‘Such an amazing experience’ – Cal O’Reilly (left) and Leo Kang Beevers (right), 2023 Young Critics, encourage you to apply in 2024.

The T. S. Eliot Prize and The Poetry Society are delighted to invite applications for the third year of the highly praised and hugely successful Young Critics Scheme.

The programme offers a unique development opportunity to ten budding reviewers aged 18 to 25 in the UK and Ireland. Young Critics receive expert, in-depth mentorship to create video reviews of the prestigious T. S. Eliot Prize Shortlist.

In the first two years of the scheme Young Critics’ video reviews have been watched over 60,000 times and shared online by readers, publishers, poets and critics. Several Young Critics have since been invited to review for leading magazines including The Poetry Review, Poetry London and Magma. Look out for forthcoming videos explaining the benefits of taking part from 2023 Young Critics Leo Kang Beevers and Cal O’Reilly.

The selected participants will attend four online workshops on reviewing poetry, editing and video-making, including sessions led by critics Helen Bowell and Isabelle Baafi. Each will be assigned a book from the T. S. Eliot Prize 2024 Shortlist in early October and submit a video review by 20 November 2024.

Young Critics receive copies of all the shortlisted collections and two free tickets to the celebrated T. S. Eliot Prize Readings at the Southbank Centre’s Royal Festival Hall, London, on 12 January 2025 (or free access to the livestream if they are unable to attend in person). They will have the chance to meet each other over dinner and will continue to receive support beyond the programme from The Poetry Society and T. S. Eliot Prize to further develop their reviewing careers.

No previous reviewing or poetry writing experience is required. Applications from writers underrepresented in poetry reviewing are encouraged, including those from Black, Asian and other ethnic minority backgrounds; d/Deaf and disabled writers; working class writers; and LGBTQ+ writers.

Find full details about the programme and submit your application here.