelley, Percy Byssheas against Dante;a1n didactiveness compares unfavorably with Dante’s for that reason. Dante assumes that we accept the scheme of the Catholic Church; Shelley tries to convince us of the scheme itself. Thepoetryas against didacticism;a4n poet cannot afford to teach; he is quite at liberty to expound ideas, so long as they aren’t his own ideas, for then there is a chance that he will make poetry of it.”

‘Eliot attributes the greatness of both Shelley and Keats to the promise they showed, rather than their actual accomplishments. “In the case of Shelley one is giving him the benefit of the doubt; theKeats, Johnhis letters guarantee his talent;a5n letters of Keats, on the other hand, prove, I am sure, that he was headed in the right direction.”’

3.GeorgeThroop, George R. R. Throop (1882–1949), classicist; Chancellor of Washington University, St Louis, 1927–44.

4.Arlington Street Church: Unitarian Universalist church facing the Public Garden, Boston.

5.The Belle Creole was a Missouri paddle steamer, built in 1823. See too Susan Clement, ‘“All Abroad for Natchez, Cairo and St Louis”: The Source of a draft heading of T. S. Eliot’s Ash-Wednesday I’, Notes and Queries, Mar. 1996, 57–9.

6.JanuaryUniversity of Minnesotalecture to;a2 19, 11:30 a.m. TSE'Tendency of Some Modern Poetry, The';a2n addressed an all-university convocation in Northrop Memorial Auditorium at the University of Minnesota on “The Tendency of Some Modern Poetry”. He predicted that future poetry will take two new forms: in the first, satire will be seriously developed; in the second, a new kind of poetic drama will emerge. The modern poet serves no essential function; only the worst and best poets are known; the former are published in newspapers, while the latter are appreciated only by the cultured minority’ (Loucks, ‘The Exile’s Return’, 23).

7.‘Hail, Minnesota’, written in 1904 by students at the University of Minnesota, was to be adopted as the official State Song in 1945.

8.Loucks'Formation of Taste, The';a2n, ‘The Exile’s Return’, 21–2: ‘January 6, 1 p.m. At the University of California, Los Angeles, Eliot gave a lecture and poetry reading in Royce Hall auditorium on “The Formation of Taste”. TSE identified four stages in the development of poetic taste, from childhood to maturity, the final phase involving the whole person. Characterizing his own taste as capricious and limited, heGoethe, Johann Wolfgang vonTSE's failure to appreciate;a1 admittedWordsworth, WilliamTSE's failure to appreciate;a2n he had never been able to appreciate Goethe and some of Wordsworth. “I do not affirm that what I like in poetry is good. If one is sincere, he will not enjoy a thing because he is told it is great. He must be true to his own feelings. Self knowledge is the most important factor in knowing what we really feel.”’ Henry Eliot reported, copying directly from TSE’s lecture-notes, these remarks: ‘For at no point has our development been merely a development of Taste, that is, an approximation to a discerning, appreciative enjoyment of all of the poetry worth reading, in its proper kind and degree. Such an ambition is a phantom, the pursuit of which we may leave to those whose aim in life is to be “cultivated” or “cultured” – I do not know which is the right word to use. Such people treat art as a luxury, and commonly end by becoming themselves luxury articles. The ideal is unattainable, and I think is in some sense even undesirable.’ The lecture at the Women’s Club of St Paul was evidently a reprisal.

9.AliceMartin, Alice Eliot (TSE's cousin) Eliot (1889–1967) was married to Leonard Martin (1887–1971).

10.RuthPorter, Ruth Wadsworth Furness Wadsworth Furness Porter (1875–1942) – whose ancestors included famous New Englanders, and who was related to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and TSE – graduated from Bryn Mawr in 1896. Cultivated and gregarious, she was married in 1898 to James Foster Porter (1871–1939), who ran a trust by the name of the Porter Realty Trust – the family inheritance included a large farm that would become the Chicago Loop. They lived in a grand lakeside home at 1085 Sheridan Avenue, Hubbard Woods, Winnetka, Illinois, and enjoyed too a holiday home in Maine. Their five children included the renowned painter Fairfield Porter (1907–75): see Justin Spring, Fairfield Porter; A Life in Art (Yale University Press, 2000); Material Witness: The Selected Letters of Fairfield Porter, ed. Ted Leigh (University of Michigan Press, 2005).

11.HenryEliot, Henry Ware, Jr. (TSE's brother)his business in Chicago;b5n Eliot had worked for the Buchen Company, a Chicago advertising business, in 1917–29.

12.ThomasEliot, Thomas Dawes (TSE's first cousin) Dawes Eliot (1889–1973) was married to Sigrid Victoria Wijnbladh (1888–1942).

13.TSE had given his lecture, ‘Edward Lear and Modern Poetry’, in Balch Hall at Scripps on 5 Jan. 1933: see William Baker, ‘TSE on Edward Lear’, English Studies 64 (1983), 564–6.

14.OscarCampbell, Oscar Campbell (1879–1970), Professor of English, State University of New York at Buffalo; author of Shakespeare’s Satire (1943); The Reader’s Encyclopedia of Shakespeare (1966).

15.ClarenceLittle, Clarence C. C. Little (1888–1971) – known to Harvard friends as ‘Pete’ – scion of an upper-class Boston family; science researcher specialising in mammalian genetics and cancer; President of the University of Maine, 1922–5; the University of Michigan, 1925–9; founding director of the Roscoe B. Jackson Memorial Laboratory at Bar Harbor; managing director of the American Society for the Control of Cancer (later the American Cancer Society); twice President of the American Society for Cancer Research, President of the American Eugenics Society; and, most controversially, Scientific Director of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Tobacco Industry Research Committee (later the Council for Tobacco Research), 1954–69.

Little’sAndrewes, Katharine Day first wife (m. 1911), was Katharine Day Andrews, who bore three children: the couple divorced in 1929. In 1930, Little married Beatrice Winifred Johnson (1899–1973), a scientific researcher who worked as his laboratory assistant: they had two children.

16.HenryPerry, Henry Ten Eyck Ten Eyck Perry (1890–1973), Professor of English, University of Buffalo.

17.Elizabeth Perkins Bigelow, daughter of Henry Bryant Bigelow, was to die of an embolism from horse-riding in 1934.

18.PalfreyPerkins, Palfrey Perkins (1883–1976), who graduated from the Harvard Divinity School, was Unitarian Minister in Buffalo, New York, 1926–33; later of King’s Chapel, Boston, 1933–53.

19.GeorgeBoas, George Boas (1891–1980), Professor of Philosophy, Johns Hopkins University.

20.Boas had married Simone Brangier, a sculptor, in 1921.

21.LoucksPercy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures, The (otherwise The Varieties of Metaphysical Poetry)described;a5n, ‘The Exile’s Return’, 23: ‘January 30, February 1 and 3, 5 p.m. TSE presented a series of lectures, “The Varieties of Metaphysical Poetry”, in Latrobe Hall at the Johns Hopkins University on the occasion of the 29th Percy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures (“TSE on Puritan Poets”; Schuchard, Introduction to Varieties of Metaphysical Poetry, vii, 234). Individual lecture topics were “Toward a Definition of Metaphysical Poetry”; “The Conceit in Donne and Crashaw”; and “Laforgue and Corbière in our Time” (Schuchard vii) … February 2, evening. Appearing before the Poetry Society of Maryland, TSE lectured on the charge of obscurity in modern poetry, then read from his work (Schuchard 236).’

The Baltimore Sun reported on Tues., 31 Jan. 1933, 20: ‘T. S. Eliot Asserts Advantage Of Being Critic Is That It Pays: American-Born Poet, Who Became British Citizen, Gives First Of Three Percy Turnbull Memorial Lectures at Johns Hopkins:

It pays better to criticize poetry than to write it, T. S. Eliot has learned.

The eminent poet and leader of a reactionary movement in poetry said as much while discussing his calling yesterday after a lecture at the Johns Hopkins University. He gave the first of the three Percy Turnbull Memorial Lectures for this year. Speaking on The Metaphysical Poets, he will complete the season with lectures at 3 P.M. Wednesday and Friday in Latrobe Hall.

When asked how he could account for his success as both poet and critic, in view of the general rule that a great poet is seldom a great critic, he said:

‘Well, I don’t know about that. My chief reason for being a critic at present is the fact that you can make a little money out of an essay on criticism.’

It was the second time this month that a poet from the British Isles visiting Baltimore has intimated that writing poetry is not a lucrative profession. Several weeks ago William Butler Yeats, leader of the renaissance of Irish literature, said that the Irish were great ‘appreciators of poetry, if not readers of it.’ They honored him as a personality, he admitted, even though they did not read his books.

Mr Eliot, born in St Louis, aroused much speculation when he became a British citizen in 1927. Some said at the time that it was the case of a thinker seeking seclusion, like a mediæval monk going into the monastery.

Asked if he found London conducive to the contemplative life, he replied:

‘PerhapsEnglandLondon;h1affords solitude and anonymity;a3East Coker, SomersetEnglandBurnt Norton, GloucestershireEnglandLittle Gidding, CambridgeshireEnglandChipping CampdenEnglandCambridge, CambridgeshireEnglandLondonEnglandOxford, OxfordshireEngland so. I think that London, being the largest city in the world, is the best place in the world to lose yourself … New York is not even second best. It is too noisy … In London you can always find some place where you can be alone. There people don’t go out of their way to find you when you want quiet.’

For his lecture Latrobe Hall was packed with well over 400 persons. Prof. H. C. Lancaster, chairman of the department of romance languages, introducing the speaker, said, ‘Our English cousins are generous in sending us poets and other lecturers to help us in our war against Philistines and other barbarians. We are indebted to them, but we ask for no cancellation nor moratorium. Our debt is well paid, for we have given them Henry James and T. S. Eliot.’

TSEPercy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures, The (otherwise The Varieties of Metaphysical Poetry)their fate;a6nVarieties of Metaphysical Poetry, ThePercy Graeme Turnbull Memorial Lectures, The (otherwise The Varieties of Metaphysical Poetry) told John Quentin Feller, Jr. (Baltimore), 22 Dec. 1960: ‘Do you know, I have completely forgotten the subject of the Turnbull lectures which I gave in 1933, and I must have destroyed the text. I gave a great many single lectures, as well as the series at Harvard and the series at the University of Virginia, during the nine months of my stay in America because, to tell the truth, I was badly in arrears with payment of income tax and had to earn all the money I could in order to pay off my debts to the Inland Revenue. It seems very odd now that I should have given three lectures, preserved no copy, and forgotten the subject, but there it is.’

22.MargaretTurnbull, Margaret Turnbull (1887–1981), a graduate of Bryn Mawr College, had gained a Masters in History from the University of Pennsylvania. Her husband was Bayard Turnbull (1879–1954).

23.Matthew Bruccoli related in The Life of Scott Fitzgerald, 404: ‘When T. S. Eliot lectured on the metaphysical poets at Johns Hopkins University in February 1933, the Turnbulls invited Fitzgerald to a dinner they gave for Eliot [at “Trimbush”, the Turnbulls’ estate at Rodgers’ Forge in Towson, north of Baltimore]. Fitzgerald regarded him as the greatest living poet and had been gratified by his praise of The Great Gatsby. On this occasion Fitzgerald was asked to read Eliot’s poems [including a section of The Waste Land] aloud, which he did effectively.’ FitzgeraldFitzgerald, F. Scotton meeting TSE;a2n to Edmund Wilson (ca. Feb. 1933): ‘T. S. Eliot and I had an afternoon + evening together last week. I read him some of his poems and he seemed to think they were pretty good. I liked him fine. Very broken and sad + shrunk inside’ (F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Life in Letters, ed. Bruccoli [1994, 2005], 227). See also Bruccoli, Some Sort of Epic Grandeur (1981), 345; Arthur Mizener, The Far Side of Paradise: A Biography of F. Scott Fitzgerald (1965), 249.

T. S. Matthews adds (Great Tom, 115): ‘On the afternoon of Eliot’s arrival at the Turnbull House Fitzgerald came to see him, and the two went off for a long walk. Mrs Turnbull remembers seeing them start off across the lawn … When Eliot returned from his walk, Mrs Turnbull showed him her copy of The Divine Comedy, and told him with some pride that she had read it. “Begun to read it,” he corrected her.’

OnFitzgerald, F. Scottin TSE's recollection;a3n 30 Oct. 1958 TSE wrote to Andrew Turnbull (son of Mr and Mrs Bayard Turnbull), who was at work on a biography, Scott Fitzgerald (1962): ‘Fitzgerald seemed to me a very sick man at the time I saw him in Baltimore. I liked him and enjoyed our conversation, though I cannot now remember what topics were discussed. I can remember the carboy of gin which he produced from a cupboard toward my refreshment, very similar indeed to a carboy of gin which one of my friends at Harvard provided for me <regularly! $300 a gallon> during that period. I also remember that you paid me a sort of compliment, or so I was told afterwards. Someone said that you had remarked about me that I had the manners of a titmouse and the strength of a lion. I do not know quite what the manners of titmouse would be and I have certainly never felt myself to be very leonine, but the impression made by the remark was rather pleasant’.

TSE wrote on 22 Sept. 1960 to John Quentin Feller. Jr.: ‘I did go to see Scott Fitzgerald and his wife in 1933 when I went down to Baltimore to deliver the Turnbull lectures there and was a guest of the Turnbulls. Fitzgerald and his wife were then living in a house on the Turnbull Estate which had been put at their disposal by Miss Turnbull. I called on them one afternoon. It was the first and only occasion of my meeting with Scott Fitzgerald in person. I remember that he looked a very sick man and I remember that he produced from a cupboard the usual prohibited carboy of bootlegged gin for my entertainment. But what we talked about I do not remember. It was a friendly occasion and I liked the man, but I retain a strong impression of sadness. And I have never read Tender is the Night, though I am proud to possess a copy inscribed to me by him. I still regard The Great Gatsby as a very fine and remarkable novel’ (Cited in Bauman Rare Books Catalogue, 1996).

FitzgeraldFitzgerald, F. ScottTender is the Night;a5 inscribed a copy of Tender is the Night: A Romance (New York, 1934):

‘T. S. Eliot from F. Scott Fitzgerald

with all admiration

——all respect

——all ———

All everything from one who believes that Dr. Johnson’s sneer at “reciprocal courtesy between authors,” must have been tossed off in a bitter moment.’ (TSE Library)

TSE’sFitzgerald, F. ScottThe Great Gatsby;a4 copy of The Great Gatsby, which Fitzgerald sent him in Dec. 1925, is inscribed: ‘For T. S. Elliott [sic] / Greatest of Living Poets / from his enthusiastic / worshipper / F. Scott Fitzgerald. / Paris. / Oct. / 1925.’ But TSE lamented to Jack L. Morris (Tallahassee, Fla.), 3 Sept. 1959: ‘Oh dear, I wish I knew what had become of the copy he inscribed for me, but – like so many of my books – it has vanished.’ TSE’s secretary told Jeffrey Hart, 26 Mar. 1964: ‘Mr Eliot does not think that his copy of The Great Gatsby was inscribed by Scott Fitzgerald. In fact he is almost certain that he bought it for himself, but he cannot verify this because unfortunately he has mislaid it.’ (See too Jeffrey Hart, ‘Scott Fitzgerald’s America’, National Review, 19 Nov. 1963, 443–4.) Valerie Eliot wrote to a Swiss researcher, Eugen Huonder, 17 Mar. 1970: ‘Alas, I am sorry to say that my husband’s inscribed copy of The Great Gatsby disappeared many years ago and there is no record of the inscription’ (EVE carbon). See Daniel G. Siegel, ‘T. S. Eliot’s Copy of Gatsby’, Fitzgerald/Hemingway Annual 1971, 291–3. TSE’s copy of The Great Gatsby, inscribed by FSF, was donated in Dec. 2007 to the John Hay Library, Brown University, by Daniel Siegel of M & S Rare Books, Providence, RI.

TSE told Marie P. Harris (19 Feb. 1952) likewise: ‘I liked Fitzgerald personally, and rated The Great Gatsby very high indeed.’

OnAsh Wednesdayinscribed to Scott Fitzgerald;a7n 3 Feb. 1933 TSE wrote in a copy of Ash-Wednesday (1930) on the title page: ‘Inscribed to Scott Fitzgerald with the author’s homage T. S. Eliot’.

TSE would later inscribe his copy of Fitzgerald’s posthumous collection The Crack-Up (1945), for Valerie Eliot: ‘I met S. F. only once: in Baltimore in 1933.’

TSE told John Quentin Feller, 22 Dec. 1960: ‘You can tell Miss Turnbull, who I have no doubt is a very charming lady, that I am as shocked by her intolerance of Scott Fitzgerald’s weakness [for alcohol] as she is by Scott Fitzgerald himself.’

24.EleanorTurnbull, Eleanor Turnbull (1875–1964), scholar and translator of Spanish poetry.

25.SallyKinsolving, Sally Bruce (née Sally Archer Bruce) Bruce Kinsolving, née Sally Archer Bruce (1876–1962), author of David and Bathsheba and Other Poems (1922) and Grey Heather (1930).

26.RevdKinsolving, Revd Arthur Barksdale Arthur Barksdale Kinsolving (1861–1951), minister of St James, Baltimore, 1906–42.

27.InStillman, Charles Chaunceyendows Charles Eliot Norton Chair;a1n 1925 Charles Chauncey Stillman, class of 1898, philanthropist, gave $200,000 to endow the Charles Eliot Norton Chair of Poetry, in memory of Professor Charles Eliot Norton.

28.AliceJames, Alice Rutherford Runnels Rutherford Runnels James (1884–1957), wife of William (‘Willie’) James Jr. (1882–1961) – son of psychologist William James (brother of Henry) – American artist and painting critic for the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; acting director, 1930–7.

29.Edward Burlingame Hill (1872–1960), American composer, taught at Harvard from 1906; Professor, 1928–40. His students included Leonard Bernstein, Elliott Carter, Virgil Thomson.

30.LangdonWarner, Langdon Warner (1881–1955), American archaeologist and art historian; specialist in East Asian art; Professor at Harvard; Curator of the Fogg Museum – and reputedly one of the models for Steven Spielberg’s Indiana Jones. Katharine Sansom thought him ‘a jolly sort of buccaneer … the gentlest of men and a passionate aesthete’ (Sir George Sansom and Japan, 20).

31.Henry Copley Greene (1871–1951), Harvard alumnus, writer and social worker. He was for many years Clerk of the Boston Art Commission. His wife was Rosalind Huidekoper.

32.For Sears, see below.

33.William Ellery Sedgwick, Jr. (1872–1960), editor of the Atlantic Monthly, 1908–38; his wife was Mabel Cabot.

34.DanielSargent, Daniel Sargent (1890–1987), historian, biographer, and poet, taught at Harvard, 1914–34, and was thereafter a full-time writer. Author of eleven books including Thomas More (1933). He lived at 30 The Fenway, Boston Mass., and was Secretary of the Boston Art Commission.

35.AnnieLamb, Annie Lawrence (TSE's cousin) Lawrence (Rotch) Lamb (1857–1950) was married to Horatio Appleton Lamb (1850–1926).

36.JanPaderewski, Jan IgnaceTSE attends concert given by;a1 Ignace Paderewski (1860–1941), world-famous pianist and composer – and advocate of Polish independence. As well as his hugely successful concert career (which meant he spent little time in Poland after the 1880s), Paderewski was briefly Prime Minister of the newly independent Poland in 1919 and also played a leading role in the exile government in 1939–40 after Poland was occupied by Hitler and Stalin.

37.Elizabeth Wheeler Manwaring, Class of 1901 Professor of Rhetoric and Composition.

38.IsabelSmith, Isabel Fothergill Fothergill Smith (1890–1990), first Dean of Scripps, 1929–35; Professor of Geology and Tutor in Sciences, 1929–35. See Jill Stephanie Schneiderman, ‘Growth and Development of a Woman Scientist and Educator’, Earth Sciences History 11: 1 (1992), 37–9.

39.PresumablyStephenson, Martha Tucker Mazyck Martha Tucker Mazyck Stephenson, wife of Nathaniel Wright Stephenson (1867–1935), Professor of History and Biography at Scripps College, 1927–35: author of Lincoln and the Union (1919); Nelson W. Aldrich (1930); A History of the American People (2 vols, 1934).

40.DrJaqua, Ernest J. Ernest J. Jaqua (1882–1974), first President of Scripps College, 1927–42.

41.Der Gedanke enthält die Mölichkeit der Sachlage die er denkt. Was denkbar ist, ist auch möglich’: ‘The thought contains the possibility of the state of affairs which it thinks. What is thinkable is also possible’ (Ludwig Wittgenstein, proposition 302, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, trans. C. K Ogden, with the assistance of F. P. Ramsey (1922), 42–3). William Empson, ‘This Last Pain’: ‘“What is conceivable can happen too,” said Wittgenstein …’

42.MarieMcSpadden, Marie McSpadden, in a letter to Kay Koeninger, 16 Jan. 1982: ‘Emily Hale, his dear friend, was an intimate of mine … I think he sent me the poem, “Marina”, because I was a typical California “sailor girl”, tanned, tall, and used to the sailing and swimming and out-of-door living that went with the locale. And very extrovert.’ A student at Scripps College, McSpadden went on to take an MA at Stanford University, and was to work for a while as assistant to Lou Henry Hoover (1874–1944) – wife of Herbert Hoover (1874–1964), President of the USA, 1929–33 – when she served as the National President of the Girl Scouts of the USA, 1935–7.

43.Richard Ainley (1910–67), stage, screen and radio actor.

44.EthelGlendinning, Ethel Glendinning (1910–96), stage and screen actor.

Ainley, Richard,

6.RichardAinley, Richard Ainley (1910–67), theatre and film actor; son of actor Henry Ainley (1879–1945).

America, TSE on not returning in 1915, and TSE as transatlantic cultural conduit, dependence on Europe, TSE's sense of deracination from, and the Great Depression, TSE a self-styled 'Missourian', as depicted in Henry Eliot's Rumble Murders, its national coherence questioned, its religious and educational future, versus Canadian and colonial society, where age is not antiquity, drinks Scotland's whisky, and FDR's example to England, underrates Europe's influence on England, redeemed by experience with G. I.'s, TSE nervous at readjusting to, and post-war cost of living, more alien to TSE post-war, its glories, landscape, cheap shoes, its horrors, Hollywood, climate, lack of tea, overheated trains, over-social clubs, overheating in general, perplexities of dress code, food, especially salad-dressing, New England Gothic, earthquakes, heat, the whistle of its locomotives, 'Easter holidays' not including Easter, the cut of American shirts, television, Andover, Massachusetts, EH moves to, Ann Arbor, Michigan, TSE on visiting, Augusta, Maine, EH stops in, Baltimore, Maryland, and TSE's niece, TSE engaged to lecture in, TSE on visiting, Bangor, Maine, EH visits, Bay of Fundy, EH sailing in, Bedford, Massachusetts, its Stearns connections, Boston, Massachusetts, TSE tries to recollect society there, its influence on TSE, its Museum collection remembered, inspires homesickness, TSE and EH's experience of contrasted, described by Maclagan, suspected of dissipating EH's energies, EH's loneliness in, Scripps as EH's release from, possibly conducive to TSE's spiritual development, restores TSE's health, its society, TSE's relations preponderate, TSE's happiness in, as a substitute for EH's company, TSE's celebrity in, if TSE were there in EH's company, its theatregoing public, The Times on, on Labour Day, Brunswick, Maine, TSE to lecture in, TSE on visiting, California, as imagined by TSE, TSE's wish to visit, EH suggests trip to Yosemite, swimming in the Pacific, horrifies TSE, TSE finds soulless, land of earthquakes, TSE dreads its effect on EH, Wales's resemblance to, as inferno, and Californians, surfeit of oranges and films in, TSE's delight at EH leaving, land of kidnappings, Aldous Huxley seconds TSE's horror, the lesser of two evils, Cannes reminiscent of, TSE masters dislike of, land of monstrous churches, TSE regrets EH leaving, winterless, its southern suburbs like Cape Town, land of fabricated antiquities, Cambridge, Massachusetts, TSE's student days in, socially similar to Bloomsbury, TSE lonely there but for Ada, TSE's happiness in, exhausting, EH's 'group' in, road safety in, Casco Bay, Maine, TSE remembers, Castine, Maine, EH holidays in, Cataumet, Massachusetts, EH holidays in, Chicago, Illinois, EH visits, reportedly bankrupt, TSE on, TSE takes up lectureship in, its climate, land of fabricated antiquities, Chocurua, New Hampshire, EH stays in, Concord, Massachusetts, EH's househunting in, EH moves from, Connecticut, its countryside, and Boerre, TSE's end-of-tour stay in, Dorset, Vermont, EH holidays in, and the Dorset Players, Elizabeth, New Jersey, TSE on visiting, Farmington, Connecticut, place of EH's schooling, which TSE passes by, EH holidays in, Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire, EH recuperates in, Gerrish Island, Maine, TSE revisits, Hollywood, perceived debauchery of its movies, TSE's dream of walk-on part, condemned by TSE to destruction, TSE trusts Murder will be safe from, Iowa City, Iowa, TSE invited to, Jonesport, Maine, remembered, Kittery, Maine, described, Lexington, Massachusetts, and the Stearns family home, Lyndeborough, New Hampshire, visited by EH, Madison, Wisconsin, Aurelia Bolliger hails from, Ralph Hodgson sails for, EH summers in, as conceived by TSE, who eventually visits, Maine, its coast remembered by TSE, TSE recalls swimming off, Minneapolis, on EH's 1952 itinerary, TSE lectures in, New Bedford, Massachusetts, EH's holidays in, TSE's family ties to, New England, and Unitarianism, more real to TSE than England, TSE homesick for, in TSE's holiday plans, architecturally, compared to California, and the New England conscience, TSE and EH's common inheritance, springless, TSE remembers returning from childhood holidays in, its countryside distinguished, and The Dry Salvages, New York (N.Y.C.), TSE's visits to, TSE encouraged to write play for, prospect of visiting appals TSE, as cultural influence, New York theatres, Newburyport, Maine, delights TSE, Northampton, Massachusetts, TSE on, EH settles in, TSE's 1936 visit to, autumn weather in, its spiritual atmosphere, EH moves house within, its elms, the Perkinses descend on, Aunt Irene visits, Boerre's imagined life in, TSE on hypothetical residence in, EH returns to, Peterborough, New Hampshire, visited by EH, TSE's vision of life at, Petersham, Massachusetts, EH holidays in, TSE visits with the Perkinses, EH spends birthday in, Edith Perkins gives lecture at, the Perkinses cease to visit, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, TSE on, and TSE's private Barnes Foundation tour, Independence Hall, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, surrounding countryside, Portsmouth, Maine, delights TSE, Randolph, New Hampshire, 1933 Eliot family holiday in, the Eliot siblings return to, Seattle, Washington State, EH summers in, EH's situation at, TSE prefers to California, EH repairs to post-Christmas, EH visits on 1952 tour, EH returns to, Sebasco, Maine, EH visits, South, the, TSE's first taste of, TSE's prejudices concerning, St. Louis, Missouri, TSE's childhood in, TSE's homesickness for, TSE styling himself a 'Missourian', possible destination for TSE's ashes, resting-place of TSE's parents, TSE on his return to, the Mississippi, compared to TSE's memory, TSE again revisits, TSE takes EVE to, St. Paul, Minnesota, TSE on visiting, the Furness house in, Tryon, North Carolina, EH's interest in, EH staying in, Virginia, scene of David Garnett's escapade, and the Page-Barbour Lectures, TSE on visiting, and the South, Washington, Connecticut, EH recuperates in, West Rindge, New Hampshire, EH holidays at, White Mountains, New Hampshire, possible TSE and EH excursion to, Woods Hole, Falmouth, Massachusetts, TSE and EH arrange holiday at, TSE and EH's holiday in recalled, and The Dry Salvages, TSE invited to, EH and TSE's 1947 stay in, EH learns of TSE's death at,
Andrewes, Katharine Day,

Little’sAndrewes, Katharine Day first wife (m. 1911), was Katharine Day Andrews, who bore three children: the couple divorced in 1929. In 1930, Little married Beatrice Winifred Johnson (1899–1973), a scientific researcher who worked as his laboratory assistant: they had two children.

appearance (TSE's), 'pudding-faced', TSE remembers wearing make-up, of a third-rate actor, likened to a crook, of a Chicago magnate, of a dissipated movie actor, of a debauched British statesman, hair-style, lobster-skinned, of a brutal Roman emperor, of a superior comic actor, of Maurice Evans, proud of his legs, wart on scalp, baldness, 'in spots', unlikely treatment for, 'as a bat', worsened by travel, due to worry, may require wig, in retreat, reasserts itself, confines TSE to single barber, eyes, dark, damaged by teeth-poisoning, figure, 'obese', altered by war, hernia, described, deferred operation for, recovery from, nose, the Eliot nostril, a Norman nose, too thin for pince-nez, teeth, 'nothing but chalk', EH severe on the state of, 'stumps', blamed for hair-loss, liable to be removed, blamed for rheumatism, false upper plate, plate reconstructed, state of, new false teeth, keystone tooth removed, remaining upper teeth removed, new plate,
Arlington St. Church, Boston, TSE's student place of worship, versus Unitarianism in St. Louis,
Ash Wednesday, inspired by EH, TSE recites after dinner, OM compares to Anna Livia Plurabelle, recited at Wellesley, inscribed to Scott Fitzgerald, its imperatives self-directed, TSE explains, TSE's last uncommissioned poem, St. Martin's-in-the-Fields recital, which TSE gives from pulpit, TSE cross-examined by child on, recorded for BBC,
Beyle, Marie-Henri (Stendhal), TSE suggests that he and EH read together, as realism, La Chartreuse de Parme,
Boas, George,

19.GeorgeBoas, George Boas (1891–1980), Professor of Philosophy, Johns Hopkins University.

Bookshop for Boys and Girls, Boston, TSE gives reading at,
Brahms, Johannes, ranked by TSE alongside Beethoven, 2nd Symphony,
Campbell, Oscar,

14.OscarCampbell, Oscar Campbell (1879–1970), Professor of English, State University of New York at Buffalo; author of Shakespeare’s Satire (1943); The Reader’s Encyclopedia of Shakespeare (1966).

Christianity, and human isolation, and modern economics, Ada on TSE's personal piety, scheme for 'Pro Fide' bookshop, among the Eliot family, and beauty, its sects like different clubs, Anglo-Catholicism, TSE's conversion to, which he dates to Eccleston Square meeting, Anglican Missal sought for EH, but unfortunately out of print, discussed at Boston Theological School, and the Petrine Claims, apostolic succession, over Roman Catholicism, as refuge from VHE, and the Reformation, asceticism, discipline, rigour, the necessity for, and TSE's daily exhortation, making and breaking habits, mastering emotions and passions, as salubrious, only remedy for a prurient culture, confession and communion, more possible during Harvard year, the case for unattainable ideals, in time of war, gets TSE up before 7 o'clock, hereditary with TSE, belief, and good poetry, faced with Second World War, and conversion, antidote to TSE's skepticism, Christendom, TSE ponders the decline of, TSE on his prominence within, its ruin, the Church Visible and Invisible, and TSE's war work, the Malabar Church, prospect of total reunion within, confession, helps to objectify sin, more dreaded than dentist, harder in the morning, death and afterlife, the struggle to prepare for, consoles TSE in life, and cremation, Requiem Mass, gives meaning to life, and what makes a desirable burial place, the nature of eternal life, divorce, unrecognised by Anglo-Catholic Church, which TSE regrets, in church law, would separate TSE from Church, evil, TSE's belief in, and moral percipience, guilt, and the New England conscience, hell, TSE's 1910 vision of, and damnation, according to TSE, liturgy, TSE's weekly minimum, Mass of the Pre-sanctified, Requiem Mass versus Mass of Good Friday, and whether to serve at Mass, Imposition of Ashes, at Christmas, High Mass over Mattins, aversion to Low Church Mattins, Roman service in Wayland, Tenebrae, in country parish church, as guest at Kelham, remarkable sermon, over Christmas, Tenebrae and Family Reunion, during Holy Week, Mass of Charles King and Martyr, love, loving one's neighbour, marriage, TSE's need for privacy within, mysticism and transcendence, interpenetration of souls, intimations of life's 'pattern', 'doubleness', arrived at through reconciliation, orthodoxy, only remedy for contemporary culture, and pagans, sets TSE at odds with modernity, necessarily trinitarian, 'Christian' defined, iniquities of liberal theology, and creed, authority, Transubstantiation, TSE disclaims 'self-centredness' in maintaining, politics, the Church and social change, how denomination maps onto, need for working-class priests, church leaders against totalitarianism and Nazism, Christianity versus Fascism and Communism, Papal Encyclical against Nazi Germany, the 'Dividend morality', Presbyterianism, TSE quips on the meanness of, Quakerism, resignation, reconciliation, peace, TSE's love allows for, 'peace that passeth all understanding', the struggle to maintain, following separation from VHE, retreat and solitude, EH at Senexet, the need for, a need increasing with age, and TSE's mother, Roman Catholicism, TSE's counter-factual denomination, Rome, sacraments, Holy Communion, marriage, sainthood, TSE's idea of, the paradoxes of, susceptible of different sins, sins, vices, faults, how to invigilate, the sense of sin, the sinner's condition, bound up with the virtues, as a way to virtue, TSE's self-appraisal, when humility shades into, when unselfishness shades into, among saints, proportionate to spiritual progress, daydreaming, despair, lust, pride, perfection-seeking pride, spiritual progress and direction, TSE's crisis of 1910–11, EH's crisis, versus automatism, TSE's sense of, towards self-knowledge, in EH's case, as personal regeneration, temptation, to action/busyness, the Church Year, Advent, Christmas, dreaded, happily over, TSE rebuked for bah-humbugging, church trumps family during, season of irreligion, thoughts of EH during, unsettling, fatiguing, in wartime, Easter preferred to, Ash Wednesday, Lent, season for meditation and reading, prompts thoughts of EH, Lady Day, Holy Week, its intensity, arduous, preserved from public engagements, exhausting but refreshing, excitingly austere, Easter, better observed than Christmas, missed through illness, Unitarianism, the Eliots' as against EH's, the prospect of spiritual revival within, as personified by TSE's grandfather, regards the Bible as literature, as against Catholicism, divides EH from TSE, and whether Jesus believed himself divine, according to Dr Perkins, in England as against America, over-dependent on preachers' personality, TSE's wish that EH convert from, outside TSE's definition of 'Christian', the issue of communion, baptism, impossibly various, virtues heavenly and capital, bound up with the vices, better reached by way of sin, charity, towards others, in Bubu, TSE's intentness on, delusions of, as against tolerance, chastity, celibacy, beneath humility, TSE lacks vocation for, faith, and doubt, hope, a duty, TSE's struggle for, humility, distinguished from humiliation, comes as relief, greatest of the virtues, propinquitous to humour, not an Eliot virtue, opposed to timidity, danger of pride in, is endless, TSE criticised for overdoing, theatre a lesson in, most difficult of the virtues, possessed by EH, possessed by EH to a fault, TSE compares himself to EH in, the paradox of, distinguished from inferiority, self-discovery teaches, possessed by Dr Perkins, patience, recommended to EH, its foundations, possessed by Uncle John, purity, distinguished from purification, temperance, with alcohol, beneath humility,
Dante Alighieri, TSE explains inscription quoting, TSE lectures on, his didacticism compared to Shelley's, spiritually 'helpful', TSE asked to broadcast on, EH favoured with quote from,
Donne, John, TSE lectures on, discussed in Claremont, and EH's Christmas card,
Eliot, Elizabeth (TSE's cousin), TSE's first impression of, hosts TSE in St. Paul,
Eliot, Henry Ware, Jr. (TSE's brother), hears TSE's Dryden broadcast, as potential confidant, sibling most attuned to TSE's needs, witness to the Eliots in 1926, surprises TSE in Boston, his aura of futility, disputes New Yorker profile of TSE, at Eliot family Thanksgiving, attends second Norton lecture, his business in Chicago, hosts TSE in New York, TSE reads his second detective story, his immaturity, accuses TSE of wrath, writes TSE long critical letter, the favourite of TSE's parents, sends New York Murder clippings, writes again about religion, insensitive to European affairs, Peabody Museum employ as research associate, gives TSE pyjamas for Christmas, sends TSE luggage for Christmas, hosts Murder's Boston cast, sends present to Morley children, cables TSE on 50th birthday, given draft of Family Reunion, gives TSE portfolio, champions Kauffer's photograph of TSE, explains operation on ears, sends list of securities, takes pleasure in shouldering Margaret, undergoes serious operation, recovering at home, as curator of Eliotana, as curator of Eliotana, war imperils final reunion with, and TSE's rumoured Vatican audience, corresponds with TSE monthly, offers Tom Faber wartime refuge, nervous about TSE during Blitz, as described by Frank Morley, recalls The Dry Salvages, has appendix out, cautioned as to health, frail, condition worries TSE, as correspondent, friend to J. J. Sweeney, tries TSE's patience, reports on Ada, describes Ada's funeral, beleaguered by Margaret, sent Picture Post F&F photos, likened to Grandfather Stearns, goitre operated on, his archaeological endeavours, back in hospital, imagined in exclusively female company, ill again, as brother, has pneumonia, terminal leukaemia, prospect of his death versus Ada's, anxieties induced by deafness, writes to TSE despite illness, death, memorial service for, on EH's presumption, Michael Roberts's symptoms reminiscent of, his Chicago acquaintance, friends with Robert Lowell's father, invoked against EH, on TSE's love for EH, buried in Garrett family lot, The Rumble Murders,

3.HenryEliot, Henry Ware, Jr. (TSE's brother) Ware Eliot (1879–1947), TSE’s older brother: see Biographical Register.

Eliot, Henry Ware (TSE's father), death, a saying of his recalled, disapproved of son-in-law, was cremated, his grave visited, haunts TSE in St. Louis, religious beliefs, as person and parent, TSE accepts Washington University degree to propitiate,
Eliot, Margaret Dawes (TSE's sister), not a suitable confidant, scandalised by Henry's detective story, threatens to visit England, compared to VHE, wishes to arrange TSE's birthday party, remote from TSE, TSE and Henry visit, TSE dreads visiting Uncle Rob with, drains TSE, takes TSE to hear spirituals, her history, amazes TSE by attending Norton lecture, celebrates 61st birthday at Marion's, remembered in St. Louis, unwanted presence on holiday, reason for avoiding Boston, supported Landon over FDR, in response to 1930s controversies, compared to Irene Hale, imposes on Henry, tends to monologue, her reclusive hotel existence, Henry describes moving house for, her condition, TSE leaves money with, Thanksgiving with, efforts to support financially, death, funeral, TSE's final visit to,

6.MargaretEliot, Margaret Dawes (TSE's sister) Dawes Eliot (1871–1956), TSE's second-oldest sister sister, resident in Cambridge, Mass. In an undated letter (1952) to his Harvard friend Leon M. Little, TSE wrote: ‘Margaret is 83, deaf, eccentric, recluse (I don’t think she has bought any new clothes since 1900).’

Eliot, Marion Cushing (TSE's sister), described, her reading habits, not a suitable confidant, TSE reflects on reunion with, Symphony concerts with TSE, to the cinema with TSE, delighted with first Norton lecture, recommends TSE hairdresser for baldness, attends second Norton lecture, hosts birthday party for Margaret, remembered in St. Louis, worried by Dodo's manner, TSE's pride in, vigilant on TSE's health, on Randolph family holiday, congratulates TSE on separation, 1934 summer in England with Dodo, July arrival anticipated, arrangements for, visit to Chipping Campden, off to Salisbury, walks to Kelmscott, returns from Winchester, forces Regent's Park on TSE, excessively humble, next to Ada in TSE's affections, protects TSE from overbearing Hinkleys, supported Landon over FDR, co-hosts Murder party, 1939 summer in England with Dodo, trip in doubt, Southwold week planned, due 19 June, taken to Dulwich, ballet and dinner with, Southwold holiday with, given to post-lunch naps, sends Christmas supplies to Shamley, as correspondent, easiest Eliot in Ada's absence, experiences crisis, importance as sister, Henry's fondness for, devoutly Unitarian, ignorant of Henry's true condition, undernourished, abortive 1948 summer in England, cancelled, which comes as relief, hosts family dinner-party, letter about Nobel Prize to, TSE leaves money with, 1949 visit to England with Dodo, June arrival anticipated, plans for, EH bids 'bon voyage', visit to Cambridge, return from Southwold, Borders tour, Basil Street Hotel stay, Thanksgiving with, reports on Dr Perkins's funeral, efforts to support financially, tethered to Margaret, joins TSE in St. Louis, 1954 trip to England with Dodo, visit to Ely and Cambridge, in light of Margaret's death, invoked against EH, TSE to Theresa on,

1.Marian/MarionEliot, Marion Cushing (TSE's sister) Cushing Eliot (1877–1964), fourth child of Henry Ware Eliot and Charlotte Eliot: see Biographical Register.

Eliot, Revd Frederick May (TSE's first cousin), invites TSE to lecture in St. Paul, qua preacher, as TSE's St. Paul host, unChristian, compared to Martha, versus Dr Perkins's Unitarianism, less observant than older generation, conspicuously absent from church manifestoes, compared to Uncle Christopher, and Margaret's death,

2.RevdEliot, Revd Frederick May (TSE's first cousin) Frederick May Eliot (1889–1958) – first cousin – Unitarian clergyman and author: see Biographical Register.

Eliot, Thomas Dawes (TSE's first cousin), described for EH,

12.ThomasEliot, Thomas Dawes (TSE's first cousin) Dawes Eliot (1889–1973) was married to Sigrid Victoria Wijnbladh (1888–1942).

Eliot, William Greenleaf (TSE's grandfather), TSE's religious inheritance from, the Eliot family Napoleon, Ada's quarrel with, Washington University degree accepted to propitiate,

2.Washington University 1857–1932: Seventy-fifth Anniversary of the Inauguration (Washington University Press, Apr. 1932) saluted WilliamEliot, William Greenleaf (TSE's grandfather) Greenleaf Eliot (1811–87), one of the founders and third Chancellor of the university. ‘He was graduated from Harvard Divinity School in 1834, and one year later was ordained as a minister. Desiring to identify himself with the West, he accepted an invitation from a group in St Louis, and organized the First Congregational Society, which later became the Church of the Messiah (Unitarian) … In 1853 he became the first president of the Board of Directors of Eliot Seminary, a position which he continued to hold after the change of name to Washington University, until 1870, when he became also acting chancellor. In 1872 he was elevated to the chancellorship’ (6). In an address given on 22 Apr. 1957, the Revd Dr W. G. Eliot proclaimed, ‘The charter under which we act is unexceptionable, – broad and comprehensive, – containing no limitation nor condition, except one introduced by our own request, as an amendment to the original act, namely, the prohibition of all sectarian and party tests and uses, in all departments of the institution, forever’ (11).

England, TSE as transatlantic cultural conduit for, discomforts of its larger houses, and Henry James, at times unreal, TSE's patriotic homesickness for, which is not a repudiation of America, TSE's want of relations in, encourages superiority in Americans familiar with, reposeful, natural ally of France, compared to Wales, much more intimate with Europe than America, TSE on his 'exile' in, undone by 'Dividend morality', in wartime, war binds TSE to, post-war, post-war privations, the English, initially strange to TSE, contortions of upward mobility, comparatively rooted as a people, TSE more comfortable distinguishing, the two kinds of duke, TSE's vision of wealthy provincials, its Tories, more blunt than Americans, as congregants, considered racially superior, a relief from the Scottish, don't talk in poetry, compared to the Irish, English countryside, around Hindhead, distinguished, the West Country, compared to New England's, fen country, in primrose season, the English weather, cursed by Joyce, suits mistiness, preferred to America's, distinguished for America's by repose, relaxes TSE, not rainy enough, English traditions, Derby Day, Order of Merit, shooting, Varsity Cricket Match, TSE's dislike of talking cricket, rugby match enthralls, the death of George V, knighthood, the English language, Adlestrop, Gloucestershire, visited by EH and TSE, Amberley, West Sussex, ruined castle at, Arundel, West Sussex, TSE's guide to, Bath, Somerset, TSE 'ravished' by, EH visits, Bemerton, Wiltshire, visited on Herbert pilgrimage, Blockley, Gloucestershire, tea at the Crown, Bosham, West Sussex, EH introduced to, Bridport, Dorset, Tandys settled near, Burford, Oxfordshire, EH staying in, too hallowed to revisit, Burnt Norton, Gloucestershire, TSE remembers visiting, and the Cotswolds, its imagined fate, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, less oppressive than Oxford, TSE's vision of life in, possible refuge during Blitz, Charlbury, Oxfordshire, visited by EH and TSE, Chester, Cheshire, TSE's plans in, TSE on, Chichester, West Sussex, the Perkinses encouraged to visit, EH celebrates birthday in, TSE's guide to, 'The Church and the Artist', TSE gives EH ring in, Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire, Perkinses take house at, shockingly remote, TSE's first weekend at, likened to Florence, TSE jealous of memories associated with, its Arts & Crafts associations, its attractions to Dr Perkins, forever associated with TSE and EH, sound of the Angelus, without EH, treasured in TSE's memory, excursions from, EH on 'our' garden at, Stamford House passes into new hands, EH's fleeting return to, Cornwall, TSE's visit to, compared to North Devon, Cotswolds, sacred in TSE's memory, Derbyshire, as seen from Swanwick, Devon ('Devonshire'), likened to American South, the Eliots pre-Somerset home, its scenery, Dorset, highly civilised, TSE feels at home in, TSE's Tandy weekend in, Durham, TSE's visit to, East Anglia, its churches, TSE now feels at home in, East Coker, Somerset, visited by Uncle Chris and Abby, TSE conceives desire to visit, reasons for visiting, described, visited again, and the Shamley Cokers, now within Father Underhill's diocese, photographs of, Finchampstead, Berkshire, visited by TSE and EH, specifically the Queen's Head, Framlingham, Suffolk, visited, Garsington, Oxfordshire, recalled, Glastonbury, Somerset, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, Gloucestershire, highly civilised, its beautiful edge, its countryside associated with EH, TSE at home in, its domestic architecture, Hadsleigh, Suffolk, visited, Hampshire, journey through, TSE's New Forest holiday, Hereford, highly civilised, Hull, Yorkshire, and 'Literature and the Modern World', Ilfracombe, Devon, and the Field Marshal, hideous, Knole Park, Kent, Lavenham, Suffolk, visited, Leeds, Yorkshire, TSE lectures in, touring Murder opens in, the Dobrées visited in, home to EVE's family, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, TSE's visit to, especially the Bishop's Palace, Lincolnshire, arouses TSE's curiosity, unknown to EH, Lingfield, Surrey, Little Gidding, Cambridgeshire, TSE's long-intended expedition to, London, in TSE's experience, TSE's isolation within, affords solitude and anonymity, contrasted to country life, its fogs, socially freer than Boston and Paris, eternally misty, its lionhunters, rain preferable in, more 'home' to TSE than America, socially more legible than Boston, its society compared to Boston's, TSE's desire to live among cockneys, South Kensington too respectable, Clerkenwell, Camberwell, Blackheath, Greenwich scouted for lodging, its comparatively vigorous religious life, Camberwell lodging sought, Clerkenwell lodging sought, and music-hall nostalgia, abandoned by society in August, the varieties of cockney, TSE's East End sojourn, South Kensington grows on TSE, prepares for Silver Jubilee, South Kensington street names, Dulwich hallowed in memory, so too Greenwich, during 1937 Coronation, preparing for war, Dulwich revisited with family, in wartime, TSE as air-raid warden in, Long Melford, Suffolk, Lowestoft, Suffolk, Lyme Regis, Dorset, with the Morleys, Marlborough, Wiltshire, scene of a happy drink, Needham Market, Suffolk, Newcastle, Northumberland, TSE's visit to, Norfolk, appeals to TSE, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, dreary, Nottinghamshire, described for EH, Oxford, Oxfordshire, as recollected by TSE, past and present, EH takes lodgings in, haunted for TSE, in July, compared to Cambridge, Peacehaven, Sussex, amazing sermon preached in, Penrith, TSE's visit to, Rochester, as Dickens described, Salisbury, Wiltshire, in the Richmonds' company, Shamley Green, Surrey, TSE's ARP work in, its post office, Pilgrim Players due at, Somerset, highly civilised, TSE at home in, Southwold, Suffolk, TSE visits with family, Stanton, Gloucestershire, on TSE and EH's walk, Stanway, Gloucestershire, on EH and TSE's walk, Suffolk, TSE visits with family, Surrey, Morley finds TSE lodging in, evening bitter at the Royal Oak, TSE misses, as it must have been, Sussex, commended to EH, TSE walking Stane Street and downs, EH remembers, Walberswick, Suffolk, Wells, Somerset, TSE on visiting, Whipsnade, Bedfordshire, EH and TSE visit, Whitchurch Canonicorum, Dorset, delightful name, Wiltshire, highly civilised, TSE at home in, Winchelsea, East Sussex, visited, Winchester, TSE on, Wisbech, Lincolnshire, TSE on visiting, Worcestershire, TSE feels at home in, Yeovil, Somerset, visited en route to East Coker, York, TSE's glimpse of, Yorkshire,
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, doses TSE with whisky, on meeting TSE, in TSE's recollection, The Great Gatsby, Tender is the Night,
'Formation of Taste, The', lecture reprised in St. Paul,
France, TSE's Francophilia shared by Whibley, TSE dreams of travelling in, synonymous, for TSE, with civilisation, the Franco-Italian entente, over Portugal, TSE awarded Légion d’honneur, subsequently elevated from chevalier to officier, TSE describes a typical French reception, Switzerland now favoured over, French cuisine, French culture, Exhibition of French Art 1200–1900, French painting, compared to English culture, French language, tires TSE to speak, TSE hears himself speaking, TSE dreads speaking in public, and TSE's false teeth, French politics, French street protest, England's natural ally, post-Versailles, post-war Anglo-French relations, French theatre, the French, more blunt than Americans, as compared to various other races, Paris, TSE's 1910–11 year in, EH pictured in, its society larger than Boston's, TSE's guide to, Anglo-French society, strikes, TSE dreads visiting, post-war, the Riviera, TSE's guide to, the South, fond 1919 memories of walking in, Limoges in 1910, Bordeaux,
Furness sisters, the,
Glendinning, Ethel,

44.EthelGlendinning, Ethel Glendinning (1910–96), stage and screen actor.

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, TSE's failure to appreciate, quoted on serenity, obiter dictum on,
Greenes, the Copley,

3.HenryGreenes, the CopleyGreene, Henry CopleyGreenes, the CopleyGreene, Rosalind Copley (née Huidekoper)Greenes, the Copley Copley Greene (1871–1951), Harvard alumnus, writer and social worker; Unitarian. He was for many years Clerk of the Boston Art Commission. His wife was Rosalind Huidekoper. The Copley Greene family was much involved with amateur theatre, musicology and various social causes.

Hale, Emily, visits the Eliots for tea, returns to Boston, likened to TSE's mother, TSE identifies with her 'reserve', encouraged to write for periodicals, visits West Rindge, summers in Seattle, presents herself as cossetted, blames herself for an unfulfilled life, returns to Boston, consulted over TSE's Norton Professorship, holidays in Castine, vacations in New Bedford, TSE fears accident befalling, travels to stay in Seattle, Frank Morley on Ada on, arrives in California, brought to tears by music, goes horse-riding, baited over how to boil an egg, TSE passes old school of, takes motoring holiday via San Francisco, summers in Seattle, TSE composes squib for, takes TSE's hand in dream, returned to California, TSE sends Harvard Vocarium record, holidays in West Rindge, returns to Boston before embarking for England, arrives in England, to travel to Paris, returns to London, feels inferior to 'brilliant society', invited to Sweeney Agonistes rehearsal, attends Richard II with TSE, attends Sweeney Agonistes, takes TSE to Gielgud's Hamlet, taken to see Stravinsky conducting, leaves for Italy, takes tea at OM's before leaving, mistaken for TSE's sister, returns to Florence, sails for the Riviera, returns from France, returns to Chipping Campden, to Guernsey with Jeanie McPherrin, taken to Henry IV on return, shares open taxi with TSE through Parks and Whitehall, and TSE attend The Gondoliers, visit to the Russian ballet, invited to Murder in Canterbury, and TSE attend 1066 And All That, taken to Tovaritch, and Morleys set for ballet, which she excuses herself from, criticised for flower-arranging, and TSE walk in the Cotswolds, feels inferior to Margaret Thorp, and TSE theatre-going with Thorps, taken to Timon of Athens, taken to Peer Gynt, visited at Campden for TSE's birthday, takes lodgings in Oxford, lodges at 19 Rosary Gardens, watches TSE read to Student Christian Movement, and TSE visit Kenwood House, dines with the Maritains, describes tea with the Woolfs, returns to America, visits Ada on Boston homecoming, possible career-move into politics, pays winter visit to Rindge, and Eleanor Hinkley attend New York Murder, moves to 154 Riverway with Perkinses, considers volunteering for charity, living at 5 Clement Circle, holidays in Cataumet, returns abruptly to Cambridge, recuperates in New Hampshire, moves to 240 Crescent St., Northampton, Mass., lectures at Concord, returns to Brimmer Street, returns to Boston during vacation, sails for England, in residence at Chipping Campden, travels to Yorkshire, returned to Chipping Campden, returns and moves to 22 Paradise Road, Northampton, Mass., spends Thanksgiving in Boston, stays at Hotel Lincolnshire with the Perkinses, vacations at New Bedford, visits New York, holidays in Charleston, as patron of school, returns to Northampton, sails for England, day at Windsor with TSE, fortnight at Campden with TSE, at Campden with TSE again, returns to America with 'Boerre', ordered to stay in America in case of war, given Family Reunion draft with her comments, encouraged to write drama criticism, vacations in New Bedford, advises TSE against Tewkesbury choruses, holidays with the Havenses, sails for England, at Chipping Campden, stays with the Adam Smiths in Scotland, returns to America with Perkinses, safely returned, sent copy of TSE's daily prayers, sent first CNL, sends TSE selected American plays, holidays in New Bedford, spends Easter in Harwichport, holiday destinations, holidays in Cape Cod, returns to the Perkinses at 90 Commonwealth Avenue, stays with Elsmiths in Woods Hole, holidays on Grand Manan, visits Perkinses in Boston, returns to 90 Commonwealth Avenue, holidays in Madison, Wisc., travels on to Maine, holidays on Grand Manan, holidays in Bangor, Maine, as president of S. P. C. A., spends Christmas holiday in New Bedford, holidays in Woods Hole, loans out her Eliotana, removes from Smith to the Perkinses, spends time in Maine, repairs to New Bedford, spends time in Tryon, N. C., returned to Boston, spends three days in New York, shares details of will, holidays on Grand Manan, leaves TSE portrait in event of predeceasing him, late summer in New Brunswick, vacations in New Bedford, repairs to New Bedford, resident in Millbrook, takes short holiday at 'Bleak House', holidays on Grand Manan, visits Woods Hole, visits New Bedford, holidays in New Bedford, spends holiday at Sylvia Knowles's, holidays in Dorset, Vt., holidays briefly in Farmington, holidaying on Grand Manan, TSE seeks Trojan Women translation for, moves to 9 Lexington Road, gives Christmas readings, congratulates TSE on OM, urges TSE not to despair at honours, spends Easter in Boston, race-relations and the WPA, sings Bach's B Minor Mass, removes from Concord to Andover, on life in Grand Manan, congratulates TSE on Nobel Prize, resident at 35 School Street, Andover, summers between Boston, Woods Hole, New Bedford and Grand Manan, recounts journey to Grand Manan, takes The Cocktail Party personally, then repents of doing so, post-Christmas stay in New Bedford, reports on Cocktail Party's opening, summers between Chocorua and Campobello, tours westward to California during summer holiday, attends British Drama League summer school, holidays in Grand Manan, asks TSE for occasional poem, week in the Virgin Islands, summers between Mount Desert and California, spends holidays in New Bedford, recuperates in New Bedford, returns, briefly to Chipping Campden, Eleanor Hinkley reports on, writes to EVE, sends EVE photograph of TSE, makes tour of Scandinavia, approaches TSE on Smith's behalf, which approach TSE declines, writes to TSE on GCF's death, moves back to Concord, pays visit to Seattle, reacts to TSE's death, writes to EVE, meets EVE, dies, appearance and characteristics, her shapely neck, TSE's memory for certain of her old dresses, particularly four dresses, which TSE then describes, TSE begs EH to describe her clothing, in silk, autumn 1930, costumed in a 'Titian wig', EH encouraged to gain weight, EH encouraged to tan, her Jantzen suit, TSE begs a slip of hair from, her gold-and-green tea gown, her Praxitelean nose, EH congratulated on 'perm', EH refuses TSE lock of hair, her voice, Guardsman dress, as a Botticelli Madonna, her hands, recommended skin-cream, 'new goldy dress', TSE inquires after, in TSE's dreams, 'new and nuder' swimsuit demanded, her black dress/red jacket outfit, dressed in blue, in charming black dress, her sense of humour, her New England conscience, the famous apricot dress, her hair, various dresses, EH's idea of new dresses, EH hair cut in the new style, blue dress worn following masque, as actor, as Olivia in Twelfth Night, in the Cambridge Dramatic club, as Roxane in Cyrano in 1915/16, as Judith Bliss in Hay Fever, EH considers giving up for teaching, in the 'stunt show' with TSE, as Beatrice, TSE hopes, in The Footlight Club, in Berkeley Square, in The Yellow Jacket, EH praised over Ruth Draper, under Ellen van Volkenburg, cast as an octogenarian, in The Old Lady Shows Her Medals, TSE speculates as to her future in, and teaching, as Lady Bracknell, TSE begs to write part for, in The Footlight Club, potentially in summer theatre company, as the Duchess of Devonshire, potentially in The Family Reunion, Cambridge Dramatic club reunion, The Wingless Victory, in masque with TSE, in a Van Druten play, as Lodovico Sforza, in play by Laurence Housman, as Madame Arcati in Blithe Spirit, with Paul Stephenson, in Kind Lady, joins the Dorset Players, as director ('producer'), La Locandiera, Lady Gregory's The Dragon, Dust of the Road, Comus, possibly temporarily at St. Catherine's, Va., chorus work at Smith, Electra, Quality Street, The Merchant of Venice, Dear Brutus, Christmas play, Richard II, Hay Fever, Christmas pantomime, The Dorset Players, a reading of Outward Bound, Molnár's The Swan, Dulcy, The School for Scandal, Fanny and the Servant Problem, Dear Brutus again, Twelfth Night, Prunella, Christmas play, Antigone, The Merry Wives of Windsor, As You Like It, The Admirable Crichton, Holy Night, The Tempest, as teacher, EH lectures on 'Modern British Verse', as a career, at Milwaukee-Downer College, Mich., at Simmons College, Boston, EH considers post at Scripps, which she accepts, arrives at Scripps, establishes drama workshop at Scripps, EH lectures on TSE, EH's advice that TSE lecture less slowly, as described by Scripps student, and being admired by students, TSE sees her teaching as a kind of acting, requests year's leave from Scripps, resigns position at Scripps, declares intention to teach again, possibly, temporarily, at St. Catherine's, Va., possibly at Smith, post at St. Catherine's rejected, appointed to position at Smith, is installed at Smith, reappointed with pay-rise, reappointed again for two years, her work at Smith, unsettled at Smith, in time of war, insecure over job at Smith, from which EH takes 'sabbatical', let go by Smith, takes job at Concord Academy, appointed to post at Bennett Junior College, Millbrook, appointment to permanent Concord position, EH thinks of giving up, lectures on Family Reunion, her work at Concord Academy, resignation from Concord Academy, takes permanent position at Abbot, EH admits to being sheltered by, retirement from Abbot, according to Abbot Academy tribute, birthdays, presents and love-tokens, EH's birthday compared to TSE's, TSE sends Terry–Shaw correspondence for EH's birthday, EH sends TSE pomme purée, present from EH, flowers for EH's birthday arrive too soon, EH wearing TSE's ring, two rings bought for EH, EH bought typewriter, TSE 'cables' EH roses, TSE consults EH over potential present, TSE's second 'sapphire' ring for, EH refits new rings from TSE, TSE receives flowers for Christmas, EH given 'powder box' for Christmas, EH's present to TSE goes amiss, missing present (calendar) explained, EH left cigarettes by TSE, EH gives TSE cigarette case, TSE necklace-hunting for EH, pearls suggested for EH, EH bought sapphire bracelet, EH gives TSE a signet ring, EH bought blue-gray scarf, EH gives TSE silk handkerchiefs, TSE has signet ring engraved, further ring sought for EH, EH with TSE on his birthday, EH gives TSE initialled leather portfolio, TSE given ashtrays and matchbox, furs sought for EH, EH gives TSE stool, roses sent to EH on birthday, TSE given diary and hairbrush box, TSE given rosary and print, EH buys TSE towel rails, TSE receives diary for Christmas, 1810 ring bought for EH, EH buys TSE various ties, war means no flowers, EH's lapis lazuli ring, TSE neglects to cable EH, EH knits socks for TSE, which turn out large, EH sends TSE 'snowflake' socks, EH remembers TSE's birthday with reference to Shakespeare, TSE sent marmalade and liver-paste, EH writes poem for TSE's birthday, EH sends TSE provisions, EH loses sapphire from ring, diamond circlet given to EH in 1939, EH gives TSE socks for Christmas, TSE gives EH 'evening bag', EH unthanked for Christmas present, correspondence with TSE, TSE petitions EH to bestow on the Bodleian, TSE exalts as authoritative, TSE envisions as reading-group, the only writing TSE enjoys, TSE as Cyrano to EH's Roxane, TSE's dependence on, TSE's nights spent planning, TSE rereads with pleasure, the strain of interruption, switches to Air Mail, TSE on his decision to renew, TSE marks first anniversary of, keeps TSE sane, TSE hopes to telephone, TSE wishes to maintain when in America, EH would withhold from the Bodleian bequest, from which TSE tries to dissuade her, TSE violently dependent on, TSE begs EH that it be preserved, less exciting to EH than at first, TSE's horror of sounding sermonic, if such a correspondence were profitable, and TSE's respectful reticence, EH suggests entrusting to Willard Thorp, but subsequently explains she meant Margaret Thorp, EH's to do with as pleases, and the prospect of TSE writing every night, TSE still rereads with pleasure, excites TSE too much to write smoothly, compared with talking, phone call finally arranged, which finally takes place, EH importuned to write more, TSE promises three letters a week, EH refuses more than one, a solitude within a solitude, EH switches to typewriter, which TSE offers to buy, observed weekly by EH's students, flatters TSE most when EH writes undutifully, TSE's dread of EH rationing, TSE's efforts to moderate himself within, TSE imagines the unsealing of, TSE offers to cease, a place to vent one's feelings, TSE rebuked for 'intolerance' within, EH learns to type, hinders TSE from work, TSE on life before, third anniversary marked, thwarted by TSE's self-loathing, TSE doubts having pursued, restraints on TSE's ardour lifted, more constrained by day, TSE worries about burdening EH with, worth TSE getting home early for, by day, by night, TSE specially treasures recent 'love letters', more delightful since EH's reciprocation, and TSE's diminished ardour, switches to transatlantic airmail, constrained by war, opened by censor, and Shamley Green post-office, TSE apologises for, EH free to dispose of, within limits, particularly constrained by EH's letter of 1939, and the experience of delay, TSE equivocates on preserving, varied with airgraph, again, EH's to do with as she pleases, still intended for Bodleian, TSE chastened for short cables, TSE's letters 'undemonstrative and impersonal', post-war frequency, being and not being loving by letter, EH asks TSE to reduce, TSE criticised for following monthly injunction, TSE rebuked for impersonality, EH formally bequeaths to Princeton, TSE unfussed as to repository, TSE reiterates 50-year prohibition, TSE's worries as to future appearances, EH promises Princeton her statement on, promises letters with ten-year seal, attempts to shorten TSE's moratorium, which TSE refuses, which forces EH to relent, TSE encouraged to return EH's letters, EH deposits further material with Princeton, EH makes 'recording' for Princeton, EH renews plea to shorten moratorium, and is again refused, TSE destroys EH's letters, TSE repents of severe letter, which EH never receives, EH suspects TSE of destroying her letters, EH instructs Princeton to discard 'recording', EH ultimately respects TSE's wishes, EH on TSE's destruction of her letters, family, her father, her childhood compared to TSE's, TSE desires family history of, EH encouraged to keep younger company, EH's unity with parents, EH's relations with aunt and uncle, EH's relations with aunt and uncle, EH photographed with parents, and EH's obligations to, finances, health, physical and mental, admits to breakdown, TSE compares 'nightmares' with, TSE's desire to nurse, suffers neuritis, then neuralgia, recommended suncream, suffers arthritis, suffers with sinuses, her teeth, experiences insomnia, suffers 'hives', suffers crisis body and soul, feels depressed over Christmas, suffers neuralgia, suffers intestinal flu, has shingles, admitted to hospital, convalesces on Grand Manan, recuperates in Washington, Conn., photographs of, as a child, Edith Sitwellesque photograph, in 18th-century costume, in 18th-century French costume, in broad-brimmed 'picture' hat, TSE buys Kodak, in deck-chair, eating sandwich, in a car, 'the Beautiful one', which TSE has enlarged for his dressing-table, painful, because taken in the 'interim', in bacchanalian pose, 'Semitic', among young people, set 'Elizabeth' giggling, Diana Mannersesque, are mnemonic aids to TSE, kneeling beside can of flowers, TSE's favourite, with ordinarily sized hands, smoking in chair, as child with big ears, taken on TSE's arrival in Claremont, in Jane Austen fashion, in unfamiliar jacket, taken in autumn, with mother and father, as a child, in TSE's note-case throughout Blitz, in Wingless Victory, as child, in gold frame, in familiar jacket, taken with Boerre, surround TSE at Shamley, with baby, in a group, of EH's portrait, in sailor suit, all inadequate, carrying lamp, with Rag Doll, at Campobello, reading, Henry James, Letters from Baron Friedrich von Hügel to a Niece, All Passion Spent, Bubu de Montparnasse, F&F thriller, Eyeless in Gaza, Dante, Hopkins and Roosevelt, Henry Irving: The Actor and His World, relationship with TSE, TSE's first acquaintance with, its abnormality, runs to admiration from EH, and TSE's habitual reserve, its morality under examination, defended by TSE, its susceptibilities envisaged by TSE, EH admits estrangement within, and TSE's desire for intimacies, provokes sorrow and fury in TSE, confided to the Perkinses, Miss Ware and Father Underhill, TSE's chance to be frivolous, and the prospect of TSE's Harvard year, TSE dates first meeting to 1905, whereas EH dates to 1915, TSE's terror of renewing in California, teaches TSE true companionship, runs to a 'kiss', as perpetual progress and revelation, EH offered manumission from, if TSE were not married, seems more real for TSE's American year, TSE's reasons against marrying, TSE fears having misled over, EH again offered manumission from, EH writes to Ada concerning, EH blames TSE for his ardour, then apologises for blaming TSE, leads to unhappiness in EH, possible drain on EH's health, its perceived inequalities, pity and gratitude would corrupt, TSE conditionally promises marriage, TSE sees as an imposition on EH, potentially richer for meeting TSE's friends, EH 'kisses' TSE, EH rests head on TSE's shoulder, EH strokes TSE's face, as consubstantial union, TSE's love finally reciprocated, mutual embraces, EH kissed on the right foot, TSE favoured with birthday kiss, exhausting, should proceed without hope of marriage, TSE again regrets misleading EH, as one of mutual dependence, its unsatisfactions, its seasonal rhythm, but for VHE would be marriage, EH seeks post-war clarity on, and the prospect of VHE's death, following VHE's death, TSE reflects on the deterioration of, TSE reflects generally on, and men and women generally, according to Theresa Eliot, EH reflects on, since TSE discounted marriage, had TSE behaved differently in 1914, its new dispensation, source of mutual anguish, apropos of TSE's second marriage, EH's marriage regret, EH recoils from publicising, TSE re-evaluates, EH writes to EVE about, religious beliefs and practices, claims experience of 'vision', admits suffering spiritual crisis, goes on retreat, and TSE's definition of sainthood, compared to TSE's, professes to resent the Church, makes retreat to Senexet, the issue of communion, the possibility of confirmation, source of worry to EH, confronts TSE on religious differences, TSE on her 'Christian spirit', fears TSE considers her damned, TSE pointedly refrains from criticising, unclear to TSE, TSE's love for, and their conversation in Eccleston Square, declared, in 1915, and TSE's desire to be EH's spiritual possession, source of serenity to TSE, the strangeness of not broadcasting, first felt in 1913, recognised by TSE the night of Tristan und Isolde, TSE's reasons for not declaring in 1913, what TSE said instead of declaring, a pain of sorts, unconfided to friends, not immune to jealousy of EH's male friends, its passion tempered by religion, and the torment of resignation, defiled by possessiveness and anger, and a particular journey back from Pasadena, in light of California stay, increases his desire to quarrel with EH, TSE doubts decision to declare, eternally unconditional, shows TSE true meaning of tenderness, defined by TSE, violent, clarified and strengthened by Chipping Campden reunion, disquiets EH, obstructive to EH loving another, TSE initially relieved to find unrequited, queered by inexperience, TSE repents of over-prizing, startles TSE, like 'a burglar', strengthened and deepened, irrespective of physical beauty, finally reciprocated, ideal when unreciprocated, relieved only by poetry, as against love's travesties, as expressed in Burnt Norton, over time, apparently undimmed but dwarfed by war, and the first time TSE spoke EH's name, thwarted by question of divorce, EH questions, now better adjusted to reality, argument over communion challenges, would run to jealously but not marriage, as expressed in 1914 on Chestnut Hill, TSE's names, nicknames and terms of endearment for, 'Lady', 'Dove', 'My saint', 'Bienaimée', TSE's reason for calling her 'Dove', 'Isolde', 'My Lady', 'Emilie', 'Princess', 'Lady bird', 'Birdie', 'riperaspberrymouth', 'Emily of Fire & Violence', 'Bouche-de-Fraise', 'Bouch-de-Framboise', 'Raspberrymouth', not 'Wendy', 'Nightingale', 'Mocking Bird', 'Love', 'My true love', 'my Self', 'Emilia' and Shelley's Epipsychidion, 'my Own', 'Girl', 'Western Star', 'Darling', 'My Life', 'My Lamb', 'Beloved my Female', 'My own Woman', writings, an article on 'Weimar', letter to The Times about King's jubilee, account of communion at Beaulieu, EH asks to write about TSE, review of La Machine infernale, review of Dangerous Corner, a note for S. P. C. A., an 'epigram', 'Actors at Alnwick', 'An Etching', 'The Giocanda Smile', 'The Personal Equation in Spoken English', 'A Play from Both Sides of the Footlights', 'Summer Sunshine: A Memory of Miss Minna Hall', 'They flash upon the inward eye',
Harvard University, rumours of TSE defecting to, TSE's student days at, makes TSE feel inadequate, Annenberg Hall disparaged, its society, English 26 (Modern English Literature), class described, on Shaw and Chesterton, on Hardy, positive feedback on, on Yeats, on modern poetry, on Joyce contra Lawrence, final lecture, compared architecturally to Yale, hockey match, compared to Princeton, produces Murder, TSE's student cooking at, engages MacNeice at TSE's instance, TSE's election to Phi Beta Kappa Society, where TSE's writers' cramp began, Harvard calendar given to TSE, TSE's student bodybuilding regime at, speaking engagement at, poetry reading at, confers honorary degree on TSE, stages Murder at Germanic Museum, Theodore Spencer Memorial Lecture, produces Murder again, Class Reunion at, which TSE gets out of, possible deposit for Hale letters,
Hindemith, Paul, intrigues TSE, Nobilissima visione,
Hinkley, Eleanor Holmes (TSE's first cousin), announces presence in London, TSE regrets speaking lightly of, un-deracinated, compared to TSE, TSE shares EH's frustrations with, less perceptive than her mother, gives party for Eva Le Gallienne, unworldly, theatrical success might improve, takes TSE to football match, dances with TSE, at second Norton lecture, as EH's friend, unflattering photograph of, and EH attend American Murder, suspected of writing by the book, to Aunt Susie as Hope Mirrlees to Mappie, pursues adult education, prejudices TSE against George Baker, cossetted, TSE feels remote from, explodes two Stearns family myths, reportedly writing novel, and life after Aunt Susie, turned carer, passes up EH's invitation, recollected as girl, TSE attempts to lure to England, her impersonality, invites TSE to stay in Boston, reports on Margaret's funeral, TSE's improved relations with, as 1956 hostess, reports on EH, informs EH of TSE's health, engineers correspondence between EVE and EH, adaptation of Emma, central to TSE falling for EH, Charlotte Brontë play, TSE presents to London Play Company, TSE's verdict on, compared to Dear Jane, Dear Jane, to be produced in New York, consumes her, TSE happy to dodge premiere, but hopes to catch over Christmas, well reviewed in certain quarters, White Violets,
see also Hinkleys, the

5.EleanorHinkley, Eleanor Holmes (TSE's first cousin) Holmes Hinkley (1891–1971), playwright; TSE’s first cousin; daughter of Susan Heywood Stearns – TSE’s maternal aunt – and Holmes Hinkley: see Biographical Register.

Hugo, Victor, compared to Stendhal and Thackeray,
James, Alice Rutherford Runnels,
