[1418 East 63d St., Seattle]

T. S.Eliot
Faber & Faber Ltd
27 August 1933
Ma chère Emilie,

I have been very remiss this week. Thetravels, trips and plansTSE's 1933 Faber summer holiday;b1;a5 reason is that as I am going tomorrow to the Fabers in Wales for ten days, ICharles Eliot Norton Lectures (afterwards The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism)being revised for publication;c6 have had to push very hard to get my Norton lectures rewritten for press. I should not have been able to work on them there, and they are overdue as it is. It has been most unacceptable toil. ICharles Eliot Norton Lectures (afterwards The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism)improved by Sheff's criticisms;c7 thinkSheffield, Alfred Dwight ('Shef' or 'Sheff')helps with The Use of Poetry;a3 that they are considerably improved, partly by the aid of Sheff’s useful hints; but I am not proud of them.1 WithPage-Barbour Lectures, The (afterwards After Strange Gods)rewritten for publication;a6 a couple of months for work on the Virginia lectures, I hope to make something more interesting out of those.2

ThenMorleys, thelife at Pike's Farm among;a9 alsoPike's Farmdaily life at;a5, being partly in the status of a guest of the Morleys, I am not altogether free. As I take supper there, I feel that I ought to spend most of the evening with them, as they seem to like to have me about, especially at the weekend. The weather has again turned very hot, after a chilly spell; and yesterday morning we went and bathed in the river Eden. In spite of its paradisal name, the Eden hereabouts is a very small shallow muddly [sic] stream; we have found one swimming hole in which for about six yards you can swim without touching the bottom; but there is not room for more than one person to swim at once. The worst of it is a long walk across fields, sometimes filled with Menacing Cows,3 there and back; so that in hot weather you are much hotter upon returning than before starting out. TheAbrahams, Haroldmeets TSE at the Morleys;a1 Morleys have a friend for the weekend, a blond English Jew named Harold Abrahams, who I believe was once a famous sprinter at Cambridge and is now a barrister;4 so that I have announced that I must spend to-day writing letters and packing up. <i.e. as they have a guest that makes it easier.> I must pack everything, as Mrs. Eames has announced a housecleaning for next week. Igames, diversionscricket and swimming at Pike's Farm;a4 am feeling extremely healthy and sore at the moment; for besides the swimming, we had a game of cricket with the children after tea, followed by a spell at the gaspump; so that a number of unused muscles are reminding me of their existence. I confess that I very much enjoy the flattery of being liked by children and animals, and rather go out of my way to gain their approval. TheMorley, OliverTSE's favourite;a1 second boy, Oliver, is my favourite here:5 theMorley, DonaldTSE on;a1 elder, Donald, is redhaired and very Scotch looking, and of somewhat uncertain temper; theMorley, Susannaas baby;a4 small Susanna is very merry but only fifteen months old.6

My life has, you see, been very uneventful for some time past. I live in the present, such as it is, and try not to think of the future. IUnderhill, Revd Francis, Bishop of Bath and Wellsconfession with;a4 have taken more pictures – a few at Rochester, where I spent Monday night with the Dean to make my confession (not having done so since Easter I thought it was time) and the rest about here; but they will not be available until I come back; I shall take more in Wales. WhatSociety of the Sacred Mission, Kelham Hall, Nottinghamshire;a4 is after that I do not know, as I have not heard yet from Kelham; I expect to spend a few nights with the Morleys, andWoolfs, the;b1 one or two with the Woolfs, and so on until Mrs. Eames can have me back on the 18th. It is far less of a strain to be in the country: it slows up one’s pace and regulates it to its own rhythm of life; but I suppose I shall have to prepare for five months at least in town; and if I am to settle outside of London I must go elsewhere, as I could not be dependent upon the Morleys indefinitely.

ItAmericaCalifornia;d3TSE dreads its effect on EH;a8 is only three weeks now until my darling has to go back to California, and I dread that; if you have to be on the other side of the continent, I feel much more at ease about you while you are with your family; andSmith, Isabel Fothergill;a3 I am still uneasy about your relations with Dean Smith, to which you referred so guardedly – I didn’t like that woman. BesidesScripps College, Claremontits effect on EH despaired of;d6, I am sure that the work at Scripps taxes your strength beyond your capacity: the mixture of housekeeper and nurse that you have to be as well as teaching and directing plays; and having no privacy or time for relaxation, and almost no intellectual or social equals. I don’t grudge you the acting at Padua Hills, for I know that that is an outlet of a kind; but at the same time it must add to the drain upon your energy. I keep hoping that I may have another letter from you, here; but if one comes I shall not see it for ten days, as I have told the Morleys to keep securely any letters that come for me, lest they get lost in forwarding from place to place. I used to expect a letter every Friday afternoon at Eliot House, and either Friday or Monday at Russell Square; and I miss them bitterly; it has been like having to learn to breathe all over again! It seems to me that I must have become very dim and unreal to you, who are so much more real than anyone else in my life. Has this two months made as much difference as I fear:

Ton tout dévoué

AGalitzi, Dr Christineencloses flower in letter;a7 niceflowers and floraheliotrope;b6enclosed in letter from Christine Galitzi;a1 note from Miss G. enclosing a precious sprig of heliotrope – I know it was not intended for me! – but very inadequate information.

1.The Use of Poetry and The Use of Criticism: The relation of criticism to poetry in England (to be published on 2 Nov. 1933).

2.After Strange Gods: A Primer of Modern Heresy: The Page-Barbour Lectures at the University of Virginia (Feb. 1934).

3.‘The Country Walk’:

Of all the beasts that God allows

In England’s green and pleasant land,

I most of all dislike the Cows.

Their ways I do not understand.

It puzzles me why they should stare

At me, who am so innocent;

Their stupid gaze is hard to bear –

It’s positively truculent …(Poems I, 296–7)

4.HaroldAbrahams, Harold Abrahams (1899–1978), track and field athlete, won gold in the 100 metres sprint at the Paris Olympic Games 1924 (as depicted in the film Chariots of Fire, 1981); later a practising lawyer. While at Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge, 1919–23, he had been romantically involved with Christina Innes – who went on to marry Frank Morley.

5.MichaelMorley, Oliverremembered by Michael Tippett;a2n Tippett would recall in his memoirs that TSE ‘was to become my spiritual and artistic mentor and his advice in the early stages of writing A Child of Our Time proved absolutely crucial. I met him through Francis Morley … Morley’s younger son, Oliver, then about six, while musically very talented, was almost inarticulate verbally. He confined himself to a few remarks like “That dog barks in B flat.” Morley asked W. H. Auden for advice [and Auden] recommended me as a trained musician with an interest in psychology and in the education of children. Morley thus stopped off at my Oxted cottage, on his way home to Crowhurst, and discussed the possibility of my teaching Oliver music, as a way of tempting him to speak. Meanwhile, mooching about on the grass outside I could see Eliot, wearing his famous clerical hat. My sessions with Oliver brought me some vicarious family life with the Morleys and with Eliot … This was the domestic Eliot, helping in the kitchen and studiously picking blackcurrants in the garden. We also played Monopoly, at which Eliot was quite good. Oliver always caused a scene if he lost, which Eliot bore with good humour’ (Those Twentieth Century Blues: An Autobiography [1991], 50–1).

CuriouslyMorley, Frank Vigoron TSE's relationship to children;b9n, FrankRead, Herberton TSE and children;a7n Morley would write to Herbert Read, 23 June 1965: ‘Tom’s whole life at Pike’s Farm was observably a mental one. I don’t think he saw country things … And perhaps as he got older … the sphincter muscles closed tighter and he began to lose feeling, even repress feeling, for individual people’ (Berg). ‘A Few Recollections of Eliot’, 115: ‘I don’t believe he saw country things with direct sensuous appreciation. In his Town diversions his eye was perhaps quicker for the object; in the country he tended not to look. With the children at Pikes Farm he was never otherwise than kindly and avuncular, but I am not sure how clearly he saw them.’

Read to Morley, 29 June 1965: ‘Tom’s attitude to children, which you do bring in obliquely, perhaps deserves more attention. You know better, but my feeling is that they were among the thing he never saw. Oh yes, he could be nice and avuncular towards them, but I don’t think he felt any real affection for them. This may have been the self-protection of a childless man, but I’ve known childless men who behaved differently’ (Berg).

6.Susanna Loveday Morley was born on 12 May 1932.

Abrahams, Harold, meets TSE at the Morleys,

4.HaroldAbrahams, Harold Abrahams (1899–1978), track and field athlete, won gold in the 100 metres sprint at the Paris Olympic Games 1924 (as depicted in the film Chariots of Fire, 1981); later a practising lawyer. While at Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge, 1919–23, he had been romantically involved with Christina Innes – who went on to marry Frank Morley.

America, TSE on not returning in 1915, and TSE as transatlantic cultural conduit, dependence on Europe, TSE's sense of deracination from, and the Great Depression, TSE a self-styled 'Missourian', as depicted in Henry Eliot's Rumble Murders, its national coherence questioned, its religious and educational future, versus Canadian and colonial society, where age is not antiquity, drinks Scotland's whisky, and FDR's example to England, underrates Europe's influence on England, redeemed by experience with G. I.'s, TSE nervous at readjusting to, and post-war cost of living, more alien to TSE post-war, its glories, landscape, cheap shoes, its horrors, Hollywood, climate, lack of tea, overheated trains, over-social clubs, overheating in general, perplexities of dress code, food, especially salad-dressing, New England Gothic, earthquakes, heat, the whistle of its locomotives, 'Easter holidays' not including Easter, the cut of American shirts, television, Andover, Massachusetts, EH moves to, Ann Arbor, Michigan, TSE on visiting, Augusta, Maine, EH stops in, Baltimore, Maryland, and TSE's niece, TSE engaged to lecture in, TSE on visiting, Bangor, Maine, EH visits, Bay of Fundy, EH sailing in, Bedford, Massachusetts, its Stearns connections, Boston, Massachusetts, TSE tries to recollect society there, its influence on TSE, its Museum collection remembered, inspires homesickness, TSE and EH's experience of contrasted, described by Maclagan, suspected of dissipating EH's energies, EH's loneliness in, Scripps as EH's release from, possibly conducive to TSE's spiritual development, restores TSE's health, its society, TSE's relations preponderate, TSE's happiness in, as a substitute for EH's company, TSE's celebrity in, if TSE were there in EH's company, its theatregoing public, The Times on, on Labour Day, Brunswick, Maine, TSE to lecture in, TSE on visiting, California, as imagined by TSE, TSE's wish to visit, EH suggests trip to Yosemite, swimming in the Pacific, horrifies TSE, TSE finds soulless, land of earthquakes, TSE dreads its effect on EH, Wales's resemblance to, as inferno, and Californians, surfeit of oranges and films in, TSE's delight at EH leaving, land of kidnappings, Aldous Huxley seconds TSE's horror, the lesser of two evils, Cannes reminiscent of, TSE masters dislike of, land of monstrous churches, TSE regrets EH leaving, winterless, its southern suburbs like Cape Town, land of fabricated antiquities, Cambridge, Massachusetts, TSE's student days in, socially similar to Bloomsbury, TSE lonely there but for Ada, TSE's happiness in, exhausting, EH's 'group' in, road safety in, Casco Bay, Maine, TSE remembers, Castine, Maine, EH holidays in, Cataumet, Massachusetts, EH holidays in, Chicago, Illinois, EH visits, reportedly bankrupt, TSE on, TSE takes up lectureship in, its climate, land of fabricated antiquities, Chocurua, New Hampshire, EH stays in, Concord, Massachusetts, EH's househunting in, EH moves from, Connecticut, its countryside, and Boerre, TSE's end-of-tour stay in, Dorset, Vermont, EH holidays in, and the Dorset Players, Elizabeth, New Jersey, TSE on visiting, Farmington, Connecticut, place of EH's schooling, which TSE passes by, EH holidays in, Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire, EH recuperates in, Gerrish Island, Maine, TSE revisits, Hollywood, perceived debauchery of its movies, TSE's dream of walk-on part, condemned by TSE to destruction, TSE trusts Murder will be safe from, Iowa City, Iowa, TSE invited to, Jonesport, Maine, remembered, Kittery, Maine, described, Lexington, Massachusetts, and the Stearns family home, Lyndeborough, New Hampshire, visited by EH, Madison, Wisconsin, Aurelia Bolliger hails from, Ralph Hodgson sails for, EH summers in, as conceived by TSE, who eventually visits, Maine, its coast remembered by TSE, TSE recalls swimming off, Minneapolis, on EH's 1952 itinerary, TSE lectures in, New Bedford, Massachusetts, EH's holidays in, TSE's family ties to, New England, and Unitarianism, more real to TSE than England, TSE homesick for, in TSE's holiday plans, architecturally, compared to California, and the New England conscience, TSE and EH's common inheritance, springless, TSE remembers returning from childhood holidays in, its countryside distinguished, and The Dry Salvages, New York (N.Y.C.), TSE's visits to, TSE encouraged to write play for, prospect of visiting appals TSE, as cultural influence, New York theatres, Newburyport, Maine, delights TSE, Northampton, Massachusetts, TSE on, EH settles in, TSE's 1936 visit to, autumn weather in, its spiritual atmosphere, EH moves house within, its elms, the Perkinses descend on, Aunt Irene visits, Boerre's imagined life in, TSE on hypothetical residence in, EH returns to, Peterborough, New Hampshire, visited by EH, TSE's vision of life at, Petersham, Massachusetts, EH holidays in, TSE visits with the Perkinses, EH spends birthday in, Edith Perkins gives lecture at, the Perkinses cease to visit, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, TSE on, and TSE's private Barnes Foundation tour, Independence Hall, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, surrounding countryside, Portsmouth, Maine, delights TSE, Randolph, New Hampshire, 1933 Eliot family holiday in, the Eliot siblings return to, Seattle, Washington State, EH summers in, EH's situation at, TSE prefers to California, EH repairs to post-Christmas, EH visits on 1952 tour, EH returns to, Sebasco, Maine, EH visits, South, the, TSE's first taste of, TSE's prejudices concerning, St. Louis, Missouri, TSE's childhood in, TSE's homesickness for, TSE styling himself a 'Missourian', possible destination for TSE's ashes, resting-place of TSE's parents, TSE on his return to, the Mississippi, compared to TSE's memory, TSE again revisits, TSE takes EVE to, St. Paul, Minnesota, TSE on visiting, the Furness house in, Tryon, North Carolina, EH's interest in, EH staying in, Virginia, scene of David Garnett's escapade, and the Page-Barbour Lectures, TSE on visiting, and the South, Washington, Connecticut, EH recuperates in, West Rindge, New Hampshire, EH holidays at, White Mountains, New Hampshire, possible TSE and EH excursion to, Woods Hole, Falmouth, Massachusetts, TSE and EH arrange holiday at, TSE and EH's holiday in recalled, and The Dry Salvages, TSE invited to, EH and TSE's 1947 stay in, EH learns of TSE's death at,
Charles Eliot Norton Lectures (afterwards The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism), weekend spent meditating, a task for Lent, contemplated, stimulated by Mirsky, preoccupying TSE, hard-going, outlined, TSE yet to begin, unsatisfactory, 'The Relation of Criticism and Poetry' (afterwards 'Introduction'), TSE preparing, and the Charles Norton references, hard-going, a week's toil over, TSE on giving the lecture, EH promised copy, 'Poetry and Criticism in the Time of Elizabeth' (afterwards 'Apology for the Countess of Pembroke'), so far promising, finished, TSE on giving the lecture, 'The Classical Tradition: Dryden on Johnson' (afterwards 'The Age of Dryden'), TSE on the lecture itself, 'The Theories of Coleridge and Wordsworth' (afterwards 'Wordsworth and Coleridge'), TSE immersed in, TSE wonders at audience for, finished, TSE's jokes lost on audience, 'The practice of Shelley and Keats' (afterwards 'Shelley and Keats'), TSE on giving the lecture, 'Arnold and the Academic Mind' (afterwards 'Matthew Arnold'), unprepared with less than two weeks, completed the morning of lecture, 'The Modern Mind', as yet unfinished, TSE on giving the lecture, 'Conclusion', TSE on giving the lecture, TSE's immediate reflections on, being revised for publication, improved by Sheff's criticisms, in proof, copy inscribed to EH, Maritain on, seem intemperate on further reflection,
flowers and flora, aconite, at Shamley, imagined in Cambridge, azaleas, summon memories of EH, bamboo, imagined by TSE in California, bluebells, in Shamley Wood, bourgainvillea, imagined by TSE in California, cactus, imagined by TSE in California, carnations, from Chipping Campden, catkins, at Shamley, celandine, spotted at Shamley, chrysanthemums, TSE prefers to roses, cowslips, at Shamley, crocuses, at Shamley, imagined in Cambridge, gladioli, sent to EH in TSE's name, hawthorn ('may'), summons memories of EH, heliotrope, enclosed in letter from Christine Galitzi, hibiscus, imagined by TSE in California, laburnum, summons memories of EH, lilacs, in Russell and Woburn Squares, summon memories of EH, lilies-of-the-valley, delivered to EH on the Samaria, Michaelmas daisies, around Pike's Farm, palms, imagined by TSE in California, primroses, and the English spring, at Shamley, pussy-willow, at Shamley, rhododendrons, summon memories of EH, roses, in autumn, sent to EH on birthday, from Chipping Campden, left by EH in TSE's Grenville rooms, their emotionally disturbing scent, given to TSE as EH's parting gift, for EH's birthday, snowdrops, at Shamley, sweet peas, and EH's performance in Hay Fever, effect of their scent on TSE, no longer painful to TSE, delivered to EH, TSE buys himself at Gloucester Road, cheer TSE up, the essence of summer, sent to Aunt Edith, violets, EH gives TSE as buttonhole, emotionally disturbing, left by departing EH, wisteria, summons memories of EH, Wood anemone, at Shamley, yew, sprig picked for TSE by EH, zinnias, TSE prefers over roses,
Galitzi, Dr Christine, in line for Ariel poem, favoured among EH's Claremont friends, encloses flower in letter, sends TSE photographs, and possible Greek translation of The Waste Land, her mannerisms, EH warned against imitating, asks TSE to communicate with imprisoned husband, her marriage, writes to TSE about husband,

1.DrGalitzi, Dr Christine Christine Galitzi (b. 1899), Assistant Professor of French and Sociology, Scripps College. Born in Greece and educated in Romania, and at the Sorbonne and Columbia University, New York, she was author of Romanians in the USA: A Study of Assimilation among the Romanians in the USA (New York, 1968), as well as authoritative articles in the journal Sociologie româneascu. In 1938–9 she was to be secretary of the committee for the 14th International Congress of Sociology due to be held in Bucharest. Her husband (date of marriage unknown) was to be a Romanian military officer named Constantin Bratescu (1892–1971).

games, diversions, solitaire patience, shuffleboard, crossword puzzles, cricket and swimming at Pike's Farm, light reading, 'Go' (Wei-Ki), 'Peabody' card-game,
Morley, Donald, TSE on, model yacht sought for, pleased with TSE's present, after a term of school, close to mother's Celtic soul, masters his urge to pester TSE, given tennis-racket, improved by school, bought model car for Christmas, treated in Ramsgate, taken to Shakespeare, wants to be a pilot,
see also Morleys, the

2.JohnMorley, Donald Donald Innes Morley (b. 15 Mar. 1926).

Morley, Frank Vigor, TSE on sharing an office with, Criterion monthly meeting regular, returns from New York, indispensable in proofing Selected Essays, Criterion lunch in company with, joins farewell lunch for Hodgson, offers TSE post-separation refuge, acts for TSE during separation, spirits TSE away to Surrey, on TSE at Pike's Farm, as châtelain, acting as TSE's courier, on TSE's relationship to children, music-hall evening with, suggests tour of Scotland, which he plans out, suggests trip to Paris, thanks Joyce for hospitality, on TSE's 1933 tour of Scotland, negotiating for Ulysses, his absence means more work, treasured and missed, gets on famously with Ada, mercifully returned to F&F, produces birthday-cake, peacekeeper between Rowse and Smyth, in on Sherlock Holmes prank, encourages TSE to go to Finland, on TSE's 1935 tour of Scotland, and TSE drink GCF's whisky, takes TSE to Wimbledon, monopolises typewriter for joint story, as tennis-player, overawes GCF, TSE and EH's elected emergency go-between, good with thrusting young authors, backs publication of Nightwood, helps deal with Joyce, naturally projects strength, his French, escapes Criterion gathering to catch last train home, unusually subdued among the French, submits his Johnson Society paper, depends on TSE, on TSE's 1937 tour of Scotland, which Morley describes, two nights' sleep in a caravan with, potential reader for Family Reunion, his father dies, Spender discussed with, sends TSE corrected Anabasis, heads for New York and Baltimore, his energy, returns from America, visiting dying mother, shoulders burden of EP, insufficiently honours EP, Boutwood Lectures submitted to, accepts Harcourt Brace position, what his leaving F&F will mean, taken to tea with Woolfs, remembers EH taking priority, first wartime letter from, which reports on TSE's family, sounds depressed in America, sounds less depressed to GCF, among TSE's closest friends, his conversation missed, on Christian Society's American reception, suspected of indiscretion, EH explains 'Defence of the Islands' to, indifferent to Cats, entrusted with emergency Dry Salvages, America's effect on, gives Henry MS of 'Yeats', suggests 'Night Music' over 'Kensington Quartets', Ada too ill to see, his use of 'poised', puts TSE up in New York, on TSE's 1947 New York stay, presently unemployed, but inherits Graham Greene's job,
see also Morleys, the

4.FrankMorley, Frank Vigor Vigor Morley (1899–1980), American publisher and author; a founding editor of F&F, 1929–39: see Biographical Register.

Morley, Oliver, TSE's favourite, remembered by Michael Tippett, his obsessions, his musical prodigy, calculates optimal length of TSE's stay, bought wool for his loom, taken along to Shakespeare, has scarlet fever,
see also Morleys, the

1.HughMorley, Oliver Oliver Morley (b. 4 Dec. 1928).

Morley, Susanna, TSE delighted to godfather, her baptism, silver mug as christening present, as baby, her first birthday, gives TSE boiled-egg cover, given doll's chest for Christmas, gives TSE blotter for Christmas,
see also Morleys, the
Morleys, the, join the Eliots in Eastbourne, TSE fears overburdening, go on holiday to Norway, more TSE's friend than VHE's, return from Norway, life at Pike's Farm among, reading Dickens aloud to, their Thanksgiving parties, suitable companions to Varsity Cricket Match, and TSE to Laughton's Macbeth, TSE's June 1934 fortnight with, and certain 'bathers' photographs', and TSE play 'GO', attend Richard II with EH, TSE's New Years celebrated with, take TSE to Evelyn Prentice and Laurel & Hardy, TSE's return from Wales with, TSE's September 1935 week with, leave for New York, one of two regular ports-of-call, see EH in Boston, safely returned from New York, TSE reads Dr Johnson to, compared to the Tandys, add to their menagerie, reiterate gratitude for EH's peppermints, in Paris with TSE, give TSE copy of Don Quixote, and Fabers take TSE to pantomime, and TSE's Salzburg expedition, join Dorothy Pound dinner, visit Hamburg, have Labrador puppies, dinner at Much Hadham for, TSE to see them off at Kings Cross, seem unhappy in America, Thanksgiving without, in New Canaan, return to Lingfield, remember TSE's birthday, difficulties of renewing friendship with,
Page-Barbour Lectures, The (afterwards After Strange Gods), as yet unwritten, two lectures to be written in two days, finished, TSE stays in Charlottesville during, rewritten for publication, being proofread, approved by D'Arcy, reception, TSE regrets comments on D. H. Lawrence,
Pike's Farm, TSE installed at, daily life at, Morley on TSE at, TSE's situation at, TSE's stay with the Eameses extended, TSE missing, TSE's June 1934 fortnight at, village bells at New Year, September 1935 week at, the Morleys mean to leave, graced by nightingales,
see also Morleys, the
Read, Herbert, indebted to Hulme, on Wilfred Owen, part of Criterion inner circle, his divorce, on TSE and children, TSE formulates his dislike for, hosts TSE in Hampstead, his dismal birthday-party, and his old ladies object of TSE and JDH's practical jokes, at Dobrée's farewell lunch, begrudged contribution to Milton volume, clashes with TSE in Criterion, discusses Anglo-French relations with TSE and Saurat, TSE spends weekend with, hosts TSE in Bucks, and Bukhari to lunch with TSE, his political persuasions, wheeled out at Norwegian dinner, on Canterbury excursion,
see also Reads, the

3.Herbert ReadRead, Herbert (1893–1968), English poet and literary critic: see Biographical Register.

Scripps College, Claremont, EH headhunted to teach at, but EH declines post, still a possibility, TSE on whether or not to accept post, which EH does, TSE hopes to visit EH at, sounds picturesque, EH expects suite at, EH reassured about feeling 'inadequate', EH arrives at, TSE asks for full report of, grows on EH, EH's all-arts theatrical workshop at, TSE's lecture at, TSE's desire to deliver EH from, TSE's visit to, its suspicious characters, its effect on EH despaired of, year's leave requested from, EH considers returning to, encouraged by TSE to return, despite TSE forswearing, refuses EH's return, EH on not returning, under Jaqua, EH's existence at, EH's extra-curricular work at, preferred to Smith, bequeathed EH's TSE book collection, compared to Concord Academy,
Sheffield, Alfred Dwight ('Shef' or 'Sheff'), respected by TSE, helps with The Use of Poetry, seems sympathetic to EH, corresponds with TSE in Ada's stead, writes explaining Ada's condition, writes touchingly, faced with Ada's death, writes from Ada's deathbed, as correspondent, shares tributes to Ada, reads 'credo' at Ada's funeral, which instances his jargon, shares prognosis on Henry, advises on urgency of TSE's trip, reports on Henry's condition, offers TSE financial assistance, exasperation with Eleanor Hinkley,
see also Sheffields, the

8.AlfredSheffield, Alfred Dwight ('Shef' or 'Sheff') Dwight Sheffield (1871–1961) – ‘Shef’ or ‘Sheff’ – husband of TSE’s eldest sister, taught English at University School, Cleveland, Ohio, and was an English instructor, later Professor, of Group Work at Wellesley College. His publications include Lectures on the Harvard Classics: Confucianism (1909) and Grammar and Thinking: a study of the working conceptions in syntax (1912).

Smith, Isabel Fothergill,

38.IsabelSmith, Isabel Fothergill Fothergill Smith (1890–1990), first Dean of Scripps, 1929–35; Professor of Geology and Tutor in Sciences, 1929–35. See Jill Stephanie Schneiderman, ‘Growth and Development of a Woman Scientist and Educator’, Earth Sciences History 11: 1 (1992), 37–9.

Society of the Sacred Mission, Kelham Hall, Nottinghamshire, TSE's September 1933 stay with, TSE's January 1934 weekend at, TSE invited to annual festivities, TSE's June–July 1935 stay, TSE spends night at, TSE's November 1938 weekend at, compared to Mirfield, October 1939 visit, compared to weekend in Sussex,
travels, trips and plans, EH's 1930 trip to England, EH's proposed 1931 England visit, called off, EH's 1932 summer holidays, the Eliots' Derby Day excursion, related, the Eliots' July 1932 Hindhead visit, the Eliots' August 1932 Eastbourne holiday, described, TSE's 1932–3 year in America, Norton Professorship offered to TSE, and the prospect of reunion with EH, which TSE refuses to see as decisive, which angers EH, who writes and destroys a response, TSE's financial imperatives, TSE's itinerary, and the question of discretion, opportunity for adventurous lecture-tours, TSE speculates on attendant feelings, TSE on the voyage over, TSE reflects on, TSE's return from, the Eliot family's Randolph holiday, TSE's 1933 westward tour to Scripps, proposed to EH, and TSE's need to lecture, possibly via St. Louis, TSE's itinerary, possible stopover in Seattle, a shameful source of happiness, still a happy thought, described by Havens and others, TSE reflects on, TSE's return from, TSE wonders at after-effect on EH, EH urged to reflect honestly on, Ada on, and a conversation about divorce, in EH's recollection, possible EH 1933 summer in England, TSE's 1933 Faber summer holiday, set for mid-August, postponed, rearranged, TSE buys summer outfits for, described, TSE's 1933 tour of Scotland, possible itinerary, Morley's preparations for, described for EH, TSE's 1933 trip to Paris, mooted, described, EH's 1934–5 year in Europe, TSE delighted at the prospect, attempts to coordinate with TSE's 1934 summer plans, the Perkinses due in Chipping Camden, EH's itinerary, TSE's initial weekend at Chipping Campden, TSE books rooms in Lechlade, TSE visits Campden again with family, and again alone, which visit TSE reflects on, TSE's plans to entertain EH en route to Europe, EH's continental itinerary, VHE and propriety inhibit pre-Paris arrangements, L'Escargot lunch, weekend in Sussex for EH's birthday, possible London tea-party, second lunch at L'Escargot, EH and TSE's November excursions, a month which TSE reflects happily on, EH's summer 1935 plans, EH departs England, EH in Florence, arrived in Rome, TSE coordinating with EH's return, TSE recommends Siena, EH returns to Florence, EH sails for Riviera, EH returns from France, L'Escargot lunch on EH's return, EH sails for Guernsey, May 1935, EH's June 1935 London sortie, TSE attends Dr Perkins's birthday, TSE's July 1935 Campden week, TSE offers to fund EH in London, where EH joins Jeanie McPherrin, TSE's Campden birthday weekend, prospect of EH spending month at Blomfield Terrace, Thorp theatre outing, TSE's 6–8 September Campden weekend, EH staying at 19 Rosary Gardens, EH to Campden for 15–17 November, EH sails for Boston, EH and TSE's final farewell, TSE and EH's final weeks in London, their excursion to Finchampstead, TSE reflects on, excursion to Greenwich, EH reflects on the final weeks of, TSE's 1934 Faber summer holiday, described, TSE's dream of Cairo, TSE's invitation to Finland, palmed off on Robert Nichols, TSE's 1935 tour of Scotland, proposed by Blake, attempts to coordinate with EH, TSE's itinerary, TSE's 1935 Faber summer holiday, TSE writes from, described, TSE's 1936 visit to Ireland, TSE's itinerary, recounted, TSE's spring/summer 1936 trip to Paris, first contemplated, date fixed, Morleys invited, TSE's itinerary, recounted, TSE's 1936 Faber summer holiday, TSE writes from, TSE's 1936 American trip, spring arrival dependent on New York Murder, if not spring, then autumn, possible excursions, autumn better for seeing EH, and possible Princeton offer, and possible Smith visit, efforts to coordinate with EH, passage on Alaunia booked, TSE's itinerary, Murder to pay for, coordinating with Eliot Randolph holiday, the moment of parting from EH, TSE's birthday during, TSE reflects on, TSE's 1937 tour of Scotland, itinerary, recounted, the Morley–Eliot 1937 trip to Salzburg, contemplated, itinerary, EH receives postcard from, described, as relayed to OM, EH's 1937 summer in England, and Mrs Seaverns, EH accompanies TSE to Edinburgh, itinerary coordinated with EH, dinner at L'Escargot, TSE's 10–11 July Campden visit, TSE's 17–22 July Campden visit, TSE's 21 August Campden visit, EH travels to Yorkshire, TSE reminisces about, TSE's 1937 Faber summer holiday, TSE reports from, leaves TSE sunburnt, TSE's 1938 trip to Lisbon, outlined to EH, TSE advised on, travel arrangements, the voyage out, described, EH's 1938 summer in England, and whether EH should spend it at Campden, EH's arrival confirmed, TSE's July Campden visit, EH's late-July London stay, TSE's 5–21 August Campden fortnight, TSE's 3–6 September Campden visit, EH's September London stay, TSE reflects on, TSE's 1938 Faber summer holiday, TSE's preparations for, TSE reports from, possible EH England Christmas 1938 visit, possible TSE 1939 visit to America, mooted for spring, complicated by Marion and Dodo's trip, shifted to autumn, threatened by war, made impossible, EH's 1939 England visit, TSE's efforts to coordinate with, threatened by war, complicated by Marion's arrival, EH's itinerary, EH's initial London stay, TSE's 7–20 July Campden visit, TSE's 22–30 August Campden visit, TSE's 2–4 September Campden visit, EH again London, EH and TSE's parting moments, in TSE's memory, memory vitiated by EH's subsequent letter, TSE's 1939 Faber summer holiday, TSE writes from, possible wartime transatlantic crossings, contingencies, in case of EH being ill, TSE's reasons for and against, and TSE's New York proposition, following invasion Denmark and Norway, impossible for TSE unless official, TSE's desire to remain in England, TSE's reasons for and against accepting lectureship, given Ada's impending death, TSE's abortive 1940 Italian mission, possible but confidential, lectures prepared for, and the prospect of seeing EP, might include Paris, itinerary, in jeopardy, final preparations for, cancelled, TSE's 1940 visit to Dublin, approved by Foreign Office, in national interest, itinerary, recounted, involves TSE's first plane-journey, TSE's 1940 Faber summer holiday, TSE reports from, TSE's 1941 Faber summer holiday, Kipling and fishing-rod packed for, TSE reports from, TSE's 1941 Northern tour, proposed by the Christendom group, arranged with Demant, itinerary, recounted, TSE's 1942 British Council mission to Sweden, TSE makes cryptic allusion to, as recounted to EH, as recounted to JDH, return leg in London, as war-work, TSE's 1942 New Forest holiday, described, TSE's 1942 week in Scotland, recounted, TSE's abortive 1942 Iceland mission, TSE's 1943 trip to Edinburgh, recounted, TSE's abortive 1943 Iceland mission, TSE's 1943 New Forest holiday, TSE's 1944 trip to Edinburgh, TSE's abortive 1944 North Africa mission, TSE's May 1945 trip to Paris, described, TSE's June 1945 trip to Paris, recounted, possible post-war American visit, and Henry's impending death, ideally ancillary to work, possibly as F&F's representative, waits on TSE's health and Carlyle Mansions, TSE's 1945 September fortnight in Lee, described, TSE's 1945 Christmas in Lee, described, TSE's 1946 summer in America, date for passage fixed, paperwork for, TSE's itinerary, its aftermath, recounted, TSE's 1947 summer in America, dependent on lecture engagements, TSE seeks to bring forward, Henry's condition brings further forward, set for April, itinerary, EH reflects on, TSE's scheduled December 1947 visit to Marseilles and Rome, itinerary, TSE's preparations for, dreaded, Roman leg described by Roger Hinks, EH's hypothetical March 1948 visit to England, TSE's postponed 1948 trip to Aix, itinerary, recounted, home via Paris, TSE's 1948 trip to America, itinerary, TSE's visit to EH in Andover, disrupted by Nobel Prize, TSE's 1948 Nobel Prize visit to Stockholm, itinerary, recounted, TSE's 1949 family motor-tour of Scotland, described, TSE's October–November 1949 trip to Germany, possible itinerary, preparations for, final itinerary, TSE's account of, the return via Belgium, TSE's January 1950 voyage to South Africa, all but fixed, itinerary, described by TSE, recounted by Faber, EH's 1950 summer in England, TSE books EH's hotel room for, TSE's efforts to coordinate with EH's movements, EH in Campden, TSE reports to Aunt Edith on, TSE's 1950 visit to America, and TSE's possible Chicago post, the Chicago leg, November itinerary, TSE's spring 1951 trip to Spain, itinerary, recounted, TSE's September 1951 Geneva stay, itinerary, recounted, TSE's 1951 British Council mission to Paris, recounted, TSE's second 1951 British Council mission to Paris, recounted, TSE's 1952 visit to Rennes and the Riviera, itinerary, recounted, TSE's 1952 visit to America, itinerary, efforts to coordinate with EH's summer, TSE on meeting with EH, TSE's 1952 rest cure in Switzerland, TSE's 1953 visit to St. Louis and America, set for June, to include fortnight in Cambridge, itinerary, EH's 1953 trip to England, EH's Alnwick plans, TSE books hotel for EH, and EH's ticket to Confidential Clerk, TSE's 1953 visit to Geneva, TSE's 1953–4 trip to South Africa, itinerary, described, arrival described to JDH, GCF on, TSE's 1954 Geneva rest cure, Geneva preferred to Paris, TSE's deferred 1955 visit to Hamburg, prospect inspires reluctance in TSE, proposed for spring 1955, dreaded, TSE now returned from, TSE's 1955 visit to America, and contingent speaking engagements, foreshortened, itinerary, Washington described, TSE's return from, TSE's 1955 Geneva rest cure, TSE's 1956 visit to America, passage fixed for April, itinerary, TSE in the midst of, TSE reflects on, TSE's 1956 Geneva rest cure, itinerary, recounted, illness during, EH's 1957 visit to England, TSE and EVE invited to Campden, TSE reciprocates with London invitation, but EH leaves England abruptly, which TSE consults Eleanor Hinkley over, who duly explains, TSE and EVE's 1958 trip to America, as rumoured to EH, EH's 1959 tour of Scandinavia, funded by bequest from cousin, TSE and EVE's 1959 trip to America, TSE and EVE's 1963 trip to America,
Underhill, Revd Francis, Bishop of Bath and Wells, receives TSE's confession of love for EH, consulted on 'Thoughts After Lambeth', suggests separation from VHE is TSE's duty, confession with, introduces TSE to his cousin Evelyn, TSE's only confidant as to EH, becomes Dean of Rochester, writes to TSE about separation, against TSE shirking Oxford Movement Centenary, and TSE's 1933 return, invites TSE to school prize-day, at King's School prize-day, consulted on question of divorce, supportive over TSE's separation, his books commended to EH, visited in Rochester, and wife as TSE's Rochester hosts, and Miss O'Donovan, becomes Bishop of Bath and Wells, his consecration attended, perhaps, as Bishop, above receiving TSE's confession, takes Evelyn Underhill's funeral, visited in Wells, adjudicates on limit to godchildren, hosts Gordon George for week, dies,

2.Revd Francis UnderhillUnderhill, Revd Francis, Bishop of Bath and Wells, DD (1878–1943), TSE’s spiritual counsellor: see Biographical Register.

Woolfs, the, at Clive Bell's for lunch, TSE's dearest London friends, company compared to that of Christians, host TSE and Elizabeth Bowen to tea, Rodmell described, closer to TSE than to VHE, visited on TSE's 1933 return, refreshingly childless, amazed by TSE's appearance, and Tomlin dine with TSE, Keynes and TSE dine with, TSE's Bloomsbury weekend with, described in their Tavistock Square domain, have TSE for tea, TSE dines with, and TSE argue about honours, compared to the de la Mares, host TSE for weekend, abandon London for Sussex, where they invite TSE, TSE's Sussex stay with, on their return from Sussex, host TSE, give dinner without mentioning war, TSE plans to visit in Sussex, 52 Tavistock Square bombed,