[1418 East 63d St., Seattle]

T. S.Eliot
Faber & Faber Ltd
26 August 1932
Dearest Lady

This is just a short note of apology – so I shall type the envelope so that you will not have expected more than a line: I shall be able to write very briefly on Monday; then as usual I hope the following week, and one note the week after. AfterCanadaMontreal;a3relatives offer to collect TSE from;a2 that silence, until I reach Montreal. Several relatives have volunteered to bring me down from Montreal by car; but I think I prefer to come quietly by train in the ordinary way. (One set of cousins want me to go to Camden Maine and be conveyed down by yacht!) I have got my American visa – at first was told I must go on the Quota – which means birth certificate, letter from my bankers, letter from my wife giving permission; but finally saw the Consul himself and got a six months visa – renewable if the local police see fit. I am hardly in a state of mind to write an intelligible letter at present; I can only stutter a few words once or twice a week.

IPerkins, Dr John Carroll (EH's uncle)and TSE's King's Chapel address;a4 haveKing's Chapel, Bostonwhich Dr Perkins writes to TSE about;a7 just'Bible as Scripture and as Literature, The'Dr Perkins writes to TSE about;a3 received a kind letter from your uncle about my speaking at King’s Chapel,1 which I shall try to answer on Monday.


1.Revd J. C. Perkins, 11 Aug.: ‘Emily Hale tells me that you are good enough to come to the King’s Chapel one day next winter and review with our Women’s Alliance the poetry of the Bible, – if that is your subject. Although I am not a member of the Alliance I somehow assume responsibility enough in the church to be very grateful to you for your generosity.’

TSE’s talk, given on 1 Dec. 1932, was ‘The Bible as Scripture and as Literature’: CProse 4, 695–708.

'Bible as Scripture and as Literature, The', originally suggested by EH, outlined, Dr Perkins writes to TSE about, yet to be written, TSE turns mind to, finished, and the prospect of Unitarian audience, EH promised copy, tarted up for Princeton,
Canada, Campobello, New Brunswick, Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick, in TSE's recollection, EH holidays on, EH spends autumn on, Montreal, TSE due to arrive at, relatives offer to collect TSE from,
King's Chapel, Boston, EH sends TSE article about, TSE formerly congregant of, EH asks TSE to address, two possible talks suggested for, which Dr Perkins writes to TSE about, TSE attracted to by Dr Perkins, whom he hears preach there, TSE undertakes to attend monthly, TSE's address to, distinguished from unitarianism in St. Louis, EH attends Christmas services at, Edith Perkins requests reading for,
Perkins, Dr John Carroll (EH's uncle), wished speedy recovery, Perkins household apparently restored, and TSE's King's Chapel address, at first Norton lecture, writes about second Norton lecture, supplied with tobacco, unused to intelligent opposition, suggests title for Murder, recommended Endless Adventure, TSE on, novelty birthday-present suggested for, comes by The Achievement of T. S. Eliot, once again preaching, his accent, his versus Eliot-family Unitarianism, reports on TSE from Aban Court, remarks on photograph of TSE, his Pastor Emeritus position endangered, starved of male company, more remote with age, donates Eliotana to Henry's collection, relations with Aunt Edith, ailing, altered with age, and Campden memories, sends photograph of EH portrait, on 1946 reunion with TSE, withdrawn, according to EH, honoured by bas-relief, celebrates 86th birthday, feared for, celebrates 87th birthday, thanks EH for her help, his final illness, dies, elegised by TSE, funeral, obituary and funeral, obituary, TSE receives old clothes of, Miss Lavorgna on, apparently communicated in Anglican churches, Annals of King's Chapel,
see also Perkinses, the

3.DrPerkins, Dr John Carroll (EH's uncle) John Carroll Perkins (1862–1950), Minister of King’s Chapel, Boston: see Biographical Register.