Robyn Schiff Wins 2024 Four Quartets Prize

Robyn Schiff, winner of the 2024 Four Quartets Prize

The Poetry Society of America and the T. S. Eliot Foundation are pleased to announce that Robyn Schiff is the winner of the 2024 Four Quartets Prize for her collection Information Desk: An Epic (Penguin Poets, 2023).

She was selected by judges Catherine Barnett, Eduardo C. Corral, and D. A. Powell.

The judges also selected Dong Li’s The Orange Tree (University of Chicago Press, 2023) and Paisley Rekdal’s West: A Translation (Copper Canyon Press, 2023) as finalists for the prize.

Robyn Schiff will receive $20,000, and each finalist will receive $1,000.

The Four Quartets Prize—which was launched in 2018 on the 75th anniversary of the publication of T. S. Eliot’s Four Quartets in a single volume in America, in 1943—is first and foremost a celebration of the multipart poem, and is awarded to a unified and complete sequence of poems published in America in a print or online journal, chapbook, or book in 2023.


The judge’s citation on the Four Quartets Prize winner and biographies of the finalists can be found on the Poetry Society of America’s website here.