TO Edith Perkins
London W.C.1
IPerkins, Dr John Carroll (EH's uncle)elegised by TSE;i9 do not know what to add to my brief cable except to tell you what you know already, and what must have been said already by many friends: what a good and beautiful person Uncle John was, and how much loved he was. Like every one else who knew him, I shall continue to cherish every memory of this very Christian soul, of essential integrity and innocence. I am so very glad I had that one moment with him before I left – in which the spirit so wonderfully communicated itself in fighting against the physical disability. No preparation for his end in this world can diminish the loss, and no rational consolations are appropriate. I grieve very much for you.
HisChristianityvirtues heavenly and capital;e1possessed by Dr Perkins;d6 ownChristianityvirtues heavenly and capital;e1possessed by Uncle John;e1religion, religious beliefs
You will be much in my mind, as you have been all this past year.
3.DrPerkins, Dr John Carroll (EH's uncle) John Carroll Perkins (1862–1950), Minister of King’s Chapel, Boston: see Biographical Register.