[Villa Pestillini, 32 via della Piazzola, Firenze]

T. S.Eliot
Faber & Faber Ltd
1 March 1935
Dearest Lady,

ThankPivot ClubTSE gives poetry reading for;a1 youFogerty, ElsieTSE gives poetry-reading to oblige;a5 for your letter of the 26th, which I found at home last night late on returning from the ‘Pivot Club’ (Miss Fogerty’s graduates and pupils) which went off very well indeed, and I am satisfied that it was tactful of me to give them the reading. AuntHinkley, Susan Heywood (TSE's aunt, née Stearns)shares family drama with TSE;b5 Susie’s letter1 amused me (if amuse is the right word) in the way you will have expected: it is so strange that Berkeley Place should have remained in a changing world as one of the fixed immovable points, both physically and spiritually. I put ‘amuse’ in quotes, because there is something very painful to me about all the people who remain unchanged, in that way, limited by exactly the same frontiers. It is odd however that she should devote a whole letter to a burglary, and say nothing about the kidnapping threat to Barbara’s grandson. However, I was pleased by her extremely affectionate tone to you.

IGalitzi, Dr Christineher mannerisms;b8 agree with you about Christine Galitzi. I am surprised however that you should say that most people think her so favoured by fortune: she struck me from the first as an unhappy and unsatisfied person. It is painful to see anyone with such talents and such knowledge, or at least information, so very confused about herself. Her ‘classification’ seems to me only an attempt to rationalise, in the sociological terms that she knows, her own dissatisfactions: it rings very hollow. There is something pathetic about her so very un-French French style, I always think, so farci with phrases as if she wanted to use her whole vocabulary at once; there is something artificial too in her mentioning the name of an American play and then translating it into French! (I am not sure that she has translated it right). This will give me the occasion for writing to her, as it is so long since I received her last letter that I am ashamed to answer that.

DontTrouncer, Margaretpresses manuscript on TSE;a2 feel any responsibility for Mrs. Trouncer. She would have turned up anyway, as I had met her myself once. There are no social complications: she brought a book she has written about Louise de la Vallière, the first maitresse en titre of Louis XIV, whom she depicts as a most saintly person, who ended her life as a Carmelite nun. HerTrouncer, MargaretA Courtesan of Paradise;b3 style is florid, her manner of description luscious, as the title ‘A Courtesan of Paradise’ will indicate. The material is certainly interesting, though the style nearly damns it. She revels in voluptuous description, but says in the preface that she has not described the love passages as she would have liked to do, because ‘she has her soul to keep’. Well, well. Apparently Mrs. Trouncer is not rolling in money, because she said what she wanted was £50 to help her to move house in March. I am getting the book read by a specialist. ThenIovetz-Tereshchenko, N. M.;a1 there is Mr. Iovetz Tereschenko [sc. Tereshchenko], who has written a book on adolescent psychology.2

TooSpender, Stephenand lunching young men generally;b1 many business lunches. Stephen Spender to-day, whom I am fond of, but I find these young lunching men somewhat trying to lunch with; they have bigger appetites than I, and I eat more than I want to keep them company, and I only like half a pint of beer at lunch, and they can drink a pint, and a glass of sherry as well, and then I am sleepy until teatime.

I am so glad you are enjoying Florence. I believe it does agree with you better than Rome.

ITime & Tide;a7 send THE END of my T. & T. correspondence. AlsoLewis, Wyndhamapparently numbers TSE among enemies;a5 the first instalment of Wyndham Lewis, who is doing the notes this month.3 This does not strike me as very good. Wyndham is very unbalanced: I hear that he includes me among his enemies now.

Ton dévoué

1.Not found.

2.N. M. Iovetz-TereshchenkoIovetz-Tereshchenko, N. M. (1895–1954), B.Litt. (Oxon), PhD (London): Russian exile; Orthodox Catholic Christian; university lecturer in psychology: see Biographical Register.

3.See Wyndham Lewis in Time & Tide (2 Mar. 1935), 306. &c.

Fogerty, Elsie, to collaborate on The Rock, her chorus represents The Church, TSE gives poetry-reading to oblige, in rehearsal, her chorus on opening night, in the Archbishop of Canterbury's presence, committed to Mercury Murder revival, her chorus versus Dublin chorus, pioneer of contemporary chorus, Murder's chorus without, puts TSE forward for committee,

2.ElsieFogerty, Elsie Fogerty, CBE, LRAM (1865–1945), teacher of elocution and drama training; founder in 1906 of the Central School of Speech and Drama (Laurence Olivier and Peggy Ashcroft were favourite pupils). Fogerty was to train the chorus for the Canterbury premiere in 1935 of TSE’s Murder in the Cathedral.

Galitzi, Dr Christine, in line for Ariel poem, favoured among EH's Claremont friends, encloses flower in letter, sends TSE photographs, and possible Greek translation of The Waste Land, her mannerisms, EH warned against imitating, asks TSE to communicate with imprisoned husband, her marriage, writes to TSE about husband,

1.DrGalitzi, Dr Christine Christine Galitzi (b. 1899), Assistant Professor of French and Sociology, Scripps College. Born in Greece and educated in Romania, and at the Sorbonne and Columbia University, New York, she was author of Romanians in the USA: A Study of Assimilation among the Romanians in the USA (New York, 1968), as well as authoritative articles in the journal Sociologie româneascu. In 1938–9 she was to be secretary of the committee for the 14th International Congress of Sociology due to be held in Bucharest. Her husband (date of marriage unknown) was to be a Romanian military officer named Constantin Bratescu (1892–1971).

Hinkley, Susan Heywood (TSE's aunt, née Stearns), reports on I. A. Richards, writes to TSE about Hugh Walpole, delighted at Dear Jane's acceptance, retails TSE with ex-son-in-law's adulteries, possibly more perceptive than Eleanor, Eleanor's success might improve, at the second Norton lecture, TSE's occasional poem for, sympathises with TSE over separation, shares family drama with TSE, as correspondent, impediment to intimacy with Eleanor, eventually repelled Ada, reports daughter's reaction to Murder, writes innocently boastful letter, indifferent to war, writes in daughter's stead, in Ada's memory, overbearing mother, 'wambling', dependent on Eleanor,
see also Hinkleys, the
Iovetz-Tereshchenko, N. M., his financial woes, his woes, Master of Balliol petitioned on behalf of, in hospital,

2.N. M. Iovetz-TereshchenkoIovetz-Tereshchenko, N. M. (1895–1954), B.Litt. (Oxon), PhD (London): Russian exile; Orthodox Catholic Christian; university lecturer in psychology: see Biographical Register.

Lewis, Wyndham, EH promised copy of portrait by, indebted to Harriet Weaver, famous evening with Joyce and, remembered in Paris, apparently numbers TSE among enemies, visiting Joyce in 1920 with, asks to paint TSE, TSE sitting for, portrait shown to EH, departed for America, and the fate of TSE's portrait, one of TSE's 'group', his sketch of TSE loaned to Henry, importunes another portrait, his portraits of TSE, second portrait acquired by Magdalene, TSE views first portrait in Durban, Blasting and Bombadiering, The Lion and the Fox,

7.WyndhamLewis, Wyndham Lewis (1882–1957), painter, novelist, philosopher, critic: see Biographical Register.

Pivot Club, TSE gives poetry reading for,
Spender, Stephen, described for EH, poems published by F&F, what TSE represents to, attacks After Strange Gods, his objections to After Strange Gods, and Sweeney rehearsal, and lunching young men generally, evening with JDH, Jennings and TSE, TSE chairs his 'free verse' talk, at the Woolfs with TSE and EH, describes club lunch with TSE, his first marriage, 'Eclipse of the Highbrow' controversy, introduces new wife Natasha, gives musical party, at Lady Colefax's Wavell dinner, part of British contingent at Norwegian dinner, chairs TSE's Whitman talk, which he does in fireman's uniform, at poetry reading to Free Hungarians, takes issue with Roy Campbell, exchanges conciliatory sonnets with TSE, object of Rowse's anger, his German sensibility, an innocent fool, encomium for TSE's 75th, 'Four Poems', The Temple, Trial of a Judge, 'Vienna',

12.Stephen SpenderSpender, Stephen (1909–95), poet and critic: see Biographical Register.

Time & Tide, pays well, TSE's contributions prove controversial, EH objects to TSE's tone in,
Trouncer, Margaret, introduced to TSE by EH, presses manuscript on TSE, which JDH's friend reads, loses baby, on warpath with second book, which TSE is keen on, on to her third book, produces novel, A Courtesan of Paradise,

2.MargaretTrouncer, Margaret Trouncer (1903–82), author of A Courtesan of Paradise: The Romantic Story of Louise de la Vallière, Mistress of Louis XIV (F&F, 1936). See http://archive.thetablet.co.uk/article/18th-december-1982/23/obituary-margaret-trouncer