[No surviving envelope]

T. S.Eliot
The London Clinic


Dearest Emily

This is just a note to explain why I have not written before & to thank you for yours of Feb. 2nd. An attack of bronchitis brought me here, & brought on tachycardia. The combination calls for patience; as the bronchitis, which proved tenacious, had to be cured first, as the coughing interfered with the rectification of the heart. But19 Carlyle Mansions, London;b6 a fortunate illness in a way, asMme Amery;a9 my house keeper was very ill with influenza at the same time, and the situation at Carlyle Mansions must have been difficult enough without me.

I am much better this morning, & will answer your letter as soon as I can sit out of bed.

With fondest love
19 Carlyle Mansions, London, TSE's tour of no. 14, its Chelsea environs, TSE on settling down at, its post-war condition, refurbishments to, described, almost habitable, TSE installed at, joined by JDH, TSE's first home for years, servant problems, redecorated, TSE's possessions remain at, no longer TSE's address,
Mme Amery, tolerates TSE's lie-abed ways,

1.MadameMme Amery Amery: housekeeper at 19 Carlyle Mansions, Chelsea.