[Grace Toll Hall, Scripps College, Claremont]

T. S.Eliot
Faber & Faber Ltd
7 March 1934
Dearest Lady

Your last letter – of the 6th February – was a very lovely one, and consequently provides nourishment for a considerable length of time. Otherwise I should have begun to be restless.

There is so much I want to know about yourself – in particular, has the arthritis reasserted itself at all? I am afraid that as the term wears on you will begin to be as fatigued as you were at the end of last year.

IFabers, thegive anti-Nazi party for author;b8 amLowenstein, Prince HubertusTSE attends anti-Nazi party for;a1 tired tonight, having had two parties in two days, for one of which I was in a small part host, and for the other wholly. Yesterday Faber & Faber, or Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Faber, gave a cocktail party for Prince Hubertus Lowenstein on the occasion of the appearance of his book in Germany,1 at L’aperitif grill in Jermyn Street. It was a mixed bag of people, of course, including many journalists (most of whom I did not know); the general colour was anti-Nazi, and the Prinz tells us that we must support Dollfuss for the moment, as a Hapsburg restoration is not at present practical politics.2 The Prinz also has his friends in Germany, all disguised in brown shirts, of course. Unimpressive looking young man, with a nose like a toucan. Standing for two hours in a packed room, talking to one person after another, trying to keep an eye on everybody, drinking cocktails, and being made dizzy by the heat, the closeness, the faces and the noise is very tiring. I got home at half past eight. I had meant to write to you last night, and then start a chorus; butgames, diversionscrossword puzzles;a3 by the time I had finished dinner I felt too feeble to do more than solve the Times crossword puzzle, andreading (TSE's)Charles Petrie's Monarchy;d6 read a few pages of Sir Charles Petrie’s ‘Monarchy’ just out.3 ThisRitz, TheTSE gives theatre tea-party at;a1 afternoonFlanagan, Hallietheatrical Ritz tea-party for;a6 IHutchinson, Maryat TSE's Ritz theatre tea-party;b1 hadDoone, Rupertat TSE's theatrical Ritz tea-party;a3 aBrownes, the Martinat TSE's theatrical tea-party;a1 teaparty on my own, at the Ritz – a very good place for the purpose, because it seems to be giving people something very grand, it is not crowded, and the tea etc. comes to only half a crown a head. The party was for Mrs. Flanagan, and included Mary Hutchinson, Rupert Doone, Mr. & Mrs. Martin Browne – all people with interests in the theatre. I do think it went off very well; they all seemed to like each other. Part of the purpose was to introduce Browne and Doone, so that Browne could try to induce Doone to do a ballet of Dick Whittington and his Cat for the Pageant (an 11 year old Cat, girl dancer, has been already engaged).4

IFlanagan, Hallieon further acquaintance;a7 can now tell you more about Mrs. Flanagan than IVassar College;a3 could after a brief and fevered visit to Vassar. SheO'Conor, Norreys Jephson;a1 is a friend of the Norys [sc. Norreys] O’Connors,5 withSmith College;a3 whom she has been staying, andPatch, Howard Rollin;a2 of some very nice people at Smith College whom I know, Professor and Mrs. Howard Patch. I find her very intelligent indeed; very quick-witted and thoughtful, and talks very well about the theatre and other matters. She talked interestingly about what she had seen of the theatre on several visits to Russia. She seems also to have serious interests in social problems as well. Certainly a rather exceptional person. I did wish that you were there!

PartRock, Thedifficulties of composition;b7 I of the Pageant is practically finished, and I have been having some difficulty in breaking the ground for Part II; I must get the opening in shape over the weekend. I must say that what I have done so far strikes me as better than expected; but you never know what anything is like until it comes to rehearsal; I expect to get frightfully depressed about it later on. One danger is that in trying to make something more of it than a mere succession of historical scenes, I may have been creating some parts which will rather strain the abilities of amateur parochial actors. My comic hero, Ethelbert the Anglo-Saxon bricklayer, has become a tremendous role; I have had to invent Mrs. Bert to take some of the strain off him, and may need one or two more assistants as well. But the venture is rather exciting, and I have very sympathetic people to work with.

It is beginning to become difficult to keep out of small, and usually pleasant, social engagements, which I really have not time for. As soon as this play is over, in the middle of June, I want to get away for several weeks, I don’t know where. There is some sort of international conference at the Bishop of Chichester’s in July, that I have promised to attend. HadeconomicsSocial Credit;a6 toDobrée, Bonamypromulgates Credit Reform;b1 write at length to Bonamy to-day about a letter to the Times which he wants me to sign, with others, urging an investigation into the possibilities of Credit Reform in England.6 TheOrage, A. R.sympathetic to Credit Reform;a1 enigmaticDouglas, Major Clifford Hugh ('C. H.');a5 Orage,7 whom I saw last night, andOrage, A. R.and Major Douglas;a2 who is Major Douglas’s faithful henchman, told me that a small group of younger Conservatives, headed or backed by Walter Elliot,8 was about to write a similar letter to the Times. There is undoubtedly a great tension and a feeling that something radical must be done within the next three years to avert disaster. Everyone looks with immense interest, tinged with scepticism, onRoosevelt, Franklin D.an inspriration to radicals;a1 the adventures of Franklin Roosevelt. TheyAmericaand FDR's example to England;b4 get a column in the Times every day. IEuropepotentially inspired by FDR;a4 am sure that if and when Roosevelt appears to have got the best of the situation, the results in Europe, and especially upon England, will be immense. If he succeeds, England will quickly ripen towards experiment. Only, when and by what is one convinced that a statesman has succeeded?

Oh my dear, my dear, I do long for news from you. DidGalitzi, Dr Christineand possible Greek translation of The Waste Land;b3 Miss Galitzi ever get my letter, I wonder, and what she has done about her Greek translation of the Waste Land.

MyPage-Barbour Lectures, The (afterwards After Strange Gods)reception;b1 book has had a very ‘mixed reception’, but is selling well.

Please, dear Bird, write to me, – once every two, or three – or four? – weeks.


It occurs to me to hope that you may at least be able to go to New England in the summer; and I wish that you could somehow meet Mrs. Flanagan. SuchAmericaCalifornia;d3TSE dreads its effect on EH;a8 acquaintances might be useful, and I don’t see how, buried in California where nobody can have the chance to hear of you even, you are going to get a better job.

1.PrinceLowenstein, Prince Hubertus Hubertus Lowenstein, The Tragedy of a Nation: Germany, 19181934 (F&F, 1934).

2.Engelbert Dollfuss (1892–1934), increasingly authoritarian Federal Chancellor of Austria, 1932–4. In 1933 he had shut down the parliament and suppressed socialism in the name of ‘Austrofascism’. He was to be assassinated in July 1934 by a group of Austrian Nazis.

3.Charles Petrie, Monarchy (1933).

4.PatriciaRock, Theand Patricia Shaw-Page's 'prologue';b8n Shaw-Page recited the following verses of ‘Cat’s Prologue’ to a ballet interlude, produced by the British choreographer Antony Tudor (at Sadler’s Wells, 28 May–9 June):

Be not astonished at this point to see

Creep on the stage a little cat like me.

This pageant is a kind of pantomime

Where anything may come at any time;

And what’s a pantomime without a Cat?

And I’m no ordinary puss at that.

For I was to a worthy master loyal
Who built St Michael Paternoster Royal:

I am the Cat who was Dick Whittington’s,
And now we’ll show you how our story runs.

(For Antony Tudor, see Susan Jones, Literature, Modernism, and Dance [Oxford, 2013].)

Sadler’s Wells programme note: ‘Dick, miserable as a scullion, is loved by his master’s daughter. He ventures his Cat on a ship going to the Barbary coast; the Cat rids the Court of vermin and the king buys it for much gold. Meanwhile, Dick has run away; but Bow Bells bring him back to find fortune and his bride.’

Richard Whittington, who was four times Lord Mayor of London, helped to finance the rebuilding of this City church.

R. Webb-Odell assured TSE, in a letter of 3 June 1934, that Patricia was ‘the “hit”.’

Years later (18 Sept. 1961), Patricia Shaw-Taylor (as she then was), finding that she could not remember the entire speech she had been given to recite, asked TSE if he could remind her of the words. ‘The original scripts of my little bit which I possessed was destroyed in the bombing when my mother and I were squashed under a bomb! However, the photographs of us children … survived.’ TSE replied via his secretary (15 Dec. 1961) that he too had no copy of the text.

5.NorreysO'Conor, Norreys Jephson Jephson O’Conor (1885–1958), American author. Works include Songs of the Celtic Past (1918) and Battles and Enchantments (1922).

6.‘The Money System’ – letter signed by Lascelles Abercrombie, Bonamy Dobrée, TSE, Hewlett Johnson, Edwin Muir, Hamish Miles, Herbert Read, I. A. Richards – The Times, 5 Apr. 1934; followed by ‘The Monetary System’, signed by the same, 10 May: see CProse 5, 759–61.

7.A. R. OrageOrage, A. R. (1873–1934), owner-editor of the socialist and literary paper New Age, 1907–24; founder of the New English Weekly, 1932; disciple of G. I. Gurdjieff; proponent of C. H. Douglas’s Social Credit. See further Mairet, A. R. Orage: A Memoir (1936).

8.Dr Walter Elliot (1888–1958), prominent Scottish Unionist Party politician; Minister of Agriculture from 1932; later Secretary of State for Scotland.

America, TSE on not returning in 1915, and TSE as transatlantic cultural conduit, dependence on Europe, TSE's sense of deracination from, and the Great Depression, TSE a self-styled 'Missourian', as depicted in Henry Eliot's Rumble Murders, its national coherence questioned, its religious and educational future, versus Canadian and colonial society, where age is not antiquity, drinks Scotland's whisky, and FDR's example to England, underrates Europe's influence on England, redeemed by experience with G. I.'s, TSE nervous at readjusting to, and post-war cost of living, more alien to TSE post-war, its glories, landscape, cheap shoes, its horrors, Hollywood, climate, lack of tea, overheated trains, over-social clubs, overheating in general, perplexities of dress code, food, especially salad-dressing, New England Gothic, earthquakes, heat, the whistle of its locomotives, 'Easter holidays' not including Easter, the cut of American shirts, television, Andover, Massachusetts, EH moves to, Ann Arbor, Michigan, TSE on visiting, Augusta, Maine, EH stops in, Baltimore, Maryland, and TSE's niece, TSE engaged to lecture in, TSE on visiting, Bangor, Maine, EH visits, Bay of Fundy, EH sailing in, Bedford, Massachusetts, its Stearns connections, Boston, Massachusetts, TSE tries to recollect society there, its influence on TSE, its Museum collection remembered, inspires homesickness, TSE and EH's experience of contrasted, described by Maclagan, suspected of dissipating EH's energies, EH's loneliness in, Scripps as EH's release from, possibly conducive to TSE's spiritual development, restores TSE's health, its society, TSE's relations preponderate, TSE's happiness in, as a substitute for EH's company, TSE's celebrity in, if TSE were there in EH's company, its theatregoing public, The Times on, on Labour Day, Brunswick, Maine, TSE to lecture in, TSE on visiting, California, as imagined by TSE, TSE's wish to visit, EH suggests trip to Yosemite, swimming in the Pacific, horrifies TSE, TSE finds soulless, land of earthquakes, TSE dreads its effect on EH, Wales's resemblance to, as inferno, and Californians, surfeit of oranges and films in, TSE's delight at EH leaving, land of kidnappings, Aldous Huxley seconds TSE's horror, the lesser of two evils, Cannes reminiscent of, TSE masters dislike of, land of monstrous churches, TSE regrets EH leaving, winterless, its southern suburbs like Cape Town, land of fabricated antiquities, Cambridge, Massachusetts, TSE's student days in, socially similar to Bloomsbury, TSE lonely there but for Ada, TSE's happiness in, exhausting, EH's 'group' in, road safety in, Casco Bay, Maine, TSE remembers, Castine, Maine, EH holidays in, Cataumet, Massachusetts, EH holidays in, Chicago, Illinois, EH visits, reportedly bankrupt, TSE on, TSE takes up lectureship in, its climate, land of fabricated antiquities, Chocurua, New Hampshire, EH stays in, Concord, Massachusetts, EH's househunting in, EH moves from, Connecticut, its countryside, and Boerre, TSE's end-of-tour stay in, Dorset, Vermont, EH holidays in, and the Dorset Players, Elizabeth, New Jersey, TSE on visiting, Farmington, Connecticut, place of EH's schooling, which TSE passes by, EH holidays in, Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire, EH recuperates in, Gerrish Island, Maine, TSE revisits, Hollywood, perceived debauchery of its movies, TSE's dream of walk-on part, condemned by TSE to destruction, TSE trusts Murder will be safe from, Iowa City, Iowa, TSE invited to, Jonesport, Maine, remembered, Kittery, Maine, described, Lexington, Massachusetts, and the Stearns family home, Lyndeborough, New Hampshire, visited by EH, Madison, Wisconsin, Aurelia Bolliger hails from, Ralph Hodgson sails for, EH summers in, as conceived by TSE, who eventually visits, Maine, its coast remembered by TSE, TSE recalls swimming off, Minneapolis, on EH's 1952 itinerary, TSE lectures in, New Bedford, Massachusetts, EH's holidays in, TSE's family ties to, New England, and Unitarianism, more real to TSE than England, TSE homesick for, in TSE's holiday plans, architecturally, compared to California, and the New England conscience, TSE and EH's common inheritance, springless, TSE remembers returning from childhood holidays in, its countryside distinguished, and The Dry Salvages, New York (N.Y.C.), TSE's visits to, TSE encouraged to write play for, prospect of visiting appals TSE, as cultural influence, New York theatres, Newburyport, Maine, delights TSE, Northampton, Massachusetts, TSE on, EH settles in, TSE's 1936 visit to, autumn weather in, its spiritual atmosphere, EH moves house within, its elms, the Perkinses descend on, Aunt Irene visits, Boerre's imagined life in, TSE on hypothetical residence in, EH returns to, Peterborough, New Hampshire, visited by EH, TSE's vision of life at, Petersham, Massachusetts, EH holidays in, TSE visits with the Perkinses, EH spends birthday in, Edith Perkins gives lecture at, the Perkinses cease to visit, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, TSE on, and TSE's private Barnes Foundation tour, Independence Hall, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, surrounding countryside, Portsmouth, Maine, delights TSE, Randolph, New Hampshire, 1933 Eliot family holiday in, the Eliot siblings return to, Seattle, Washington State, EH summers in, EH's situation at, TSE prefers to California, EH repairs to post-Christmas, EH visits on 1952 tour, EH returns to, Sebasco, Maine, EH visits, South, the, TSE's first taste of, TSE's prejudices concerning, St. Louis, Missouri, TSE's childhood in, TSE's homesickness for, TSE styling himself a 'Missourian', possible destination for TSE's ashes, resting-place of TSE's parents, TSE on his return to, the Mississippi, compared to TSE's memory, TSE again revisits, TSE takes EVE to, St. Paul, Minnesota, TSE on visiting, the Furness house in, Tryon, North Carolina, EH's interest in, EH staying in, Virginia, scene of David Garnett's escapade, and the Page-Barbour Lectures, TSE on visiting, and the South, Washington, Connecticut, EH recuperates in, West Rindge, New Hampshire, EH holidays at, White Mountains, New Hampshire, possible TSE and EH excursion to, Woods Hole, Falmouth, Massachusetts, TSE and EH arrange holiday at, TSE and EH's holiday in recalled, and The Dry Salvages, TSE invited to, EH and TSE's 1947 stay in, EH learns of TSE's death at,
Brownes, the Martin, at TSE's theatrical tea-party, pick over scenario for Murder, TSE's fondness for, introduce TSE to Saint-Denis, both invited to Tenebrae, TSE reads Family Reunion to, and their Pilgrim Players, their sons, among TSE's intimates, encourage TSE over Cocktail Party, discuss Cocktail Party draft, Silver Wedding Party,
Dobrée, Bonamy, Criterion monthly meeting regular, photograph of his home on TSE's mantel, in thumbnail, and Flint take TSE for farewell lunch, as country squire, promulgates Credit Reform, sings songs with TSE, shilling life of, and 'Byron', doomed to American lecture tour, reduced to doing his own gardening, detects life in Willard Thorp, farewell lunch for, training gunner officers, chairs TSE's reading,
see also Dobrées, the

3.Bonamy DobréeDobrée, Bonamy (1891–1974), scholar and editor: see Biographical Register.

Doone, Rupert, approaches TSE with Aristophanes commission, at TSE's theatrical Ritz tea-party, pitches the Group Theatre to TSE, discusses Sweeney Agonistes with TSE, TSE on his Sweeney, his own interpretation of Sweeney Agonistes, and Yeats's Mercury Theatre season, dismissed by Yeats, on Margot Collis, possible Mercury Murder premiere, dismayed by prose of Murder, resigns from Mercury Theatre season, resigns from Mercury Theatre season, offers Westminster Theatre production instead, craves TSE's next play, and troupe bemoaned, producing The Ascent of F6, surpasses himself with Spender, and his illustrious housekeeper,
see also Group Theatre

2.RupertDoone, Rupert Doone (1903–66), dancer, choreographer and producer, founded the Group Theatre, London, in 1932: see Biographical Register.

Douglas, Major Clifford Hugh ('C. H.'),
see also economics

5.C. H. DouglasDouglas, Major Clifford Hugh ('C. H.') (1879–1952), British engineer; proponent of the Social Credit economic reform movement. Noting that workers were never paid enough for them to purchase the goods they produced, Douglas proposed that a National Dividend (debt-free credit) should be distributed to all citizens so as to make their purchasing power equal to prices. Major works are Economic Democracy and Credit-Power and Democracy (1920); Social Credit (1924).

economics, and TSE's case against materialism, TSE opposed to economic orthodoxy, in TSE's fantasy political party, capitalism and Christianity, and TSE's ideal political economy, Social Credit, and FDR,
Europe, and Henry James, through the 1930s, its importance for America, potentially inspired by FDR, in the event of war, seems more alive than America, the effects of war on, its post-war future, its post-war condition, the possibility of Federal Union, TSE's sense of duty towards,
Fabers, the, model of happiness and respectability, their domestic situation, Faber children to tea chez Eliot, visit TSE at Pike's Farm, compared to the Morleys, closer to TSE than to VHE, 1933 summer holiday with, Ty Glyn Aeron described, request TSE to write play, too absorbed in their children, at the Morleys' party, give anti-Nazi party for author, host poker party, 1934 summer holiday with, take TSE to lunch in Oxford, 1935 summer holiday with, for which the children are bought tent, give party, 1936 summer holiday with, at Morleys' Thanksgiving Day party, sail model boats with TSE, and TSE's foggy adventure, cinema-going with TSE, take TSE to Witch of Edmonton, and Morleys take TSE to pantomime, and TSE attend opening of Ascent of F6, 1937 summer holiday with, and the Bradfield Greek play, School for Scandal with, take TSE to pantomime again, 1938 summer holiday with, 1939 summer holiday with, offer possible wartime refuge, 1940 summer holiday with, host TSE in Hampstead during war, TSE makes bread sauce for, brought vegetables from Shamley, move to Minsted, and TSE attend musical revue, 1941 summer holiday with, Minsted as substitute for nursing-home, trying to sell Welsh home, take TSE to International Squadron, invite TSE to Wales for Christmas, host TSE at Minsted, away fishing in Scotland, mourn TSE's post-war independence, 1947 Minsted summer stay, 1948 Minsted summer stay, host TSE for weekend, on 1950 South Africa trip, on TSE's 1951 Spain trip, 1951 Minsted summer stay, 1952 Minsted summer stay, 1953 Minsted summer stay, on 1953–4 South Africa trip, 35th wedding anniversary weekend,
Flanagan, Hallie, her Sweeney Agonistes, recalls TSE on his own poetry, weakness for 'stunting', looks up TSE in London, theatrical Ritz tea-party for, on further acquaintance, as director, taken on by Smith, and Vassar's Tempest,

5.The directorFlanagan, Hallie Hallie Flanagan (1890–1969), a Professor at Vassar College, was planning to produce Sweeney Agonistes at the Experimental Theater that she had founded at Vassar.

Galitzi, Dr Christine, in line for Ariel poem, favoured among EH's Claremont friends, encloses flower in letter, sends TSE photographs, and possible Greek translation of The Waste Land, her mannerisms, EH warned against imitating, asks TSE to communicate with imprisoned husband, her marriage, writes to TSE about husband,

1.DrGalitzi, Dr Christine Christine Galitzi (b. 1899), Assistant Professor of French and Sociology, Scripps College. Born in Greece and educated in Romania, and at the Sorbonne and Columbia University, New York, she was author of Romanians in the USA: A Study of Assimilation among the Romanians in the USA (New York, 1968), as well as authoritative articles in the journal Sociologie româneascu. In 1938–9 she was to be secretary of the committee for the 14th International Congress of Sociology due to be held in Bucharest. Her husband (date of marriage unknown) was to be a Romanian military officer named Constantin Bratescu (1892–1971).

games, diversions, solitaire patience, shuffleboard, crossword puzzles, cricket and swimming at Pike's Farm, light reading, 'Go' (Wei-Ki), 'Peabody' card-game,
Hutchinson, Mary, her friendship compared to OM's, quondam admirer of TSE, enlisted to prevail on VHE, talks theatre and VHE, accompanies TSE to Dance of Death, at TSE's Ritz theatre tea-party, offers EH lunch before rehearsal, takes TSE to see Francis Birrell, issues Irish introductions to TSE, grumbles at Sadler's Wells meeting, on Eyeless in Gaza, accompanies TSE to Olivier's Hamlet, to I Have Been Here Before, to Mourning Becomes Electra, to Three Sisters, her company, accompanies TSE to Duchess of Malfi,

3.MaryHutchinson, Mary Hutchinson (1889–1977), literary hostess and author: see Biographical Register.

Lowenstein, Prince Hubertus, TSE attends anti-Nazi party for,
O'Conor, Norreys Jephson,

5.NorreysO'Conor, Norreys Jephson Jephson O’Conor (1885–1958), American author. Works include Songs of the Celtic Past (1918) and Battles and Enchantments (1922).

Orage, A. R., sympathetic to Credit Reform, and Major Douglas, obituary composed for, TSE on, speech at dinner honouring,

7.A. R. OrageOrage, A. R. (1873–1934), owner-editor of the socialist and literary paper New Age, 1907–24; founder of the New English Weekly, 1932; disciple of G. I. Gurdjieff; proponent of C. H. Douglas’s Social Credit. See further Mairet, A. R. Orage: A Memoir (1936).

Page-Barbour Lectures, The (afterwards After Strange Gods), as yet unwritten, two lectures to be written in two days, finished, TSE stays in Charlottesville during, rewritten for publication, being proofread, approved by D'Arcy, reception, TSE regrets comments on D. H. Lawrence,
Patch, Howard Rollin,
see also Patches, the

10.HowardPatch, Howard Rollin Rollin Patch (1889–1963), scholar of Chaucer, taught medieval literature at Smith College, 1919–57. (In a later year he would tutor Sylvia Plath.) His wife was Helen K. Patch.

reading (TSE's), The Road Back, Hay Fever, sermons of Revd Dr William E. Channing, Racine's Bérénice, in general, the Bible, The Witch of Edmonton again, letters of other authors, a life of Mohammed, a life of Calvin, R. S. Wilson's life of Marcion the Heretic, Living My Life, French detective stories, French novels, recent books on economics and finance, the Epistles of St. Paul, The Lady of the Lake, Letters of Charles Eliot Norton, never deeply or widely enough, The Scarab Murder Case, translation of Dante, detective stories, Letters of Mrs Gaskell and Charles Eliot Norton, second-rate detective story, disinterestedly, for leisure, Vision of God, Faith of a Moralist, Newman's sermons, Birds of the Countryside, Modern Reader's Bible, The Face of Death, René Bazin's Charles de Foucauld, Charles Petrie's Monarchy, Thurber's My Life and Hard Times, Oliver's Endless Adventure (vol. 3), Madame Sorel's memoirs, book on French policing, detective story for committee, The League of Frightened Men, The Garden Murder Case, The Luck of the Bodkins, The House in Paris, The Life of Charles Gore, Middleton Murry's Shakespeare, Dr Goebbels for book committee, A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life, MS of German gunman in Chicago, Shakespeare, to replenish, Middlemarch, the Gospel, City of God, St. John of the Cross, psalm or two a day, Ibsen, Twenty Best Plays of the Modern American Theatre, poems submitted to Criterion, My Name is Million, psalms, especially Psalm 130, Edmund Burke, Lives of the Poets, Virgil,
Ritz, The, TSE gives theatre tea-party at,
Rock, The, TSE invited to write, outlined to the Martin Brownes, as TSE's theatrical apprenticeship, outlined for EH, TSE's motivation in undertaking, four choruses drafted, from which TSE quotes approvingly, TSE busy on the prose, its political, anti-Blackshirt scene, and its censors, its 'bastard' cockney, 'Rahere' scene sent to EH, its production, difficulties of composition, and Patricia Shaw-Page's 'prologue', awaiting final chorus, on the point of completion, cockney dialogue revised, Lord Chamberlain's Office pronounces on, its anti-fascism, in rehearsal, the dress-rehearsal, opening night and reception, cuts pondered, Tandy on cuts to, approaching finale, reception, two connected supper-parties, its choruses, Cornish schoolgirl recites chorus from, quoted by EH, EH on,
Roosevelt, Franklin D., an inspriration to radicals, TSE on prospect of his re-election, TSE's preference in 1936 election, TSE's views on, makes appeal to Hitler, and Italy's declaration of war, re-elected, 'Day of Infamy' speech, compared to Truman,
see also First New Deal
Smith College, TSE's speaking engagement at, which proves luxurious, EH considers matronship at, offers EH job, appoints EH assistant professor, in TSE's recollection, EH installed at, TSE's response to EH's initial response, EH unhappy with work at, reappoints EH, reappoints EH again for two years, compared to Scripps, EH encouraged to stick at, despite feeling unsettled, reappoints and promotes EH again, EH's employment insecurities at, EH considers leaving for war-work, appoints Hallie Flanagan, places staff under assessment, does not renew EH's contract, TSE reflects on EH's time at, EH visits, EH invites TSE to speak at, which TSE declines, EH approaches Marianne Moore for,
Vassar College, and Sweeney Agonistes, TSE's visit remembered and reported, and Hallie Flanagan's role at, TSE remembers his journey to, produces The Tempest,