The Fall of a Sparrow: Vivien Eliot’s Life and Writings

The Fall of a Sparrow, a new work on the life and writings of Vivien Eliot by Ann Pasternak-Slater, is published by Faber & Faber today. Based on a rich repository of primary evidence, much only recently uncovered, it corrects the accidental inaccuracies and deliberate distortions that have circulated around one of Bloomsbury’s most gossiped-about, enigmatic couples, while unveiling fascinating new discoveries that give a more balanced understanding of both partners. READ

The Complete Prose of T. S. Eliot: The War Years, 1940−1946


This month sees the publication of The sixth volume of The Complete Prose of T. S. Eliot covering The war years, 1940-1946. The volume, published online by The Johns Hopkins University Press, includes twenty-seven works that were previously unpublished and a further thirty-eight that were unrecorded in Donald Gallup’s bibliography and are likely to be unfamiliar to Eliot’s readers. READ