Emily Hale to TheHale, Emilywritings;x4letter to The Times about King's jubilee;a2 Times
To the Editor of The Times
Sir, - May I ask for a small space in The Times to express the pleasure my family and I have had in sharing in the Jubilee Week?
In a small, lovely Gloucestershire town and in London itself we have been privileged to witness demonstrations small and great in honour of the King and Queen, but each possessing the same loyalty, spontaneous enthusiasm, and eager desire to mark the Jubilee, which has made an unforgettable impression upon us, as well as, I am sure, upon thousands of our fellow-countrymen at home.
We are very proud to be allied to Great Britain and her traditions at this moment and could wish for our own United States of America no better wish than to hold such a position in the eyes of the world as the British Empire holds to-day.
1.EH identifies herself as author of this letter in a cutting held at Smith.
TSEtravels, trips and plansEH's 1934–5 year in Europe;b4May 1935;d7 to Susan Hinkley, 11 May 1935 (Letters 7, 623): ‘Emily has been up to town, and seen the King & Queen, and we took a taxi-ride to see the flood-lighting. I encourage her to come up as often as she can afford to. Between ourselves, I find the Perkins’s, with all their amiability, very trying. To say nothing of the newly arrived aunt [Irene Hale], but then she has just had a holiday in Guernsey with her young friend Jean McPherrin. California was a very great blow to her and it will take her some time to get over the disappointment’ (Houghton).