[22 Paradise Road, Northampton, Mass.]

T. S.Eliot
Shamley Wood
Letter 69.
5 January 1941
Dearest Emily

I have never left so long a lapse between letters: butPerkinses, the;j7 I cabled to the Perkins’s just before Christmas (not knowing where you were, but assuming that you would be with them) and to you on New Year’s Day, assuming that you would be back in Northampton to receive it. And this last week I have had a letter from you, the first for a long time. It is no. 68 of December 3d; and the last one before it was no. 65: so there are two which I have not yet received. However, the content and tone of your letter was such as to encourage me to believe that nothing very untoward or unusual had occurred in the meantime, and there were no obscure references to the missing letters.

I did not write any letters during the days after Christmas in which I had hoped to clear up correspondence, as I took to bed for the better part of four days on Boxing Day. I had only a slight cold, and a very little temperature (not worth taking), but I was very tired. I had not taken to my bed since last winter; last summer’s holidays amounted to only ten days in Wales; and I came back from that to the opening of the air raid season – so I think I have done rather well, and the four days rest, sleep and solitude was very timely. Now I feel much better than before: I profit by these occasional small illnesses. I am also taking tonic and vitamins, and I think eating more than ever before, as the food is so plentiful and good in this house. Of course the weekly excursions to London, with fortnightly excursions to Oxford, are very tiring, as there is so much to do in a short time: But my health is really better this winter than for many winters past.

TheShamley Wood, SurreyChristmas at;a5 Christmas here was a very quiet one, of course: except for the jollification in the kitchen, which was enhanced by the presence of the evacuees and their relatives from London and from the forces, and a few odd soldiers, making a party of nearly thirty. The weather has been very cold, but not unpleasant; though of course with the daylight saving in operation the morning begins very late. ItChrist Church, Shamley Greenmidwinter morning services at;a4 is odd not only to go to early church in the dark, and have the service with only the altar candles for light but also to come home before dawn. Just this morning (Epiphany) it had begun to be almost daylight as I walked back. The walk itself is very pleasant: down the steep hill through fir trees and pines, across the village green past the Bricklayers’ Arms, and up another little hill to the parish church.1 No one else goes to this church, except some of the servants who go later, when at all; Hope and Miss Moncrieff being R. C. andMirrlees, Emily Lina ('Mappie', née Moncrieff)her religion;a7 Mrs. Mirrlees Christian Scientist. I wish she was not, because a rather frail old lady who refuses to have a doctor or take medicine is rather a source of anxiety: butMirrlees, Maj.-Gen. William Henry Buchanan ('Reay');a2 the news from Libya, where her son is, has been very tonic.2 Last weekde la Mares, thegive TSE wartime refuge;a6 I stayed with the De la Mares in Hertfordshire, the Fabers being away: they have a houseful of children, four of their own, and three of her sister’s, all busy pasting stamps into new albums, and very pleased with some American stamps I presented; andRoberts, Janetsends TSE butter;a5 I was also able to pass on to them a pot of butter sent me by Janet Roberts (which I did not need, because we get enough butter here, and it is good for children[)]: on the other hand they can let me have tea if I want it, because most of the children are not old enough to drink it. MrsMirrlees, Emily Lina ('Mappie', née Moncrieff)as horticulturalist;a8. Mirrlees is an enthusiastic gardener, andPerkins, Edith (EH's aunt)as horticulturalist;e7 might almost be able to discuss these subjects at Mrs. Perkins’s level: but the soil here is poor, the garden slopes down the hill and drains too quickly, and as house and garden are modern she has not been able to create a garden worth visiting. However, she has secured a number of new flowering trees and shrubs which the gardener is busy putting in; andde la Mare, Richardoffers Mrs Mirrlees seedlings;a4 Richard de la Mare, who is also a gardener, has offered seedlings of some of the varieties of plant in which he specialises, so these things help to keep her mind cheerful and serene.

IArchbishop of York's Conference, Malvern 1941;a4 am dreading having to go off to the Malvern Conference tomorrow: cold, tiring, and probably indifferent food. Also too many bishops. (WhichNew English Weekly;b7 reminds me to ask whether the New English Weekly is still being sent to you, as it should be. MrsWelch, Margaret Pearmain;a1. Sohier Welch3 has now ceased to be American correspondent: she does not seem to be very friendly to Britain.) AndMoot, The;b7 after that I have to go on to the Moot at Newbury: six continuous days of conferences, after which I shall try to rest; but I shall have arrears of business to make up. I return here on Monday.

IDry Salvages, Thefirst draft;a4 have just finished the poem to follow ‘East Coker’; that is to say, I shall probably keep it by to tinker with for some weeks yet, before I consider it ready to show.4 ISunday Times;a3 am not quite sure about the last section; but otherwise I am fairly well satisfied, thoughEast Cokersales;b4 I have a feeling it will not be so popular as its predecessor, ofEast Cokerreception;b5 whichMacCarthy, Desmondreviews East Coker;a8 we have sold 6000 copies, and which has recently had an enthusiastic review in the Sunday Times by Desmond Mac Carthy [sic].5 I hope that you received the copy I sent, andOld Possum’s Book of Practical Catsselling strongly;d1 also the illustrated Cats which has sold moderately well. TheAmericaNew England;f9and The Dry Salvages;b3 new poem is all about the sea, more than E. C. was about the land, with a good deal of New England in it. InLittle Giddingin the Four Quartets scheme;a6 the fourth and last of the series I mean to return, to Huntingdonshire (Little Gidding). When that I [sc. is] done I may feel ripe to do another essay following up the Christian Society: let us hope that after that conditions will be such as to encourage me to settle down to the much longer job of a play.

I am thrilled by the prospect of receiving a photograph, andFabers, the;f4 hope that I shall find it at Fabers’ on Monday – together with the two missing letters. And I hope that the portrait will not be so ‘pathetic looking’ as the parcel: if it shows you looking well that is the best Christmas gift I could have. InShamley Wood, Surreyhis situation as paying guest;a2 your letter of the 3d you ask for a description of the house, household and environment, but I am sure that I have already attempted this. There are not many neighbours, and the steep hill is a heavy charge on people’s petrol rations. YoungNoel-Buxton, Rufusvisits to Shamley;a3 Rufus Noel-Buxton, a very nice lad who has been discharged from the army on grounds of health, occasionally cycles over and there are those Chilean friends of Marguerite, who, being diplomats, get more petrol than most people. Have you a photograph of yourself made up for the Christmas College Theatricals? I hope so, as it sounds amusing. I am impatient for a letter telling me how you have spent your vacation; and I trust that you will begin the New Year, as I do, in a rather more cheerful mood than a year ago. But I need your thoughts and prayers as much as ever.

Your loving

1.Christ Church, Shamley Green.

2.In Dec. 1940 British Empire forces had begun an offensive into the Italian colony of Libya from western Egypt, which had quickly been very successful. Advances would continue into Feb. when fortunes were reversed by the arrival of German troops to aid their ally.

3.See Elizabeth F. Fideler, Margaret Pearmain Welch (1893–1984): Proper Bostonian, Activist, Pacifist, Reformer, Preservationist (2018).

4.‘The Dry Salvages’.

5.Desmond MacCarthy, ‘T. S. Eliot’, Sunday Times, 29 Dec. 1940, 4: ‘Mr Eliot’s latest poem is a singularly personal, grave, beautiful meditation in changing rhythms … I am tempted to declare that “East Coker” (grotesque title that!) is the most beautiful poem he has written. I have read it several times, and at each re-perusal it has moved me more … I expect Mr Eliot’s greatest admirers to think that he has never handled images, words, metres, cadences, more delicately …

‘This is a singularly grave and beautiful poem, free from his shy affectations and deliberate mystifications.’

America, TSE on not returning in 1915, and TSE as transatlantic cultural conduit, dependence on Europe, TSE's sense of deracination from, and the Great Depression, TSE a self-styled 'Missourian', as depicted in Henry Eliot's Rumble Murders, its national coherence questioned, its religious and educational future, versus Canadian and colonial society, where age is not antiquity, drinks Scotland's whisky, and FDR's example to England, underrates Europe's influence on England, redeemed by experience with G. I.'s, TSE nervous at readjusting to, and post-war cost of living, more alien to TSE post-war, its glories, landscape, cheap shoes, its horrors, Hollywood, climate, lack of tea, overheated trains, over-social clubs, overheating in general, perplexities of dress code, food, especially salad-dressing, New England Gothic, earthquakes, heat, the whistle of its locomotives, 'Easter holidays' not including Easter, the cut of American shirts, television, Andover, Massachusetts, EH moves to, Ann Arbor, Michigan, TSE on visiting, Augusta, Maine, EH stops in, Baltimore, Maryland, and TSE's niece, TSE engaged to lecture in, TSE on visiting, Bangor, Maine, EH visits, Bay of Fundy, EH sailing in, Bedford, Massachusetts, its Stearns connections, Boston, Massachusetts, TSE tries to recollect society there, its influence on TSE, its Museum collection remembered, inspires homesickness, TSE and EH's experience of contrasted, described by Maclagan, suspected of dissipating EH's energies, EH's loneliness in, Scripps as EH's release from, possibly conducive to TSE's spiritual development, restores TSE's health, its society, TSE's relations preponderate, TSE's happiness in, as a substitute for EH's company, TSE's celebrity in, if TSE were there in EH's company, its theatregoing public, The Times on, on Labour Day, Brunswick, Maine, TSE to lecture in, TSE on visiting, California, as imagined by TSE, TSE's wish to visit, EH suggests trip to Yosemite, swimming in the Pacific, horrifies TSE, TSE finds soulless, land of earthquakes, TSE dreads its effect on EH, Wales's resemblance to, as inferno, and Californians, surfeit of oranges and films in, TSE's delight at EH leaving, land of kidnappings, Aldous Huxley seconds TSE's horror, the lesser of two evils, Cannes reminiscent of, TSE masters dislike of, land of monstrous churches, TSE regrets EH leaving, winterless, its southern suburbs like Cape Town, land of fabricated antiquities, Cambridge, Massachusetts, TSE's student days in, socially similar to Bloomsbury, TSE lonely there but for Ada, TSE's happiness in, exhausting, EH's 'group' in, road safety in, Casco Bay, Maine, TSE remembers, Castine, Maine, EH holidays in, Cataumet, Massachusetts, EH holidays in, Chicago, Illinois, EH visits, reportedly bankrupt, TSE on, TSE takes up lectureship in, its climate, land of fabricated antiquities, Chocurua, New Hampshire, EH stays in, Concord, Massachusetts, EH's househunting in, EH moves from, Connecticut, its countryside, and Boerre, TSE's end-of-tour stay in, Dorset, Vermont, EH holidays in, and the Dorset Players, Elizabeth, New Jersey, TSE on visiting, Farmington, Connecticut, place of EH's schooling, which TSE passes by, EH holidays in, Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire, EH recuperates in, Gerrish Island, Maine, TSE revisits, Hollywood, perceived debauchery of its movies, TSE's dream of walk-on part, condemned by TSE to destruction, TSE trusts Murder will be safe from, Iowa City, Iowa, TSE invited to, Jonesport, Maine, remembered, Kittery, Maine, described, Lexington, Massachusetts, and the Stearns family home, Lyndeborough, New Hampshire, visited by EH, Madison, Wisconsin, Aurelia Bolliger hails from, Ralph Hodgson sails for, EH summers in, as conceived by TSE, who eventually visits, Maine, its coast remembered by TSE, TSE recalls swimming off, Minneapolis, on EH's 1952 itinerary, TSE lectures in, New Bedford, Massachusetts, EH's holidays in, TSE's family ties to, New England, and Unitarianism, more real to TSE than England, TSE homesick for, in TSE's holiday plans, architecturally, compared to California, and the New England conscience, TSE and EH's common inheritance, springless, TSE remembers returning from childhood holidays in, its countryside distinguished, and The Dry Salvages, New York (N.Y.C.), TSE's visits to, TSE encouraged to write play for, prospect of visiting appals TSE, as cultural influence, New York theatres, Newburyport, Maine, delights TSE, Northampton, Massachusetts, TSE on, EH settles in, TSE's 1936 visit to, autumn weather in, its spiritual atmosphere, EH moves house within, its elms, the Perkinses descend on, Aunt Irene visits, Boerre's imagined life in, TSE on hypothetical residence in, EH returns to, Peterborough, New Hampshire, visited by EH, TSE's vision of life at, Petersham, Massachusetts, EH holidays in, TSE visits with the Perkinses, EH spends birthday in, Edith Perkins gives lecture at, the Perkinses cease to visit, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, TSE on, and TSE's private Barnes Foundation tour, Independence Hall, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, surrounding countryside, Portsmouth, Maine, delights TSE, Randolph, New Hampshire, 1933 Eliot family holiday in, the Eliot siblings return to, Seattle, Washington State, EH summers in, EH's situation at, TSE prefers to California, EH repairs to post-Christmas, EH visits on 1952 tour, EH returns to, Sebasco, Maine, EH visits, South, the, TSE's first taste of, TSE's prejudices concerning, St. Louis, Missouri, TSE's childhood in, TSE's homesickness for, TSE styling himself a 'Missourian', possible destination for TSE's ashes, resting-place of TSE's parents, TSE on his return to, the Mississippi, compared to TSE's memory, TSE again revisits, TSE takes EVE to, St. Paul, Minnesota, TSE on visiting, the Furness house in, Tryon, North Carolina, EH's interest in, EH staying in, Virginia, scene of David Garnett's escapade, and the Page-Barbour Lectures, TSE on visiting, and the South, Washington, Connecticut, EH recuperates in, West Rindge, New Hampshire, EH holidays at, White Mountains, New Hampshire, possible TSE and EH excursion to, Woods Hole, Falmouth, Massachusetts, TSE and EH arrange holiday at, TSE and EH's holiday in recalled, and The Dry Salvages, TSE invited to, EH and TSE's 1947 stay in, EH learns of TSE's death at,
Archbishop of York's Conference, Malvern 1941, paper prepared for, occasion recounted, proceedings to be published,
Christ Church, Shamley Green, nice but low, midwinter morning services at, Pilgrim Players' 'Way of the Cross', Holy Week 1941 at, Christmas at, Pilgrim Players' Resurrection at, at Harvest Festival, Christmas Eve midnight-mass at,
de la Mare, Richard, at JDH's Faber evening, offers Mrs Mirrlees seedlings, his 40th at Much Hadham, TSE's Much Hadham chauffeur,

12.Richardde la Mare, Richard de la Mare (1901–86) – elder son of the poet Walter de la Mare – director of F&F, in charge of design and production: see Biographical Register.

de la Mares, the, TSE forgoes EH's invitation for, TSE's dread of visiting, give dinner for the Morleys, give TSE wartime refuge, the children, teach TSE vingt-et-un,
Dry Salvages, The, and Woods Hole, begun, being composed, first draft, on draft no. 5, early version seen by Henry, defended from charge of cheerlessness, reception, praised by Kennard Rand, sales, conchological emendation,
East Coker, its Kensington origins, and TSE's cousins' visit, TSE's own plan to visit eponymous village, which he does, TSE returns to East Coker, TSE on writing, and Yeats's Purgatory, needs polishing, ready for printer, EH sent, decision to print in NEW, TSE on its mood, sales, reception, EH yet to receive, EH promised shilling edition, broadcast by BBC Eastern Service, draft inevitably bought by Gallup, TSE recites for Czechs, EH recounts recitation of, TSE's recording of,
Fabers, the, model of happiness and respectability, their domestic situation, Faber children to tea chez Eliot, visit TSE at Pike's Farm, compared to the Morleys, closer to TSE than to VHE, 1933 summer holiday with, Ty Glyn Aeron described, request TSE to write play, too absorbed in their children, at the Morleys' party, give anti-Nazi party for author, host poker party, 1934 summer holiday with, take TSE to lunch in Oxford, 1935 summer holiday with, for which the children are bought tent, give party, 1936 summer holiday with, at Morleys' Thanksgiving Day party, sail model boats with TSE, and TSE's foggy adventure, cinema-going with TSE, take TSE to Witch of Edmonton, and Morleys take TSE to pantomime, and TSE attend opening of Ascent of F6, 1937 summer holiday with, and the Bradfield Greek play, School for Scandal with, take TSE to pantomime again, 1938 summer holiday with, 1939 summer holiday with, offer possible wartime refuge, 1940 summer holiday with, host TSE in Hampstead during war, TSE makes bread sauce for, brought vegetables from Shamley, move to Minsted, and TSE attend musical revue, 1941 summer holiday with, Minsted as substitute for nursing-home, trying to sell Welsh home, take TSE to International Squadron, invite TSE to Wales for Christmas, host TSE at Minsted, away fishing in Scotland, mourn TSE's post-war independence, 1947 Minsted summer stay, 1948 Minsted summer stay, host TSE for weekend, on 1950 South Africa trip, on TSE's 1951 Spain trip, 1951 Minsted summer stay, 1952 Minsted summer stay, 1953 Minsted summer stay, on 1953–4 South Africa trip, 35th wedding anniversary weekend,
Little Gidding, things 'done to others' harm', and TSE's St. Kevin's cave excursion, TSE's pilgrimage to the eponymous, and John Inglesant, in the Four Quartets scheme, as TSE's war work, latent within TSE, being drafted, first draft finished, suspended, to be taken up again, partly redrafted at Buckler's Hard, further redrafting, seven lines from completion, redrafting finished, in which JDH proved indispensable, NEW version sent to EH, published, sales, ends hopefully,
MacCarthy, Desmond, on Doone's Sweeney Agonistes, at TSE and JDH's dinner, which he thanks them for, at the Hutchinsons, rates Westminster Theatre Volpone, criticises Family Reunion, criticisms which TSE deflects, reviews East Coker, reviews The Dry Salvages, praises Little Gidding, mistaken for electrician, dislikes What is a Classic?,
see also MacCarthys, the

1.DesmondMacCarthy, Desmond MacCarthy (1877–1952), literary and dramatic critic, was intimately associated with the Bloomsbury Group. Literary editor of the New Statesman, 1920–7; editor of Life and Letters, 1928–33; he moved in 1928 to the Sunday Times, where he was the chief reviewer for many years. See Desmond MacCarthy: The Man and His Writings (1984); Hugh and Mirabel Cecil, Clever Hearts: Desmond and Molly MacCarthy: A Biography (1990).

Mirrlees, Emily Lina ('Mappie', née Moncrieff), taken round the Tower, invites TSE to Shamley, described for EH, offers to house TSE gratis, her religion, as horticulturalist, concerns TSE, her distress on animals' behalf, not an irritant, secures better gardener for Shamley, circumstances in which she offered TSE refuge, indifferent to enlarging acquaintance, engineers solitude at Shamley, surprises TSE with lobster and cigars, reduces TSE's rent, celebrates 80th birthday, abed and anxious, anxious about North African campaign, going deaf, boosted by son's promotion, receives offer for Shamley, theatrical by nature, TSE prefers being alone with, TSE's sense of responsibility to, spoils TSE on his birthday, aflutter over Christmas turkey, delighted by recording at Shamley, takes in hopeless cases, collector of recipes, pleased by TSE's lawnmowing, hankers after life in Menton, dreams of leaving Shamley, pulls out of selling Shamley, as landlady, frustrations with gardener, her aura, summons TSE to Shamley, during TSE's final Shamley Christmas, dying, still just living, dies following operation, Wishful Cooking,
see also Mirrleeses, the

3.HopeMirrlees, Emily Lina ('Mappie', née Moncrieff) Mirrlees’s mother was Emily Lina Mirrlees, née Moncrieff (1862–1948) – known as ‘Mappie’ or ‘Mappy’ – see Biographical Register.

Mirrlees, Maj.-Gen. William Henry Buchanan ('Reay'), with brigade in North Africa, source of anxiety in Shamley, promoted to major-general, awarded DSO, homecoming animates Mappie, returns from India, TSE's impression of, returns to regiment, at Shamley for Christmas,

1.MajMirrlees, Maj.-Gen. William Henry Buchanan ('Reay').-Gen. William Henry Buchanan ‘Reay’ Mirrlees, DSO, CB, MC (1892–1964), served in the Royal Artillery. He was the only son of William Julius and Emily Lina Mirrlees, brother of Hope Mirrlees.

Moot, The, first meeting, invited to TSE's Maritain dinner, no substitute for individual friendships, seems futile, welcomes Reinhold Niebuhr as guest, discusses TSE's paper,
New English Weekly, TSE joins editorial committee of, discussed with Mairet, TSE writing 'Views and Reviews' for, and Edward VIII, TSE's natural post-Criterion home, two contributions to, TSE attacks H. G. Wells in, prints East Coker, commission TSE on Keynes,
Noel-Buxton, Rufus, seeks passage on cargo ship, importunes TSE with sonnets, visits to Shamley, continues to ply TSE with verses, TSE walks four miles to lunch with, as poet, visits Shamley again,

1.RufusNoel-Buxton, Rufus Buxton (1917–80), a scholar of Balliol College, Oxford, was to become 2nd Baron Noel-Buxton. In WW2 he was invalided from an Officer Cadet Training Unit and became a research assistant at the Agricultural Economics Research Institute in Oxford, while also lecturing to the forces. After two further years as a producer on the BBC North American Service, he joined Farmers’ Weekly, 1950–2. In later years he became famous for fording a number of perilous English rivers. His publications include Without the Red Flag (1936); The Ford: A Poem (1955); Westminster Wader (F&F, 1957).

Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats, conceived as money-spinner, written as jeu d'esprit, individual poems sent to EH, early fragment of 'Rumpuscat', as outlined to GCF, and 'the Heaviside layer', TSE despairs of finishing, provisionally Mr Eliot's Book of Pollicle Dogs and Jellicle Cats and Other Birds & Beasts, as advertised by GCF, delayed by Milton and Byron essays, written to relieve political gloom, written in tours de force, written occasionally, and Children's Hour, TSE asked to recite, TSE at leisure to write, Hodgson promises to illustrate, Hodgson as 'the Man in White Spats', to appear autumn 1939, TSE to design cover, published, read in the Roberts household, sent to EH, reception, selling strongly, being reprinted, published in America, EH receives, the illustrations, the original Cat Morgan, read to the Roberts children, 'Bustopher Jones: The St. James's Street Cat', 'Gus: The Theatre Cat', 'Marching Song of the Pollicle Dogs', 'Old Deuteronomy', 'Song of the Jellicles', 'The Naming of Cats', 'The Old Gumbie Cat', 'The Practical Cat', 'The Rum Tum Tugger',
Perkins, Edith (EH's aunt), her relationship to EH queried, to accompany EH to Scripps, asks TSE to dinner, at first Norton lecture, shares pew with TSE, accompanies TSE to Symphony Concert, in audience at Milton Academy, catches cold in Florence, in TSE's private opinion, TSE's occasional poem for, her relationship with EH analysed, dislikes Jeanette McPherrin, explains EH's breakdown to TSE, on the Harvard Murder, as Campden hostess, and TSE's wartime instructions to EH, gives lunch at American Women's Club, gives TSE balsam pillow, requests English edition of Cats, as horticulturalist, without Campden garden, compared to Irene Hale, gives TSE photograph of EH, attends Ada's funeral, reports on EH's Millbrook situation, pressed for ham and pineapple recipe, sight affected in one eye, gives lecture, sight failing, sight deteriorates in other eye, thanked for 1946 hospitality, gives to Books Across the Sea, according to EH, asks TSE to present slides to RHS, which TSE does, on EH and TSE's relationship, and Hidcote House, friendly with Marion, TSE pitches her book to publishers, depressed by the heat, somewhat recovered, approaching 80th, faced with husband's death, letter of condolence to, sent birthday poem, visited in Boston, has sciatica, reports on EH's dramatic activities, Miss Lavorgna on, in her old-age infirmity, suffers 'shock', sacks nurse, EH preserved from, sends funeral tribute to Cousin Will, and the Hale letters, nursing home sought for, moved into nursing home, where TSE writes to her, suffers stroke, deteriorating, relations with EH, her legacy to EH,
see also Perkinses, the
Perkinses, the, likely to be interested in An Adventure, compared to Mary Ware, enjoyable dinner at the Ludlow with, take to TSE, TSE desires parental intimacy with, their dinner-guests dismissed by TSE, who repents of seeming ingratitude, TSE confides separation plans to, too polite, questioned as companions for EH, offered English introductions, entertained on arrival in London, seek residence in Chichester, given introduction to G. C. Coulton, take house at Chipping Camden, as Chipping Campden hosts, given introduction to Bishop Bell, TSE entertains at Oxford and Cambridge Club, TSE's private opinion on, TSE encourages EH's independence from, their repressive influence on EH, buy TSE gloves for Christmas, sent Lapsang Souchong on arrival in England, invite TSE to Campden, move apartment, anticipate 1938 English summer, descend on EH in Northampton, and EH's wartime return to America, temporarily homeless, enfeebled, EH forwards TSE teenage letter to, their health, which is a burden, approve EH's permanent Abbot position,
Roberts, Janet, just returned from the Alps, laments The Criterion's closure, remembers EH in Scotland, her parents recalled by EH, sends TSE butter, resemblance to husband, TSE's fondness for, writes about Rome broadcast, confides Michael's illness, following Michael's death, TSE reads to her children, dinner with over Christmas, worried about Michael's job,
see also Robertses, the
Shamley Wood, Surrey, TSE issued standing invitation to, his situation as paying guest, daily and weekly life at, dramatis personae, Christmas at, ideal situation for illness, overheated, depressingly female, TSE leads fire practice at, TSE takes week's rest from, its melodramas, TSE quarantined from, its lack of music, and Reay's homecoming, TSE distributes food parcels at, TSE's gradual removal from, TSE's post-war week's holiday at, post-hernia convalescence at,
Sunday Times, announces Murder production, awards TSE £1,000 Literary Prize,
Welch, Margaret Pearmain,