[No surviving envelope]
T. S.Eliot
The London Clinic
Dearest Emily
This is just a note to explain why I have not written before & to thank you for yours of Feb. 2nd. An attack of bronchitis brought me here, & brought on tachycardia. The combination calls for patience; as the bronchitis, which proved tenacious, had to be cured first, as the coughing interfered with the rectification of the heart. But19 Carlyle Mansions, London;b6 a fortunate illness in a way, asMme Amery;a9 my house keeper was very ill with influenza at the same time, and the situation at Carlyle Mansions must have been difficult enough without me.
I am much better this morning, & will answer your letter as soon as I can sit out of bed.
With fondest love
19 Carlyle Mansions, London, TSE's tour of no. 14, its Chelsea environs, TSE on settling down at, its post-war condition, refurbishments to, described, almost habitable, TSE installed at, joined by JDH, TSE's first home for years, servant problems, redecorated, TSE's possessions remain at, no longer TSE's address,