© T. S. Eliot Estate; Emily Hale Letters from T. S. Eliot, 1895–1965, Special Collections, Princeton University Library.

Leonard Woolf


Leonard Woolf (1880–1969): writer and publisher; husband of Virginia Woolf, whom he married in 1912. A friend of Lytton Strachey and J. M. Keynes at Cambridge, he played a central part in the Bloomsbury Group. He wrote novels including The Village and the Jungle (1913), as well as political studies including Socialism and Co-operation (1919) and Imperialism and Civilization (1928). As founder-editor in 1917, with Virginia Woolf, of the Hogarth Press, he was responsible for publishing TSE’s Poems (1919), The Waste Land (1922), and Homage to John Dryden (1923). In 1923 he became literary editor of The Nation & Athenaeum (after TSE had turned the job down), commissioning many reviews from him, and he remained a firm friend. See An Autobiography (2 vols., 1980); Letters of Leonard Woolf, ed. Frederic Spotts (1990); Victoria Glendinning, Leonard Woolf: A Life (2006).